Implementing and sustaining evidence-based practices in long-term care.

Mental Health

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    A tool to assist with comparing your organization’s current practice with evidence-based RNAO best practice recommendations.

    Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (2022) Gap Analysis-Engaging Clients Who Use Substances. Toronto, ON

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    Canadian Centre for Effective Practice has developed resources for the care of adults living with mental health and addiction. Keeping Your Patients Safe: A Guide to Primary Care Management of Mental Health and Addictions-related Risks and Functional Impairments Tool is designed to assist primary care providers in identifying, assessing and managing risks in a patient with diagnosed, undiagnosed or changing mental health conditions.

    Reference: Canadian Centre for Effective Practice (2017). Adult Mental Health. Retrieved from 

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    Anxiety symptoms are extremely common. In the primary care setting, a major task is to determine whether the symptoms are a reaction to a distressing situation, indications of an anxiety or other psychiatric disorder such as depression, or signs of a non-psychiatric condition. This resource provides clinical tools for screening, assessment, diagnosis, and treatment.

    Reference: Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (2022). Anxiety Disorders. Retrieved from


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    The CCSMH has developed guidelines including The Assessment and Treatment of Mental Health Issues in Long-Term Care Homes, as well as guidelines on a range of related topics such as Delirium, Depression and Suicide Prevention.  Website:

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    The Canadian Mental Health Association website offers free resources on mental health, including depression, bipolar disorder, grief and mental illness. Local chapters include important workshops, including Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST).

    Reference: Canadian Mental Health Association Website Retrieved from

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    This document from Mood Disorders Society of Canada considers a variety of strategies to manage depression in older persons.

    Reference: Mood Disorders Society of Canada (n.d.) Depression in Elderly, retrieved from 

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    This Government of Ontario website contains the Mental Health Act 1990 and Regulation that falls under it.

    Reference: Mental Health Act 1990 Website:

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    The Mental Health First Aid courses focus on the most common mental health disorders related to substances, mood, anxiety, trauma and psychosis.

    Reference: Mental Health Commission of Canada (2017). Mental Health First Aid Canada. Retrieved from  

    © 2017 Mental Health Commission of Canada

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    Website full of educational resources with a great search engine pertaining to suicide and the elderly.

    Reference: Baycrest [Online] Available:

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    This website contains many useful resources for understanding depression, bipolar disorder, suicidality. There is an education tab with links to training modules. Useful supportive strategies can be found under the support tab.

    Reference: Website: