Developing and Sustaining Nursing Leadership
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A tool to assist with comparing your organization’s current practice with evidence-based RNAO best practice recommendations. To be used with the RNAO Best Practice Guideline, Developing and Sustaining Nursing Leadership, Second Edition, 2013.
Registered Nurses Association of Ontario, Gap Analysis-Developing and Sustaining Nursing Leadership, 2017. Toronto. ON
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This guideline provides evidence-based recommendations for RNs and RPNs on best nursing practices for developing and sustaining nursing leadership. Gain knowledge in leadership practices that result in healthy outcomes for nurses, patients/clients, organizations and systems. This guideline addresses leadership practices and behaviours for formal leaders and nurses at the point of care, personal and system resources, organizational culture, and anticipated outcomes of effective nursing leadership.
Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2013). Developing and sustaining nursing leadership. Toronto, ON, Canada
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This brochure describes evidence-based practices that nurses performing both formal and informal nursing leadership roles can use to enhance their skills. It reviews the Five Practices of Transformational Leadership and includes a Leadership Self-Assessment.
Leadership practices are relationship-based and are fundamental for transforming nurses’ work settings into healthy work environments. These practices can apply to all nursing roles and levels of leadership. Point-of-care nurses who may not think of themselves as leaders will find meaningful examples of leadership at the point-of-care.
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The eLearning series helps nurses navigate conflict, communicate with confidence, and learn how to thrive as clinical leaders in three short courses.
Reference: Centres for Learning, Research .and Innovation in Long-Term Care . (2020). Ontario Centres for Learning, Research & Innovation in LTC. Retrieved from Find a Course – Ontario CLRI eLearning Hub (
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Coming August 2017 CNA is updating its 2008 Code of Ethics for Registered Nurses to ensure it reflects societal changes and the needs of nurses in their practice. Stay tuned for more information! - See more at:
Canadian Nurses Association. (2008, June). Code of Ethics for Registered Nurses. Ottawa, ON, Canada: Author. Retrieved from
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This guideline outlines the key factors associated with conflict with clients, colleagues and in the workplace, and offers strategies for preventing and managing conflict that has escalated. It also highlights the role of nurses in formal leadership positions, as well as the importance of the debriefing process in the prevention and management of conflict.
College of Nurses of Ontario. (2018). Conflict Prevention and Management. Toronto, ON: Author. Retrieved from © 2019 College of Nurses of Ontario
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This resource outlines organizational recommendations and anticipated outcomes related to embracing cultural diversity in health care and developing cultural competence.
Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2007, April). Embracing Cultural Diversity in Health Care: Developing Cultural Competence Best Practice Guideline. Toronto, ON, Canada: Author. pp. 36-37. Retrieved from
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Several case scenarios provide additional information about the impact of the conflict and how conflict can be addressed, managed and/or mitigated.
Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2012, September). Appendix D of Managing and Mitigating Conflict in Health-care Teams Best Practice Guideline. Toronto, ON, Canada: Author. pp.78-82. Retrieved from:
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This resource provides implementation tips and strategies for embracing cultural diversity.
Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2007, April). Appendix F of Embracing Cultural Diversity in Health Care: Developing Cultural Competence Best Practice Guideline. Toronto, ON, Canada: Author. p.82. Retrieved from:
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This article contains practical lists such as “Kotter’s 8 Stage Process to Creating Major Change”, “Eight Reasons for Resisting Change”, and ”6 Methods for Dealing with Resistance to Change”.
Reference: Nguyen, Steve.(2010) Kotter's 8 Stage Process to Creating Major Change. Retrieved from:
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Les lignes directrices sur les pratiques exemplaires portent principalement sur le personnel infirmier, les équipes soignantes et les processus qui favorisent la mise en place de milieux de travail sains. Ces lignes directrices traitent de la gestion et de l’atténuation des conflits interpersonnels au sein des équipes de soins de santé. Elles partent du principe que même s’il est possible d’éviter certains conflits, des conflits sains peuvent également être bénéfiques.
Association des infirmières et infirmiers autorisés de l’Ontario (2012). La gestion et l’atténuation des conflits dans les équipes de soins de santé. Toronto, Canada : Autheur. Récupéré Ce travail est financé par le Ministère de la Santé et des Soins de longue durée d'Ontario.
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Cette ligne directrice sur les pratiques exemplaires en soins infirmières et infirmiers est un document détaillé comportant les ressources nécessaires au soutien de la pratique basée sur des données probantes. Un milieu de travail sain, c’est un milieu de pratique qui maximise la santé et le bien-être des infirmières, des résultats de qualité chez le patient ou client, le rendement de l’organisation et du système, et les retombées sociales, y compris des collectivités en meilleure santé.
Association des infirmières et infirmiers autorisés de l’Ontario (2013). Lignes directrices sur le développement et le maintien du leadership infirmier, (2em Ed.). Toronto, ON, Canada: Auteur. Récupérée de Ce travail est financé par le Ministère de la Santé et Ministère des Soins de longue durée d'Ontario
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This resource outlines organizational recommendations for managing and mitigating conflict in health-care teams.
Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2012, September). Managing and Mitigating Conflict in Health-care Teams Best Practice Guideline. Toronto, ON, Canada: Author. pp.32-34. Retrieved from
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The Preceptor Education Program is an online interprofessional program that consists of nine interactive learning modules. The modules include downloadable resources, learning exercises, video case scenarios and references. Learning is self-directed in that modules are self-directed and do not need to be completed in any particular order. Many of the modules are designed so that preceptors and students can work through them together. After completing a reflective note, a certificate can be printed at the end of each module to record the education completed.
Reference: Kinsella, E.A., Bossers, A., Ferguson, K., Jenkins, K., Bezzina, M.B., MacPhail, A., Moosa, T., Schurr, S., Whitehead, J. & Hobson, S. (2016). Preceptor Education Program for health professionals and students. (2nd ed.) London, ON: The University of Western Ontario. Retrieved from:
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This self-directed e-learning module reviews the professional responsibilities and accountabilities of all nurses in Ontario.
Copyright © College of Nurses of Ontario, 2013.
College of Nurses of Ontario. (2013, July). Professional Standards [Online]. Toronto, ON, Canada: Author. Retrieved from
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This resource identifies recommendations for individuals embracing diversity in health-care.
Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2007, April). Embracing Cultural Diversity in Health Care: Developing Cultural Competence Best Practice Guideline. Toronto, ON, Canada: Author. pp.30-31. Retrieved from:
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These tables provide specific behavioural recommendations to support individuals and teams in managing and mitigating conflict in health-care teams.
Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2012, September). Managing and Mitigating Conflict in Health-care Teams Best Practice Guideline. Toronto, ON, Canada: Author. pp.39-41. Retrieved from:
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This appendix contains several short tools and approaches to use when promoting respect or responding to disrespectful behavior.
Reference: Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (September 2012). Managing and Mitigating Conflict in Health-care Teams Best Practice Guideline. Toronto, ON: RNAO. pp. 83-84.
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This guideline provides evidence-based recommendations for RNs and RPNs on best nursing practices for developing and sustaining effective staffing and workload practices. When effective staffing and workload practices are not followed the risk for conflict within teams increases. Learn how the decision making process must ensure that appropriate structures and supports are in place to maximize the nursing effort resulting in the best possible care and positive outcomes for the patients/clients, nursing personnel, and the organization
Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2017, ). Developing and Sustaining Effective Staffing and Workload Practices. Toronto, ON, Retrieved from:
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This Best Practice Guideline focuses on nursing teams and processes that foster healthy work environments. The focus for the development of this guideline was managing conflict among nursing and healthcare teams with the view that while some conflict is preventable, healthy conflict can also be beneficial.
For the purpose of this document, conflict is defined as: a phenomenon occurring between interdependent parties as they experience negative emotional reactions to perceived disagreements and interference with the attainment of their goals (Barki & Hartwick, 2004).
Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2012). Managing and Mitigating Conflict in Health-care Teams. Toronto, ON:
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Learn to identify professional practices that enhance outcomes for nurses, the recipients of nursing services, organizations and systems.
Through implementation of this guideline, you will learn:
- To identify the organizational culture, values and relationships and the structures and processes required for developing and sustaining effective professional practices
- Professional practice involves structures and processes needed to achieve outcomes.
Ensuring professional practice standards involves being accountable to your workplace for your actions and the implementation of a high ethical standard. Through translating knowledge into action, professional practice standards are met.
This guideline provides evidence-based recommendations for RNs and RPNs on best nursing practices for professionalism in nursing.
Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2007). Professionalism in nursing. Toronto, ON, Canada: Author. Retrieved from:
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A guideline to help nurses use social media in a professional manner.
Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2013). Social media guidelines for nurses. Retrieved from
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This table lists strategies that may be used by leaders to build relations and trust with individuals as well as teams, units and organizations.
Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2013, July). Developing and Sustaining Nursing Leadership Best Practice Guideline, Second Edition. Toronto, ON, Canada: Author. p. 35. Retrieved from:
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This resource outlines suggested strategies for leading and sustaining change.
Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2013, July). Developing and Sustaining Nursing Leadership Best Practice Guideline, Second Edition. Toronto, ON, Canada: Author. p.52. Retrieved from
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This table lists suggested strategies for individuals, teams/units and organizations who want to create an environment that supports knowledge development and integration.
Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2013, July). Developing and Sustaining Nursing Leadership Best Practice Guideline, Second Edition. Toronto, ON, Canada: Author. p.47. Retrieved from
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This resource summarizes the eight professional attributes in nursing.
Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2007, March). Professionalism in Nursing. Toronto, ON, Canada: Author. pp. 26-27. Retrieved from:
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These brochures (Developing and Sustaining Nursing Leadership Tips and Tools & Point-of-Care Leadership Tips and Tools for Nurses) are designed to describe evidence-based practices that nurses performing both formal and informal nursing leadership roles can use to enhance their skills.
Leadership practices are relationship-based and are fundamental for transforming nurses’ work settings into healthy work environments. These practices can apply to all nursing roles and levels of leadership. Point-of-care nurses who may not think of themselves as leaders will find meaningful examples of leadership at the point-of-care.
A self-assessment tool is inlcuded in the Tips and Tools
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Tips on how to manage and mitigate conflict (e.g. how to be “self-aware” during conflict, five responses to conflict, steps to resolve conflict, questions to ask when conflict arises, barriers to resolution, etc.).
Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2012, September). Managing and Mitigating Conflict in Health-care Teams Best Practice Guideline. Toronto, ON, Canada: Author. pp. 86-88. Retrieved from: