Managing and Mitigating Conflict in Health-Care Teams
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This Best Practice Guideline focuses on nursing teams and processes that foster healthy work environments. The focus for the development of this guideline was managing conflict among nursing and healthcare teams with the view that while some conflict is preventable, healthy conflict can also be beneficial.
Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2012). Managing and Mitigating Conflict in Health-care Teams. Toronto, ON:
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A tool to assist with comparing your organization’s current practice with evidence-based RNAO best practice recommendations.
Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (2022) Gap Analysis- Managing and Mitigating Conflict in Health-care Team. Toronto, ON.
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St. Joseph’s Health Centre Guelph demonstration site project, funded by Nursing Secretariat of Ontario’s Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, describes approaches to leadership training and other supportive human-resource strategies. The training helped to foster a positive work life for nurses by providing them with the skills and knowledge necessary to lead the care team and to effectively address resident and family issues.
Reference: O’Brien, J., Ringland, M., & Wilson, S. (May 2010). The Demonstration Projects: Advancing Leadership in Long Term Care. Nursing Leadership. Vol. 23 Special Issue. Retrieved from Nurse Executive Leader Toolkit available at
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This booklet provides suggestions for the employer, supervisor and worker to participate in the reduction of bullying in the workplace. A number of samples and tools are provided including a sample workplace bullying policy and a self-test to determine if you are being bullied.
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PSHSA - Public Services Health and Safety Association © 2024
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Our approach to conflict is not a fixed part of our character, it is learned behavour that we can change. Dana Caspersen, author of "Changing the Conversation: The 17 Principles of Conflict Resolution" offers two simple, transformative actions that we can choose, which can fundamentally change the conflict conversations in our lives.
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Reference: Retrieved May 5, 2021 from
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This guideline outlines the key factors associated with conflict with clients, colleagues and in the workplace, and offers strategies for preventing and managing conflict that has escalated. It also highlights the role of nurses in formal leadership positions, as well as the importance of the debriefing process in the prevention and management of conflict.
College of Nurses of Ontario. (2018). Conflict Prevention and Management. Toronto, ON: Author. Retrieved from © 2019 College of Nurses of Ontario
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Conflict is a part of life. Most of us will do almost anything to avoid it. In this video Dr. Jennie Byrne explains a simple healthy nonaggressive step-by-step process for resolving your conflicts or issues with others that can even strengthen your relationships leaving you feeling empowered in your life and in your relationships.
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Reference: Retrieved May 5, 2021 from
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Several case scenarios provide additional information about the impact of the conflict and how conflict can be addressed, managed and/or mitigated.
Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2012, September). Appendix D of Managing and Mitigating Conflict in Health-care Teams Best Practice Guideline. Toronto, ON, Canada: Author. pp.78-82. Retrieved from:
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Les lignes directrices sur les pratiques exemplaires portent principalement sur le personnel infirmier, les équipes soignantes et les processus qui favorisent la mise en place de milieux de travail sains. Ces lignes directrices traitent de la gestion et de l’atténuation des conflits interpersonnels au sein des équipes de soins de santé. Elles partent du principe que même s’il est possible d’éviter certains conflits, des conflits sains peuvent également être bénéfiques.
Association des infirmières et infirmiers autorisés de l’Ontario (2012). La gestion et l’atténuation des conflits dans les équipes de soins de santé. Toronto, Canada : Autheur. Récupéré Ce travail est financé par le Ministère de la Santé et des Soins de longue durée d'Ontario.
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E-Learning Module from PSHSA about Workplace Harassment.
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© Public Services Health and Safety Association
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These tables provide specific behavioural recommendations to support individuals and teams in managing and mitigating conflict in health-care teams.
Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2012, September). Managing and Mitigating Conflict in Health-care Teams Best Practice Guideline. Toronto, ON, Canada: Author. pp.39-41. Retrieved from:
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This Best Practice Guideline focuses on evidence-based recommendations for RNs and RPNs on best nursing practices for developing and sustaining nursing leadership. This guideline addresses: system resources that support effective leadership practices and behaviours for formal leaders and nurses at the point of care; Organizational culture, values and resources that support effective leadership practices and behaviours at all levels; and personal resources that support effective leadership practices across the continuum of care.
Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2013). RNAO Developing and sustaining nursing leadership best practice guideline (2nd Ed.). Toronto, ON, Canada: Author.
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This guideline provides evidence-based recommendations for RNs and RPNs on best nursing practices for developing and sustaining effective staffing and workload practices. When effective staffing and workload practices are not followed the risk for conflict within teams increases. Learn how the decision making process must ensure that appropriate structures and supports are in place to maximize the nursing effort resulting in the best possible care and positive outcomes for the patients/clients, nursing personnel, and the organization
Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2017, ). Developing and Sustaining Effective Staffing and Workload Practices. Toronto, ON, Retrieved from:
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This best practice guideline was developed to assist nurses, nursing leaders, other health professionals and senior managers to enhance positive outcomes for patients/clients (individual/family/group/community), nurses, and the organization through intra-professional collaborative practice. The goal of this best practice guideline is to strengthen collaborative practice among nurses, and explore what fosters healthy work environments for them, aware that collaboration must align with the needs of the patient or client
Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2016). Intra-professional Collaborative Practice among NursesI . Toronto, ON, Retrieved from:
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SBAR TeamSTEPPS Long-term care is a video on using the SBAR tool to improve communication in the team. TeamSTEPPS is an evidence-based framework to optimize team performance across the health care delivery system.
Reference:. TeamSTEPPS®. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) and the Department of Defense (DoD), USA. SBAR TeamSTEPPS Long-term care. Retrieved from
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Addresses team development, team structure, set up, roles and responsibilities and conflict management styles.
Reference: Health Quality Ontario (April 2013). Quality Improvement Primers: Teamwork Primer. Queen’s Printer for Ontario, 2013. Retrived from Health Quality Ontario available at
Individuals may reproduce these materials for their use provided that proper attribution is given to the appropriate source. The recommended citation for this resource guide is: Health Quality Ontario (April 2013). HQO is funded by the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (MOHLTC). The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not reflect the official views of the Ministry.
© Queen’s Printer for Ontario, 2013
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This document presents and discusses the components of the Five Dysfunctions of a Team Model and provides a team assessment tool to determine to what degree the five dysfunctions exist in your team.
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Tips on how to manage and mitigate conflict (e.g. how to be “self-aware” during conflict, five responses to conflict, steps to resolve conflict, questions to ask when conflict arises, barriers to resolution, etc.).
Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2012, September). Managing and Mitigating Conflict in Health-care Teams Best Practice Guideline. Toronto, ON, Canada: Author. pp. 86-88. Retrieved from:
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This guide reviews Lencioni’s 5 dysfunctions of a team model and discusses and provides clear tables related to building trust and what people need to feel trusted, mastering conflict, achieving commitment, engaging in conflict resolution, accountability, and focusing on results.
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The fact sheet from the Public Health and Safety Association describes bullying, how to recognize bullying and tips for preventing workplace bullying. Facts about Workplace Bullying. Downloadable and printable as a resource for team members to learn and understand about Bullying in the workplace.
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© Public Services Health and Safety Association
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Workplace Violence Risk Assessment (WVRAT), can be used to support the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) recommendation that employers assess and control risks of workplace violence. This needs to be done as often as necessary to ensure that organizational policies and programs continue to protect workers.
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© Public Services Health and Safety Association