Implementing and sustaining evidence-based practices in long-term care.

Oral Health

The following resource is designed to assist Long-Term Care (LTC) homes with the implementation of Oral Health: Nursing Assessment and Intervention Best Practice Guideline. Documents found in this resource are evidence-based, but it is not a program plan. Each LTC home is unique and each home is in various stages of guideline implementation. LTC homes are advised to use the resource at their discretion. For those resources that have copyright notations, it is recommended that LTC homes obtain permission from the primary author prior to implementing them within their setting. The Toolkit is a dynamic resource, and is being updated and revised on a regular basis by the LTC Best Practices Program team. Visit this site often to see what's new!


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RNAO BPG Gap Analysis- Oral Health Supporting Adults Who Require Assistance

A tool to assist with comparing your organization’s current practice with evidence-based RNAO best practice recommendations.

Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (2022) Gap Analysis -Oral Health Supporting Adults Who Require Assistance. Toronto, ON.


RNAO BPG - Oral Health: Supporting Adults Who Require Assistance (Second Edition)

This best practice guideline (BPG) Oral Health: Supporting Adults Who Require Assistance Second Edition replaces the RNAO BPG Oral Health: Nursing Assessment and Intervention, which was released in 2008. The purpose of this next edition BPG is to provide nurses, the interprofessional team and caregivers with evidence-based recommendations for the provision of oral care for adults (18 years of age and older) that will: (a) promote an interprofessional approach to providing oral care, (b) enhance the delivery of oral care interventions, and (c) ultimately lead to positive oral health outcomes for persons. 

The BPG focuses on providing oral care across health settings to adults who require assistance with oral care in a continuum that ranges from the set-up of oral care supplies to full physical assistance with oral care. This BPG provides recommendations to support the delivery of oral care—including appropriate supervision, prompting and assistance—while still advocating for the person’s independence and autonomy. 

Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (2020). Oral Health: Supporting Adults Who Require Assistance. (2nd ed.). Toronto, ON: Author. Retrieved from

This work is funded by the Government of Ontario.



Exemples d’outils d’évaluation de la santé buccodentaire - OHAT

L'OHAT, également connu sous le nom d'examen abrégé modifié de l'état de la santé bucco-dentaire, fournit un moyen systématique d'évaluer la cavité buccale.

Source: Chalmers, J., P. King, A. Spencer, F. Wright et K. Carter (2005). « The oral health assessment tool – validity and reliability. » Australian Dental Journal, 50(3), p. 191 à 199. Réimpression autorisée.

Association des infirmières et infirmiers autorisés de l’Ontario (AIIAO). Appendix J Santé buccodentaire : Soutenir les adultes qui ont besoin d’aide. 2e  édition. Toronto (Ont.) : RNAO 2020 


Appendix J: Sample Oral Health Assessment Tools

The Oral Health Assessment Tool (OHAT), provides a systematic way to assess an oral cavity.

Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (2020). Appendix J – Sample 2 of Oral Health: Nursing Assessment and Intervention. Toronto, Canada: Author. p. 118.

Source: Chalmers, J., King, P., Spencer, A., Wright, F., & Carter, K. (2005). The oral health assessment tool – validity and reliability. Australian Dental Journal, 50(3). 191-199. Reprinted with the permission.


Exemples d’outils d’évaluation de la santé buccodentaire - THROAT

Ce document est un exemple de l'outil d'évaluation de la santé bucco-dentaire holistique et fiable de l'outil d'évaluation orale (THROAT).

Association des infirmières et infirmiers autorisés de l’Ontario (AIIAO). Appendix J Santé buccodentaire : Soutenir les adultes qui ont besoin d’aide. 2e  édition. Toronto (Ont.) : RNAO 2020  


Better oral health in residential care (staff education and training)

This oral health care planning guideline provides information on a standard protective care regimen, additional oral care treatment, oral care and changed behaviour and palliative care considerations. An Oral Health Care Plan guide is included.

Government of South Australia. (2008). Better oral health care in residential: Oral health care planning guidelines. Retrieved from

Source: Government of South Australia © 2012 SA Health


Oral inspection tips for caregivers

This fact sheet from the British Columbia Dental Association provides a succinct description on how to do an oral exam, along with clear pictures of common oral problems.  It is available in Farsi, Chinese, Tagalog, and Punjabi. There are also video resources connected to this fact sheet.

British Columbia Dental Association. (n.d.).  Oral Inspection Tips for Caregivers.  Retrieved from




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