Implementing and sustaining evidence-based practices in long-term care.

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     A tool to assist with comparing your organization’s current practice with evidence-based RNAO best practice recommendations.

    Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (2023) . Gap Analysis-Transitions in Care and Service, 2nd edition. Toronto, ON


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    This best practice guideline is focused on preventing and addressing abuse and neglect of older adults throughout various health-care institutions and community settings in Canada. It outlines recommendations for nurses and other health-care providers, educators, health-care organizations, advocacy groups, nursing regulatory bodies and governments. Implementation resources in development include an e-learning course, a health education fact sheet, and a personal digital assistant (PDA) version of the guideline.

    This guideline is part of an initiative funded by the Government of Canada’s New Horizons for Seniors Program and builds on a collaborative project between the Canadian Nurses Association (CNA) and RNAO, titled Promoting the Awareness of Elder Abuse in Long-Term Care.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2014). Preventing and Addressing Abuse and Neglect of Older Adults: Person-Centred, Collaborative, System-Wide Approaches. Toronto, ON: Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. Retrieved from


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    This best practice guideline (BPG) Oral Health: Supporting Adults Who Require Assistance Second Edition replaces the RNAO BPG Oral Health: Nursing Assessment and Intervention, which was released in 2008. The purpose of this next edition BPG is to provide nurses, the interprofessional team and caregivers with evidence-based recommendations for the provision of oral care for adults (18 years of age and older) that will: (a) promote an interprofessional approach to providing oral care, (b) enhance the delivery of oral care interventions, and (c) ultimately lead to positive oral health outcomes for persons. 

    The BPG focuses on providing oral care across health settings to adults who require assistance with oral care in a continuum that ranges from the set-up of oral care supplies to full physical assistance with oral care. This BPG provides recommendations to support the delivery of oral care—including appropriate supervision, prompting and assistance—while still advocating for the person’s independence and autonomy. 

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (2020). Oral Health: Supporting Adults Who Require Assistance. (2nd ed.). Toronto, ON: Author. Retrieved from 

    This work is funded by the Government of Ontario.



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    The best practice guideline (BPG) A Proactive Approach to Bladder and Bowel Management in Adults, Fourth Edition replaces the RNAO BPGs Promoting Continence Using Prompted Voiding and Prevention of Constipation in the Older Adult Population, both of which were last updated in 2011. This BPG provides evidence-based recommendations for effective strategies to support adults (aged 18 years and older) who live with urinary incontinence, fecal incontinence and/or constipation that will improve quality of care and lead to positive health outcomes.

    The BPG includes good practice statements on conducing a focused initial assessment and recommendation areas that address the following: toileting strategies, physical activity, adequate intake of fibre and/or fluids, interprofessional approach and bowel protocol.

    This BPG can be used by nurses, members of the interprofessional team and caregivers across the continuum of care and in all domains of practice such as administration, clinical, education, policy and research.  The evidence-based recommendations in this BPG are applicable to all practice settings where persons who live with urinary incontinence, fecal incontinence and/or constipation are accessing services (e.g., acute care, long-term care, primary and community care, and rehabilitation settings).

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (RNAO). A proactive approach to bladder and bowel management in adults. 4th ed. Toronto (ON): RNAO; 2020.


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    Increase your comfort, confidence and competence in this practice area, in order to enhance safety for your clients and to lower the impact of suicide to society. The goal of this best practice guideline is to provide nurses with recommendations, based on the best available evidence, related to the assessment and care of adults at risk for suicidal ideation and behaviour.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2009). Assessment and Care of Adults at Risk for Suicidal Ideation and Behaviour. Toronto, ON, Canada: Author. Retrieved from

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    This nursing Best Practice Guideline (BPG) is intended to replace the RNAO (2010) BPGs Screening for Delirium, Dementia and Depression in Older Adults and Caregiving Strategies for Older Adults with Delirium, Dementia and Depression. It is to be used by nurses and other members of the interprofessional health-care team to enhance the quality of their practice pertaining to delirium, dementia, and depression in older adults, ultimately optimizing clinical outcomes through the use of evidence-based practices.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2016). Delirium, Dementia, and Depression in Older Adults: Assessment and Care. Toronto, ON, Canada: Author. Retrieved from

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    This BPG replaces two RNAO BPGs: Reducing Foot Complications for People with Diabetes (7) published in 2007 and Assessment and Management of Foot Ulcers for People with Diabetes (8) published in 2013. These BPGs were merged because of the overlapping clinical concepts in each BPG.

    The purpose of this third edition guideline is to provide nurses and members of the interprofessional team, persons at risk of or living with a Diabetic Foot Ulcers (DFU) and their care partners with evidence-based recommendations on the prevention, assessment and management of DFUs.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (2024). RNAO Diabetic foot ulcers: Prevention, assessment and management, Third edition. Toronto, ON: Author. Retrieved from: http://

    This work is funded by the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care.

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    This guideline focuses on recommendations for adults, aged 18 years and older, who have reached the part of the illness trajectory that includes the last days and hours of life. This guideline will provide evidence- based recommendations for Registered Nurses and Registered Practical Nurses on best nursing practices for end-of-life care during the last days and hours.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (2011). End-of-life care during the last days and hours. Toronto, ON: Author. Retrieved from


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    This Best Practice Guideline (BPG) Pain: Prevention, assessment and management (Fourth Ed.), replaces the RNAO BPG Assessment and Management of Pain, Third Edition.

    The purpose of this fourth edition guideline is to provide nurses and the interprofessional team with evidence-based guidance for the prevention, assessment and management of all types of pain across the lifespan. This BPG recognizes that people at risk of or experiencing any type of pain across the lifespan and their families are experts in their health and decision-making; collaboration among the interprofessional team, the person receiving care and their family (if applicable) is therefore essential to achieving improved health outcomes.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2025). Pain: Prevention, assessment and management. (Fourth Ed.). Toronto, ON: Author. Retrieved from:

    This work is funded by the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care.


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    The purpose of this guideline is to outline evidence-based approaches for preventing falls and reducing fall injuries for adults.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario.  (2017).  RNAO Prevention of Falls and Reducing Injury from Falls Best Practice Guideline. (4th Ed.).  Toronto, ON: Author.

     This work is funded by the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care

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    Nurses require knowledge and evidence on the use of alternative approaches to the use of restraints. The promotion of safe evidence based care is the goal to prevent the untoward incidents from the use of restraints. This guideline offers nurses a model which will help them to examine their approach to the use of restraints within their practice.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2012). RNAO Promoting Safety: Alternative Approaches to the Use of Restraints. Toronto, ON: Author. Retrieved from

     This work is funded by the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care



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    Supporting Adults who Anticipate or Live with an Ostomy is a best practice guideline (BPG) that provides nurses and the interprofessional team with evidence-based recommendations for the most effective strategies to support adults (18 years and older) who anticipate or live with an ostomy. The purpose of this BPG is to (a) promote self-management, (b) enhance access and delivery of care, and (c) lead to positive health outcomes in adults who anticipate or live with an ostomy.

    The BPG has 6 evidence-based recommendations that address the following: access to Nurses Specialized in Wound, Ostomy, and Continence (NSWOC) to support comprehensive care, the need for a standardized ostomy care program within health service organizations, guidance on the prevention of parastomal hernias, and quality of life assessments in adults who anticipate or live with an ostomy.

    This BPG can be used by nurses across the continuum of care and in all domains of practice—such as clinical, research, education, policy, and administration—and members of the interprofessional team. It can also be used by organizations in which they are employed. The evidence-based recommendations in this BPG are applicable to all practice settings where adults who anticipate or live with an ostomy are accessing services (such as, but not limited to, acute care, long-term care, community settings, and rehabilitation settings).

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2019). Supporting adults who anticipate or live with an ostomy. Toronto, ON: Author. Retrieved from 


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    A tool to assist with comparing your organization’s current practice with evidence-based RNAO best practice recommendations.

    Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (2022). Gap Analysis- A Proactive Approach to Bladder and Bowel Management. Toronto. ON

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    A tool to assist with comparing your organization’s current practice with evidence-based RNAO best practice recommendations.

    Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (2022) Gap Analysis-Adult Asthma Care- Promoting Control of Asthma. Toronto. ON


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    A tool to assist with comparing your organization’s current practice with evidence-based RNAO best practice recommendations.

    Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (2022) Gap Analysis-Assessment and Care of Adults at Risk for Suicidal Ideation and Behaviour. Toronto. ON

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    A tool to assist with comparing your organization’s current practice with evidence-based RNAO best practice recommendations.

    Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (2022) Gap Analysis-Delirium, Dementia and Depression in Older Adults . Toronto, ON.


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    A tool to assist with comparing your organization’s current practice with evidence-based RNAO best practice recommendations.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (2024). RNAO Diabetic foot ulcers: Prevention, assessment and management, Third edition. Toronto, ON: Author

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    A tool to assist with comparing your organization’s current practice with evidence-based RNAO best practice recommendations.

    Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (2022)Gap Analysis-End-of-Life Care During Last Days and Hours. Toronto. ON

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    A tool to assist with comparing your organization’s current practice with evidence-based RNAO best practice recommendations.

    Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (2022)Gap Analysis-Nursing Care of Dyspnea- The 6th Vital Sign in Individuals with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Toronto. ON


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    A tool to assist with comparing your organization’s current practice with evidence-based RNAO best practice recommendations.

    Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (2022) Gap Analysis -Oral Health Supporting Adults Who Require Assistance. Toronto, ON.

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    A tool to assist with comparing your organization’s current practice with evidence-based RNAO best practice recommendations.

    Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (2022) Gap Analysis-Ostomy Care and Management. Toronto. ON


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    A tool to assist with comparing your organization’s current practice with evidence-based RNAO best practice recommendations.

    Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (2022)Gap Analysis- Palliative Approach to Care in the Last 12 Months of Life. Toronto. ON

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    A tool to assist with comparing your organization’s current practice with evidence-based RNAO best practice recommendations.

    Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (2022) Gap Analysis- Person and Family Centred Care. Toronto, ON.

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    A tool to assist with comparing your organization’s current practice with evidence-based RNAO best practice recommendations.

    Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (2022) Gap Analysis Preventing and Addressing Abuse and Neglect of Older Adults. Toronto, ON

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    A tool to assist with comparing your organization’s current practice with evidence-based RNAO best practice recommendations.

    Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (2022) Gap Analysis- Preventing Falls and Reducing Injury from Falls. Toronto. ON

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    A tool to assist with comparing your organization’s current practice with evidence-based RNAO best practice recommendations.

    Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (2022) Gap Analysis Promoting Safety: Alternative Approaches to the Use of Restraints. Toronto, ON

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    A tool to assist with comparing your organization’s current practice with evidence-based RNAO best practice recommendations.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2024).  Pressure injury management: Risk assessment, prevention and treatment, Fourth Edition. Toronto, ON: Author. Retrieved from:

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    A tool to assist with comparing your organization’s current practice with evidence-based RNAO best practice recommendations.

    Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (2022) Gap Analysis-Assessment and Management of Venous Leg Ulcers. Toronto, ON.

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    A tool to assist with comparing your organization’s current practice with evidence-based RNAO best practice recommendations.

    Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (2022) Gap Analysis-Engaging Clients Who Use Substances. Toronto, ON

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    The Person-and Family-Centred Care best practice guideline can be used to enhance the quality of partnerships between health-care providers with individuals accessing care, ultimately improving clinical outcomes. It is important to acknowledge that person- and family-centred care focuses on the whole person as a unique individual and not just on their illness or disease. By viewing the individual through this lens, health-care providers come to know and understand the person’s life story, experience of health, the role of family in the person’s life, and the role they may play in supporting the person to achieve health.

    This guideline provides best practice recommendations in three main areas:

    • Practice recommendations are directed primarily to those who provide direct care to persons in health-system settings and in the community.

    • Education recommendations are directed to those responsible for staff and student education.

    • System, organization, and policy recommendations apply to managers, administrators, policy-makers, nursing regulatory bodies, academic institutions, and government bodies.

    Recommendations in these three areas are most effective when implemented together. This guideline replaces the previous BPG Client Centred Care.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (2015). Person-and family-centred care. Toronto, ON, Canada: Author.

    This work is funded by the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care.  

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    A summary of the recommendations of RNAOs Best Practice Guideline on Preventing Falls and Reducing Injury from Falls (4th ed.).

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario.  (2017).  RNAO Prevention of Falls and Reducing Injury from Falls Best Practice Guideline. (4th Ed.).  Toronto, ON: Author. (p.11-14).


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    This best practice guideline (BPG) provides evidence-based recommendations to nurses and the interprofessional health team who support adults experiencing the last 12 months of a progressive life-limiting illness, and their families and caregivers. 

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (2020). A Palliative Approach to Care in the Last 12 months of Life. Toronto, ON: Author.

    Retrieved from:

    © 2020 RNAO. All rights reserved

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    The purpose of this guideline is to provide nurses, members of the interprofessional team and other collaborators (i.e., administrators and policy-makers) with evidence-based recommendations for risk assessment, prevention, and treatment of pressure injuries . 

    This BPG provides evidence-based recommendations for nurses, and the interprofessional team, and persons and their caregivers across all care settings and sectors. The recommendations address the prevention of pressure injuries for at-risk people, and the assessment and management of those living with pressure injuries.

    Overall, the scope includes: all domains of nursing practice; all health-care settings and sectors; all populations across the lifespan (e.g., pediatric, adult and older adult), including their caregiver/chosen family and all types of pressure injuries, including those medical device-related.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2024).   Pressure injury management: Risk assessment, prevention and treatment, Fourth Edition. Toronto, ON: Author. Retrieved from:

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    A tool to assist with comparing your organization’s current practice with evidence-based RNAO best practice recommendations.

    Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (2025) Gap Analysis: Pain: Prevention, assessment & management, Fourth Ed. Toronto, ON.


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    The purpose of the Transitions in Care and Services guideline is to provide evidence-based recommendations for nurses and members of the interprofessional team, organizations and the health system to support safe and effective transitions in care for pediatric (17 years and younger) and adult (18 years and older) persons and their support network. This BPG recognizes that persons and their support network who are encountering a transition in care are experts in their health and decision-making. Collaboration among the interprofessional team, the person receiving care and their support network is therefore essential to achieving improved health outcomes. 

    This BPG replaces the RNAO BPG Care Transitions published in 2014 (5).

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (RNAO). Transitions in care and services. 2nd ed. 2023, Toronto (ON).

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    On April 11, 2023, changes to Ontario Regulation 246/22 (the "Regulation") under the Fixing Long-Term Care Act, 2021 (the "Act") came into effect.
    Informed by engagement with key partners and stakeholders, as well as feedback from the public, the Ministry of Long-Term Care (the "Ministry") has refined the regulatory framework with consideration of the lived experience of residents and long-term care homes and emerging needs in the sector.

    Retrieved from:

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    This free to join Community of Practice contains Modules on such topics as how wounds heal, wound assessment and wound packing. The site also has links to Canadian association of Wound Care, Diabetic Foot Canada, and several YouTube webinars on a variety of related topics

    BC Patient Safety and Quality Council. (n.d.). elearning modules: Skin and wound care. Retreived from

    Copyright 2016 BCPSQC. All Rights Reserved.

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    The resource list includes standardized terms used when referring to support surfaces. The National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel, (NPIAP) developed these terms and definitions to allow for standard, and clear language when describing support surfaces. Key terms are listed and the full publication can be accessed here: Finalized_T&D_2024.pdf

    Source: National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel (NIPAP). Support surfaces standards initiative (S31): Terms and definitions related to support surfaces. NIPAP; 2019.

    Reference: Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario, (2024). Appendix O of Pressure injury management: Risk assessment, prevention and treatment - Fourth edition. Toronto, Canada: Author. pp. 113-114.

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    This presentation reviews strategies of sizing and distribution for improving continence product usage. Developed by Deb Jenkins, APN, Improving Continence Care Collaborative Co-lead, SHRTN Community of Practice. December 2011.

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    The case study and its accompanying discussion guide were developed for educational purposes in long-term care homes to promote use of the RNAO Delirium, Dementia, and Depression in Older Adults: Assessment and Care BPG. This resource provides the necessary instructions to hold a facilitated discussion with long-term care staff.  Overall goals of the case study and discussion guide are to:

    • Actively engage participants in discussions about delirium, dementia, and depression
    • Help long-term care staff identify the differences between delirium, dementia, and depression
    • Help long-term care staff become familiar with key resources they can use at the point-of-care to support identification of delirium, dementia, and depression
    • Reinforce best practices for the care of delirium, dementia, depression in older adults

    Reference: Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2017). Delirium, Dementia, and Depression in Older Adults: Assessment and Care. Toronto, ON, Canada: Author. Retrieved from

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    The 4AT is a validated rapid assessment test for delirium and cognitive impairment. It is widely used in routine clinical practice in the UK and internationally. It is free for download and use.

    Reference: MacLullich, A., Ryan, T. and Cash, H. (2014). 4AT Rapid Assessment Test for Delirium. Retrieved from

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    5 Questions to Ask about Your Medications is a guide to help persons and their support network start conversations with health providers about their medications (168). Ensuring persons are active partners in their care, and ensuring they receive important information about their medications helps promote medication safety. It may be particularly helpful for persons to ask the following five questions about their medications when attending appointments with their primary care providers, communicating with their community pharmacist, and when preparing for a transition from hospital to home. The 5 Questions to Ask About Your Medications resource is available in 30 languages.

    Source: Reprinted with permission from: Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP) Canada, The Canadian Patient Safety Institute (CPSI), Patients for Patient Safety Canada (PFPSC), et al. 5 questions to ask about your medications [Internet]. Toronto (ON): ISMP Canada; 2016. Co-published with CPSI and CFPSC. Available from: 

    Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario. (2023). Appendix K of Transitions in Care and Services. (Second Ed.). Toronto, ON: Author.  pp. 128 . 

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    This is a comprehensive guide for caregivers caring for a stroke survivor by March of Dimes program, Stroke Recovery Canada. It provides information and tips on stroke recovery for caregivers.
    Reference: March of Dimes. (n.d.). Stroke Recovery Canada. Caregivers guide to stroke recovery (2nd ed).

    Retrieved from:

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    This Guide summarizes the main points of The Substitute Decisions Act. It should not be used as a substitute for the legislation, and it is not a substitute for legal advice. To make the legislation easier to understand, the Guide avoids legal terminology wherever possible.

    Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association. (2004). A Guide to Substitute Decisions Act. Retrieved from


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    This handout features promising practices to help move long-term care homes towards becoming safe, welcoming and inclusive spaces for the 2SLGBTQI+ community. It was developed as a supplement to the presentation delivered at the AdvantAge Ontario Convention on “A Home for All: Making Long-Term Care Welcoming for 2SLGBTQI+ People” in May 2019. This work stems from the Ontario Centres for Learning, Research and Innovation in Long-Term Care (CLRI)’s Supporting Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Group.

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    A presentation on improving continence care developed in 2004 by the IC-5 project with Ontario Women’s Health Council.

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    This model guides all activities related to hospice palliative care, and develop local standards of practice.  The model is built on an understanding of health, the illness and bereavement experiences, and the role hospice palliative care plays in relieving suffering and improving quality of life. 

    Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association. (March 2002). A Model to Guide Hospice Palliative Care: Based on National Principles and Norms of Practice.  Ottawa, ON: Author.  Retrieved from

    Copyright © 2002, Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association. All Rights Reserved.

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    This guide was developed by Saint Elizabeth and Yee Hong Centre for Geriatric Care to share the experiences and insights after implementing person-centred care (PCC) workshops with personal support workers (PSWs) within the two organizations. Reference: Saint Elizabeth. (October 2013). A practical guide to implementing person-centred care education for PSWs in the home, community and long-term care sectors.

    Bender, D. (2013). A practical guide to implementing person-centred care education for PSWs in the home, community and long-term care sectors. Retrieved from


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    The Abbey Pain Scale is an instrument designed to assist in the assessment of pain in patients who are unable to clearly articulate their needs, for example, patients with dementia, cognition or communication issues. The scale does not differentiate between distress and pain, so measuring the effectiveness of pain-relieving interventions is essential.

    Abbey, J; De Bellis, A; Piller, N; Esterman, A; Giles, L; Parker, D and Lowcay, B. Funded by the JH & JD Gunn Medical Research Foundation 1998 – 2002. This document may be reproduced with this acknowledgment retained.










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    This template is helpful in identifying and altering the antecedent and consequences to change behaviour.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2012). Appendix L of Promoting Safety: Alternative Approaches to the Use of Restraints. Toronto, Canada: Author.  (p. 113). Retrieved from

    Source: Omelan, C. (2006). CME: Approach to Managing Behavioural Disturbances in Dementia. Canadian Family Physician, February, 52, p. 193 Reprinted with permission from the Canadian Family Physician

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    The brochure has resources to guide those caring for First Nations and Indigenous peoples related to advanced care planning. Although created in BC, it can be applicable to Ontario residents.

    Retrieved from:

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    This fact sheet from The Canadian Continence Foundation provides an overview of fecal incontinence, lifestyle changes and treatments. Available in a print out version. 

    Retrieved from:

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    Key facts about the abuse of older people in both community and institutional settings globally is presented, including emerging evidence that indicates the prevalence of abuse of older people increased during the COVID-19 pandemic. Consequences, risk factors and prevention of abuse of older people is discussed.,to%202%20billio

    Copyright @ 2023 WHO 

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    This website provides an overview of the Accreditation Canada program for long-term care called, Qmentum Global for Long-Term Care.
    Reference: Accreditation Canada (n.d.). Qmentum Global for Long-Term Care.

    Retrieved from:

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    Health HQ Neuropathic Pain Resources - This website provides access to resources related to neuropathic pain.

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    A list of organization and resources for pain prevention, assessment and management. 

    Reference: Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2025). Appendix F of Pain: Prevention, assessment and management. (Fourth Ed.). Toronto, ON: Author. pp. 97. 

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    Toolkit contains easy to use resources to support uptake of the guideline at practice, education, policy, organizational and systems levels. The toolkit includes a E-Learning course (4 modules) on Elder Abuse for leadership and staff with various knowledge-based activities and supplementary resources.

    Reference: Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario. (2015). Addressing Abuse of Older Adults: An RNAO Initiative-Best Practice Success Kit. Toronto, ON: Author. Retrieved from

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    This link takes you to the Health Canada website where you can access the guidance on hospital beds related to entrapment.

    Health Canada. (2006). Guidance Document: Adult Hospital Beds: Patient Entrapment Hazards, Side Rail Latching Reliability, and Other Hazards. Author. Retrieved from


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    Canadian Centre for Effective Practice has developed resources for the care of adults living with mental health and addiction. Keeping Your Patients Safe: A Guide to Primary Care Management of Mental Health and Addictions-related Risks and Functional Impairments Tool is designed to assist primary care providers in identifying, assessing and managing risks in a patient with diagnosed, undiagnosed or changing mental health conditions.

    Reference: Canadian Centre for Effective Practice (2017). Adult Mental Health. Retrieved from 

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    Learn how to participate in advance care planning process in Ontario. The Speak Up Ontario website provides in formation on Advance Care Planning as a process of thinking about and sharing your wishes for future health and personal care. It can help you tell others what would be important if you were ill and unable to communicate.

    Speak Up. (n.d.). homepage. Retrieved from
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    Advance Care Planning, Goals of Care, and Treatment Decisions & Informed Consent- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

    Copyright @ 2022 Canadian Palliative Care Network

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    This document contains sample program objectives, policy, procedures, staff training materials and tools related to fall prevention. (Member login is not required. The documents may be accessed by scrolling to the bottom of page.)

    Ontario Association of Non-profit homes and services for seniors. (2011). OANHSS LTCHA Implementation Member Support Project. Fall Prevention and Management Program: Policy, Procedures and Training Package.

    Copyright 2011.


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    This link takes you to the AdvantAge Ontario Website for implementation resources, you can scroll down to find a section on Minimizing Restraining and Use of Personal Assistance Services Devices (PASDs). Under this section there are documents related to: 1) Policy, procedure and training package and 2) Appendix materials, including: i) physical restraint monitoring, ii) restraint audit tool, and iii) least restraint, last resort training presentation.  

    AdvantAge Ontario. (2010). LTCHA Implementation resources. Retrieved from

    Copyright: AdvantAge Ontario 


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    This link will take you to the document developed by AdvantAge Ontario to support program objectives, policy, procedures and staff training materials and tools that meet minimum requirements of the LTCH Act and Regulation.

    Retrieved from 

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    This document contains a sample policy and procedures to support compliance and meet the requirements of s. 20(1) and (2) of the Long-Term Care Homes Act, 2007 and its Regulation.

    AdvantAge Ontario Long-Term Care Homes Act (LTCHA) Implementation Member Support Project resources are confidential documents for AdvantAge members only. Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon this information, by persons or entities other than the intended recipients is prohibited without the approval of AdvantAge.

    Reference: Ontario Association of Non-Profit Homes and Services for Seniors. (2012). Zero tolerance for abuse and neglect: Sample policies and procedures. Retrieved from

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    The ACE Website provides materials for public education on prevention of elder abuse. Materials include information on powers of attorney, consumer protection and legal issues affecting older persons.

    Advocacy Centre for the Elderly (ACE) (2013) Retrieved from

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    Appendix H from the RNAO A Proactive Approach to Bladder and Bowel Management in Adults — Fourth Edition is a systematic approach to dealing with constipation and fecal incontinence. 

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (RNAO). A proactive approach to bladder and bowel management in adults. 4th ed. Toronto (ON): RNAO; 2020. (p. 132).

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    An algorithm to guide oral assessment and intervention. The algorithm summarizes the recommendations to help oral care teams to understand how to implement them into practice.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2020). Appendix F of Oral Health: Supporting Adults Who Require Assistance (2nd ed.). Toronto, Canada: Author.  (page 110). Retrieved from


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    Appendix G from the RNAO A Proactive Approach to Bladder and Bowel Management in Adults — Fourth Edition shows how the best practice guideline recommendations can be applied in the clinical setting. 

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (RNAO). A proactive approach to bladder and bowel management in adults. 4th ed. Toronto (ON): RNAO; 2020. (p.131).

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    This heart-warming video shows how music can transform the life of a resident with dementia.

    Reference: Sundance Film Festival. (2014, January 7) Alive Inside: A Story of Music & Memory Featurette - Documentary HD. Retrieved from

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    The Alternative Approaches List is a table with examples and suggested alternatives and patient behaviours.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2012). Appendix J of Promoting Safety: Alternative Approaches to the Use of Restraints. Toronto, Canada: Author.  (pp. 104-107). Retrieved from

    All request to adapt the Alternative Approaches to Restraint use must be directed to the Ottawa Hospital, Department of Nursing Professional Practice

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    This decision tree from The Ottawa Hospital provides a visual decision making guide to determine risk and restraint alternatives.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2012). Appendix N of Promoting Safety: Alternative Approaches to the Use of Restraints. Toronto, Canada: Author. (page 116). Retrieved from

    All requests to adapt the Alternative to Restraints Decision Tree must be directed to the Ottawa Hospital, Department of Nursing Professional Practice

  • Show description [+]

    This Alzheimer Canada website section provides resources for health care professionals.  Ambiguous Grief and Loss, Pain, End of Life and Culture Change, is a resource that addresses the issue of loss and grief while supporting those living with dementia and their caregivers.

    Retrieved from:

    ©2024 Alzheimer Society of Canada. All rights reserved.

  • Show description [+]

    This link takes you to the Alzheimer Society Canada publication which discusses types of restraints, least restraint for persons with dementia and what to do when restraint free strategies are ineffective.

    Alzheimer Society of Canada. (2007). Restraints. Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Author. Retrieved from

  • Show description [+]

    This organization provides support to families and clients affected by Alzheimer’s disease. Links are provided to a chapter near you. Web site is also available in French.  Website:

    The Website is copyrighted by the Alzheimer Society of Canada.

  • Show description [+]

    A Successful story of a Falls Prevention Program.

  • Show description [+]

    Anxiety symptoms are extremely common. In the primary care setting, a major task is to determine whether the symptoms are a reaction to a distressing situation, indications of an anxiety or other psychiatric disorder such as depression, or signs of a non-psychiatric condition. This resource provides clinical tools for screening, assessment, diagnosis, and treatment.

    Reference: Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (2022). Anxiety Disorders. Retrieved from


  • Show description [+]

    The Oral Health Assessment Tool (OHAT), provides a systematic way to assess an oral cavity.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (2020). Appendix J – Sample 2 of Oral Health: Nursing Assessment and Intervention. Toronto, Canada: Author. p. 118.

    Source: Chalmers, J., King, P., Spencer, A., Wright, F., & Carter, K. (2005). The oral health assessment tool – validity and reliability. Australian Dental Journal, 50(3). 191-199. Reprinted with the permission.

  • Show description [+]

    Appendix F - provides a summary of related approaches and tools for assessing fall risk. The tools are categorized as follows: gait and balance; general fall risk and fear of falls. It is important for the organization to review the findings to support selection of tools for settings and population(s) served noting that other tools are available that address specific risk factors.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario.  (2017).  Appendix F of RNAO Prevention of Falls and Reducing Injury from Falls Best Practice Guideline. (4th Ed.).  Toronto, ON: Author. (p.92-97)


  • Show description [+]

    An extensive list of validated assessment and screening tools. Tools not only assess for history of abuse but also assess for possibility of future abuse, and quality of care being given.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2014). Appendix G of Preventing and Addressing Abuse and Neglect of Older Adults: Person-Centred, Collaborative, System-Wide Approaches. Toronto, Canada: Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. pp 105-110.

  • Show description [+]

    This table from Appendix K pages 152-153 of the BPG Delirium, Dementia and Depression in Older Adults: Assessment and Care (2016) helps us reflect on our own attitudes, skills and knowledge about dementia and provides tips for successful interpersonal skills with residents with dementia.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2016). Delirium, Dementia, and Depression in Older Adults: Assessment and Care. Toronto, ON, Canada: Author. Retrieved from

  • Show description [+]

    Bates-Jenson Wound Assessment Tool (BWAT) is a validated tool that measures the status of a wound. It is most appropriate for use by experienced wound-care clinicians as a discriminative tool to fully describe wounds during the initial wound assessment. 

    Retrieved from: 

    Reference: Bates-Jensen, Barbara (2001). Bates-Jenson Wound Assessment Tool (BWAT). Copyright 2001 Barbara Bates-Jensen

  • Show description [+]

    The Behaviour Monitoring Log from Penn Nursing Science helps determine the meaning of untoward events through examining patterns of behaviours/occurrences.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2012). Appendix M of Promoting Safety: Alternative Approaches to the Use of Restraints. Toronto, Canada: Author.  (pp. 114-115). Retrieved from

    Adapted from: Strumpf, N., Robinson, E.J.P., Wagner, J.S., & Evans L.K. (1998). Restraint-Free Care: Individual Approaches for Frail Elders. New York: Springer Publishing, pp. 44-46. Reprinted with permission from Penn Nursing Science.

  • Show description [+]

    The BSO-DOS© is an observational tool that helps to identify patterns of behaviour for care planning purposes. It is based on the former DOS. Simple registration is required to access this free tool. A user guide and resource manual are available.

    Behavioural Supports Ontario. (2019). Behavioural Supports Ontario - Dementia Observation System. Retrieved from


  • Show description [+]

    This report provides rationale for using person-centred care language and helpful strategies for changing practice.

    Behavioural Supports Ontario. (October, 2018). Behavioural Supports Ontario person-centred language initiative report. Retrieved from


  • Show description [+]

    This intervention toolkit provides links to universally recognized behavioural assessment tools for common responsive behaviours. The toolkit describes possible behavioural causes and a range of strategies to help with care planning.

    Reference:Central East Local Health Integration Network (LHIN) Behavioural Supports Ontario Education Committee (n.d.) Central East LHIN Behavioural Supports Ontario Intervention Tool Kit, retrieved from  

    Acknowledgements: This tool was created by the Central East Local Health Integration Network (LHIN) Behavioural Supports Ontario Education Committee. Acknowledgment to the Psychogeriatric Resource Consults of the Central East Region for developing this tool. Thank you to the Central East Long-Term Care Homes for contributing to the development of the tool.

    Disclaimer: Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this material for educational, research, and not-for-profit purposes, without fee and without a signed licensing agreement, is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice, this paragraph and the following paragraphs appear in all copies, modifications, and distributions. Contact Terry Donaghue, Technology Transfer & Industrial Liaison, Mount Sinai Hospital, & The Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute, 600 University Avenue, Toronto, ON Canada M5G 1X5, Tel. (416) 586-8225, Fax (416) 586-3110, E-mail: for commercial licensing opportunities.

  • Show description [+]

    This HQO quality standard addresses care for people living with dementia and the specific behaviours of agitation and aggression. Accompanying resources include a Patient and Resident Reference Guide and Recommendations for adoption.

    Reference: Health Quality Ontario (2016). Behavioural Symptoms of Dementia. Care for Patients in Hospitals and Residents in Long-Term Care Homes. Retrieved from 

  • Show description [+]

    The Bereavement Risk Assessment Tool, or BRAT, is a psychosocial assessment tool used by care teams to communicate personal, interpersonal and situational factors that may place a caregiver or family member at greater risk for a significantly negative bereavement experience.

  • Show description [+]

    This interview guide from Alberta Health Services provides a list of questions health providers can ask when conducting a best possible medication history.

    Source: Reprinted with permission from: Alberta Health Services (AHS). Best possible medication history (BPMH) interview guide [Internet]. Edmonton (AB): AHS; 2014. Available from: © 2014 Alberta Health Services. This material is protected by Canadian copyright law. Except as otherwise provided for under Canadian copyright law, this material may not be copied, published, or distributed without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. This material was originally published by Alberta Health Services and has been reprinted with permission.

    Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario. (2023). Appendix I of Transitions in Care and Services. (Second Ed.). Toronto, ON: Author.  pp. 125.

  • Show description [+]

    A sample Jeopardy game illustrates a fun way to evaluate learning.  

    Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario. (2014). Best practice Jeopardy: Alternative to restraints edition. Long-Term Care Best Practices Program, Toronto, ON.


  • Show description [+]

    This oral health care planning guideline provides information on a standard protective care regimen, additional oral care treatment, oral care and changed behaviour and palliative care considerations. An Oral Health Care Plan guide is included.

    Government of South Australia. (2008). Better oral health care in residential: Oral health care planning guidelines. Retrieved from

    Source: Government of South Australia © 2012 SA Health

  • Show description [+]

    This bladder and bowel care plan, developed by CorHealth is aimed at people with strokes, but is applicable to residents of long term care. It is one of a series of stroke care plans.

    Cor Health (2020) Bladder and Bowel Stroke Care Plans retrieved from Community Reengagement - CorHealth Ontario

  • Show description [+]

    A comprehensive assessment of bladder and bowel function for LTC residents developed by the LTC BPC Project with Toronto Best Practice Steering Committee and Northwest Continence Collaborative (2005). Includes list of medications that affect continence and treatment options.

    Reference: Toronto Best Practice Committee and Northwest Continence Collaborative (2006). Bladder & Bowel Continence Assessment.. Toronto.

    Sources: AHCPR. 2006. Urinary Incontinence. ; Brigham & Women’s Hospital. 2004, Urinary incontinence ; The Hartford Institute for Geriatric Nursing. 2001. Urinary incontinence. ; IC-5 Continence Project, 2005,  Rehabilitation Nursing Foundation. 2002. Constipation. ; RNAO. 2005, Preventing Constipation; Prompting Continence.  ; Royal Women’s Hospital. 2005. Urinary incontinence,  ; Singapore Ministry of Health. 2003,  U.S. National Library of Medicine and U.S. National Institute of Health. 2006. Drugs, supplements. < 

  • Show description [+]

    A succinct, 2-page newsletter that covers myths and facts about pain. Developed by the BPG in LTC Initiative Central South and The Long Term Care Resource Centre, Hamilton, Ontario.  Source:

  • Show description [+]

    This BP Blogger presents credible bite-size pieces of information on dispellings myths related to stroke including prevention, transient ischemic attacks (TIAs), response to signs and symptoms of a stroke, and prevalence of stroke in long-term care.

    Regional Geriatric Program Central. (April-May 2010). BP Blogger - Stroke 1: Myth Busting Issue, 5(2). Retrieved from

    © Copyrighted. All Rights Reserved MLvanderHorst.

  • Show description [+]

    This BP Blogger presents credible bite-size pieces of information on dispellings myths related to stroke including managing a clenched fist, oral care, dysphagia and wheelchair seating.

    Regional Geriatric Program Central. (Fall 2010). BP Blogger - Stroke 2: Myth busting issue, 5(4). Retrieved from:

    © Copyrighted. All Rights Reserved MLvanderHorst.

  • Show description [+]

    This BP Blogger presents credible bite-size pieces of information that dispels stroke and exercise myths.

    Regional Geriatric Program Central and SHRTN Library Services. (Fall 2011). BP Blogger: Myth Busting: Stroke 3 Exercise Issue, 6(2). Retrieved from

    © Copyrighted. All Rights Reserved MLvanderHorst.

  • Show description [+]

    This BP Blogger presents credible bite-size pieces of information on dispellings myths related to depression after a stroke. The focus is on how to recognize and help residents with stroke who are suffering from depression.

    Regional Geriatric Program Central and SHRTN Library Services. (Spring 2012). BP Blogger - Stroke 4: Myth busting: Depression issue, 7(1). Retrieved from

    © Copyrighted. All Rights Reserved MLvanderHorst.

  • Show description [+]

    This BP Blogger presents credible bite-size pieces of information on dispellings myths related to perception problems after a stroke.

    Regional Geriatric Program Central. (Summer 2014). BP Blogger - Myth busting: Stroke 5: Perception issue, 9(1). Retrieved from

    © Copyrighted. All Rights Reserved MLvanderHorst.

  • Show description [+]

    The Braden Scale can be used to assess a resident’s level of risk for developing pressure injuries by evaluating six areas of risk: sensory perception, moisture, activity, mobility, nutrition, and friction or shear.

    Reference: Braden Scale (1988). Retrieved from

    © Copyright Barbara Braden and Nancy Bergstrom, 1988

  • Show description [+]

    The brainXchange™ provides resources to support improving the quality of life for persons with, or at risk of having brain-health needs related to dementia, mental health and neurological conditions related to brain health changes or aging.

    Retrieved from:

    © 2024 brainXchange™ 

  • Show description [+]

    Purpose of the BPI tool is to assess the severity of pain and the impact of pain on daily functions. The tool can be used for patients with pain from chronic diseases or conditions such as cancer, osteoarthritis and low back pain, or with pain from acute conditions such as postoperative pain.

    Assessment areas included are severity of pain, impact of pain on daily function, location of pain, pain medications and amount of pain relief in the past 24 hours or the past week.

    The BPI copyright is held by Dr Charles S. Cleeland (1991). The copyright applies to the BPI and all it's derivatives in any language.

    Retrieved from 

  • Show description [+]

    Appendix Q from the RNAO A Proactive Approach to Bladder and Bowel Management in Adults — Fourth Edition shows pictures of stools to help improve assessment of constipation.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (RNAO). A proactive approach to bladder and bowel management in adults. 4th ed. Toronto (ON): RNAO; 2020. (p. 147).

  • Show description [+]

    This tool is used to assess the residents’ level of confusion, irritability, boisterousness, verbal threats, physical threats, and attacks on objects- as present or absent.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2012). Appendix G of Promoting Safety: Alternative Approaches to the Use of Restraints. Toronto, Canada: Author.  (pp. 99-100). Retrieved from

    Source: Almvik, R. & Woods, P. (April 2003). Short-Term Risk Prediction. The Broset Violence Checklist. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health. Nursing, 10(2), pp. 236-238

    Reprinted with permission from John Wiley and Sons

  • Show description [+]

    This website from Dalhousie University focuses on oral health care resources as a result of oral health activities in long term care homes. Resources include a manual, education videos, oral care tool kits, assessment and care planning tools and guidelines for organizationally mapping oral care.

    Dalhousie University. (n.d.). Population Health Institute: Brushing up on mouth care.  Retrieved from



  • Show description [+]

    My Personhood Summary© surfaces a person’s life experiences, important relationships, personal preferences, and other psychosocial and environmental factors that influence daily life. It is a foundational tool, intended for use with people living with dementia as well as older adults living with complex mental health, substance use, and/or other neurological conditions.

  • Show description [+]

    This site provides information on recognizing scams, frauds and identity theft and how to address and report them.

    Reference: Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre, Government of Canada, 2015. This site provides information on recognizing scams, frauds and identity theft and how to address and report them.

  • Show description [+]

    Website that deals with suicide survivors, suicide grief, support for those living with suicide loss along with providing education materials and access to various support and crisis centers . it also addresses suicide risk in the aging population. Its main purpose is to reduce suicide rate in Canada and minimize the consequences of suicide behaviour.

    Reference: Canadian Association of Suicide prevention (CASP), 

  • Show description [+]

    The CCSMH has developed guidelines including The Assessment and Treatment of Mental Health Issues in Long-Term Care Homes, as well as guidelines on a range of related topics such as Delirium, Depression and Suicide Prevention.  Website:

  • Show description [+]

    The CANHELP caregiver questionnaire was designed to evaluate satisfaction with care for older patients with life threatening illnesses, and the family members. A straight forward satisfaction instrument that you can use t rate the quality of care at the programs or organization level.

    Reference: CARENET Canadian Researchers at the End of Life Network. (n.d.). CANHELP Tool.  Retrieved from:

    The CARENET © 2025

  • Show description [+]

    The CHPCA is the national voice for hospice palliative care in Canada. Advancing and advocating for quality end-of-life/hospice palliative care, its work includes public policy, public education and awareneness.  Website

  • Show description [+]

    A comprehensive, holistic assessment of individuals and their families at end-of-life.

    Reprinted with Permission from Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association.  Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario.  (2011). Appendix K of End-of-Life Care During the Last Days and Hours. Toronto, ON: Author.  pp. 114-115. 

  • Show description [+]

    The Canadian Journal of Pain is an open access journal that publishes research from all disciplines involved in the study of pain, including the clinical and basic sciences, epidemiology, and health policy and health systems. The Canadian Journal of Pain is the Official Journal of the Canadian Pain Society.

    The journal aims to advance the understanding and treatment of pain by providing clinicians, scientists and other health care professionals with an interdisciplinary forum in which to share cutting-edge information about new developments in the field of pain, including chronic and neuropathic pain.

    Retrieved from:

    The journal operates a single anonymized peer review policy. Source: Canadian Journal of Pain. Copyright © 2025 Inform UK Limited


  • Show description [+]

    The Canadian Mental Health Association website offers free resources on mental health, including depression, bipolar disorder, grief and mental illness. Local chapters include important workshops, including Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST).

    Reference: Canadian Mental Health Association Website Retrieved from

  • Show description [+]

    Canadian Stroke Best Practices is an online repository of tools, resources and programs that support health care professionals working in stroke care. Reference: Canadian Stroke Best Practices (n.d.). Professional Resources. 

    Retrieved from:


  • Show description [+]

    This Canadian Stroke Best Practices site offers a variety of webinars about stroke, resumption of activities and strategies. Included are assessment videos for neurological scale and vascular cognitive assessment.

    Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada Canadian Stroke Best Practices. (n.d.) Webinars. Retrieved from 


  • Show description [+]

    This link provides information and support for professionals on palliative and end-of-life care, loss and grief.  There is a list of clinical tools and useful resources to enhance palliative and end life care. Website

  • Show description [+]

    Goals of Care discussions help a person living with a life-limiting illness understand the serious nature of their illness. If the person is incapable, the discussions are with their substitute decision-maker. Goals of Care discussions also help healthcare providers to understand the patient’s values and goals for their care.

    Cancer Care Ontario

  • Show description [+]

    This information fact sheet is developed as a supplement to the RNAO Nursing Best Practice Guideline document for nurses. The nursing best practice guideline End-of-life Care During the Last Days and Hours is available for public viewing and free to download at

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2011).  Care In The Last Days And Hours Of Life.  Toronto, Canada: Author.  Retrieved from

  • Show description [+]

    Guide and Algorithm to guide assessment and management of cancer related anxiety.

    Cancer Care Ontario. (2013). Palliative Care Toolkit for Indigenous Communities. Retrieved from


  • Show description [+]

    This tool is used to determine reasons caregivers attribute using physical restraints with the elderly.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2012). Appendix K of Promoting Safety: Alternative Approaches to the Use of Restraints. Toronto, Canada: Author.  (pp. 108-110). Retrieved from

    Developed by Lois Evans and Neville Strumpf (1986). University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing: revised 1990 & 2010.


  • Show description [+]

    Having an ostomy procedure is a life changing experience for you and your family. Learning how to take care of your ostomy will help you to gain independence and live your life with comfort and confidence.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2009). Caring for your Ostomy Health Education Fact Sheet. Toronto, ON: Author. Retrieved from: 

  • Show description [+]

    This guideline has illustrations and procedures on how to do intermittent catheterizations in adult.

    Reference: Vahr, S. Cobussen-Boekhorst, H, Eikenboom, J, Geng, V, Holroyd, S, Lester, M, Pearce, I and Vandewinke, C. 2013. Evidence-based Guidelines for Best Practice in Urological Health Care Catheterisation Dilatation, urethral intermittent in adults. European Association of Urology Nurses.

  • Show description [+]

    Numerous resources available with a simple search engine within this website

    Reference: Centre for Suicide Prevention [Online] Available: 

    Copyright: The Centre for Suicide Prevention Web Site is offered to you conditioned on your acceptance without modification of the terms, conditions, and notices contained herein. Your use of the Centre for Suicide Prevention Web Site constitutes your agreement to all such terms, conditions, and notices.

  • Show description [+]

    Centre for Suicide Prevention site contains a large collection of suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention resources, including Plus 65- a resource toolkit specific to seniors.

    Reference: Centre for Suicide Prevention Website:

  • Show description [+]

    A short, easy guide to help keep ageism out of your writing. These guidelines for age-inclusive communications address: what is ageism and why should we care; terminology to avoid and preferable terms; ageist imagery vs age-positive images; and avoiding ageist storylines

  • Show description [+]

    The Checklist of Nonverbal Pain Indicators (CNPI), was designed to observe and measure pain behaviors in cognitively impaired elders.

    Retrieved from:

    Feldt KS. The checklist of nonverbal pain indicators (CNPI). Pain Manag Nurs. 2000 Mar;1(1):13-21. Horgas AL. Assessing pain in persons with dementia. In: Boltz M, series ed. Try This: Best Practices in Nursing Care for Hospitalized Older Adults with Dementia. 2003 Fall;1(2). The Hartford Institute for Geriatric Nursing.

  • Show description [+]

    Cinq mesures à adopter pour vous protéger Fiche de renseignements pour la sensibilisation en matière de santé. Association des infirmières et infirmiers autorisés de l’Ontario (2014, juillet).

    Cinq mesures à adopter pour vous protéger . Toronto, ON, Canada: Auteur. Récupérée de

  • Show description [+]

    Diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or congestive heart failure run a more fluctuating course and result in death in a less predictable timeframe than diseases such as renal disease or dementia. Each exacerbation can lead to remission (and future exacerbation) or death; knowing which will occur on any given admission is extremely challenging. General indicators of poorer prognosis (life expectancy of only weeks to many weeks) include poor performance status, impaired nutritional status and a low albumin level.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2011). Appendix E of End-of-Life Care During the Last Days and Hours. Toronto, Canada: Author. pp103-105 .

  • Show description [+]

    Numerous resources available with a simple search engine. Updates noted for 2017.

    Reference: Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists Clinical Practice Guidelines Team for Deliberate Self-harm. 2016, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 2016, Vol 50(10) 939-1000.  

    The Centre for Suicide Prevention Web Site is offered to you conditioned on your acceptance without modification of the terms, conditions, and notices contained herein. Your use of the Centre for Suicide Prevention Web Site constitutes your agreement to all such terms, conditions, and notices.

  • Show description [+]

    This open textbook chapter discusses the types of ostomies and ostomy appliances, reviews physical and emotional assessments, provides checklists with steps for changing ostomy and urostomy appliances, with photographs, and discusses safety considerations. Included is a video on evidence-based research on ostomy care and a video on illiostomy and urostomy care.

    Web Address or Source:  

    If you are an instructor who is using this book for a course, please let us know. For more information about this project, please contact

    Disclaimer The field of health care is constantly changing and evolving. Procedures and policies in schools and health care agencies will change in accordance with research and practice. This resource will require updates to remain in accordance with these changes, but the authors do not assume responsibility for these updates. Health care professionals must ensure that they have a strong foundation of knowledge in medical conditions and surgical procedures related to clinical skills and techniques before using this resource to guide their practice. Health care professionals should always put agency policy above the information in this resource and be mindful of their own safety and the safety of others. Any health care professional using this resource should do so in the appropriate environment and under the supervision of other relevant health care professionals, in accordance with their governing professional body and within their scope of practice. It is the responsibility of any health care professionals using this book to take all appropriate safety precautions and to determine best practice unique to the patient and the context of the situation. The authors do not assume responsibility for any injury or damage to persons or property pertaining to the use of the material and information in this resource.

  • Show description [+]

    Nurses often face decisions about whether they can perform specific activities. This practice standard outlines the legislated scope of nursing practice and
    other key requirements for nurses when deciding whether to perform an activity for safe client care. 


    Copyright © College of Nurses of Ontario, 2023

  • Show description [+]

    On Mar. 17, 2021, the federal government passed Bill C-7 to amend the Criminal Code to expand eligibility for Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID). 

    Retrieved from: 

    © 2022 College of Nurses of Ontario

  • Show description [+]

    Residents with severe dementia or other end stage diseases eat less as part of the natural progression of their disease. Research at end of life suggests that as residents eat and drink less they do not suffer from hunger or thirst. This session will focus on “Comfort Feeding Only” (CFO), when oral intake is not sufficient to sustain life, and if prolonging life with artificial hydration is not consistent with the residents' wishes (as expressed by the resident or their substitute decision maker (SDM)).

    This webinar is intended for long-term care leaders facilitating practice change and direct care staff that will benefit from understanding CFO process and the goal of the feedings to achieve comfort by employing the least invasive and potentially most satisfying way to provide nutrition. During this webinar, participants will:

    • Understand process followed to identify gap, develop policy and implementation of CFO
    • How to have a conversation with resident, family/SDM for comfort feeding only
    • Learn different implementation strategies to initiate CFO
    • Know strategies focusing on safe positioning and swallowing
    • Recognize symptoms such as dry mouth that can be alleviated with minimal oral intake and/or oral care

    Presented by Dr. Evelyn Williams and Jennifer Wong - Veteran's Centre Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre in collaboration with Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (2017). Comfort Feeding Only(CFO): Managing Feeding at End-of-Life. RNAO You Tube. Retrieved from

  • Show description [+]

    This tool helps the resident and caregiver discuss individualized behavioural triggers and preferred measures of response.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2012). Appendix T of Promoting Safety: Alternative Approaches to the Use of Restraints. Toronto, Canada: Author.  (p. 125). Retrieved from

    Reprinted with permission from St. Joseph`s Health Care. Hamilton, Ontario

  • Show description [+]

    Findings from a quality improvement project which aimed to focused on understanding the problems related to information exchanges between nurses. 

    Retrieved from:

    Christine Johnson, RN, MN, GNC(C), is a Clinical Nurse Specialist in the Rehab and Geriatric Program, Health Sciences Centre, Winnipeg. Tricia Carta, RN, MN, is a Clinical Nurse Specialist in the Burn Program, Health Sciences Centre. Karen Throndson, RN, MN, is a Clinical Nurse Specialist in the Cardiac Program, Health Sciences Centre.

  • Show description [+]

    This article looks at communication as being a key culprit in compromising patient safety in hand-over. Suggestions are given for strategies on how to approach hand-overs from shift to shift consistently, how to include patient and family along with potential barriers

    Reference: World Health Organization. (2007) Patient Safety Solutions. Communication during patient handovers. 1 (3). Retrieved from:

  • Show description [+]

    This appendix outlines considerations, tips and resources to support effective communication when addressing issues of abuse and neglect of older adults.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2014). Appendix F of Preventing and Addressing Abuse and Neglect of Older Adults: Person-Centred, Collaborative, System-Wide Approaches. Toronto, Canada: Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. pp 103-104.

  • Show description [+]

    This resource compares different types of chronic wounds to assist health providers in differentiating wounds they may see in clinical practice.

    Source: National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel (NIPAP). Support surfaces standards initiative (S31): Terms and definitions related to support surfaces. NIPAP; 2019. Available from:

    Reference: Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario, (2024). Appendix P of Pressure injury management: Risk assessment, prevention and treatment - Fourth edition. Toronto, Canada: Author. pp. 115-116.

  • Show description [+]

    This helpful table from Appendix D (page 127) of the BPG Delirium, Dementia and Depression in Older Adults: Assessment and Care (2016) helps to distinguish among delirium, dementia and depression where features are often similar or overlapping.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2016). Delirium, Dementia, and Depression in Older Adults: Assessment and Care. Toronto, ON, Canada: Author. Retrieved from

  • Show description [+]

    This table lists common components of universal falls precautions that health care organizations can determine which precautions are applicable to their setting.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario.  (2017).  Appendix K of RNAO Prevention of Falls and Reducing Injury from Falls Best Practice Guideline. (4th Ed.).  Toronto, ON: Author. (p.113)


  • Show description [+]

    The Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA) Toolkit is comprised of multiple resources for the personalized and person-centred care of the elderly. This link will take you to the page where you will find descriptions and possible signs and symptoms of the different types of abuse. A description and link for the Elder Assessment Instrument (EAI): Screening tool for elder mistreatment is provided, as are interventions that should be carried out based on the findings of the conducting clinician. Additional resources like hand-outs, videos and other tools are also available in the toolkit.



  • Show description [+]

    This tool demonstrates how the mnemonic OPQRSTUV, can be used to conduct a comprehensive pain assessment. Note that this assessment may not be the most appropriate tool for all presentations of pain.

    Reference: Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2025). Appendix C of Pain: Prevention, assessment and management. (Fourth Ed.). Toronto, ON: Author. pp. 81. 

    Source: Adapted from: Fraser Health. Hospice palliative care program: symptom guidelines [Internet]. Surrey (BC): Fraser Health; 2019. Available from:

  • Show description [+]

    Appendix O from the RNAO A Proactive Approach to Bladder and Bowel Management in Adults — Fourth Edition is a comprehensive list of physical, emotional and other factors that contribute to constipation.

     Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (RNAO). A proactive approach to bladder and bowel management in adults. 4th ed. Toronto (ON): RNAO; 2020. (p.144-145)

  • Show description [+]

    A comprehensive list of physical, emotional and other factors that contribute to urinary continence. Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (RNAO). A proactive approach to bladder and bowel management in adults. 4th ed. Toronto (ON): RNAO; 2020.

  • Show description [+]

    Nurses have professional and legal obligations for obtaining consent. The College's Consent practice guideline provides an overview of the major features of the relevant legislation, pertinent definitions and the steps that nurses need to take to obtain consent.

    College of Nurses of Ontario. (2021). Consent. Retrieved from  



  • Show description [+]

    This practice guideline provides an overview of the major features of the legislation, pertinent definitions, the steps nurses need to take to obtain consent and the Guidelines for Nurses Advocating for Clients Found Incapable of Making Certain Decisions. It replaces an earlier Guide to the Health Care Consent and Substitute Decisions Legislation for RNs and RPNs. It does not address consent under the Mental Health Act.

    Reference: College of Nurses of Ontario Practice Guideline (2009) Consent Retrieved from:

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    A fact sheet on preventing constipation for patients and families with recommendations for action based on the RNAO Constipation BPG. Available in French.

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    This conversation sheet from Alzheimer Canada informs how dementia can affect intimacy and sexuality. Strategies are provided for caregivers. There is also a section to support LGBTQ persons with dementia.

    The Alzheimer Society is Canada’s leading health charity for people living with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. For more information visit the home page  

    Alzheimer Canada (2018). Conversations about dementia, intimacy and sexuality. Retrieved from


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    The 5 questions in this tool are used to assess care preferences of patients if they become upset or have difficulty dealing with emotions.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2012). Appendix I of Promoting Safety: Alternative Approaches to the Use of Restraints. Toronto, Canada: Author.  (pp. 102-103). Retrieved from

    Copyright NY State Psychiatric Institute, Reprinted with permission from David J. Hellerstein, MD.

  • Show description [+]

    These tips and interventions help caregivers to examine their own practices and best strategies to prevent escalation of behaviours.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (212). Appendix U of Promoting Safety: Alternative Approaches to the Use of Restraints. Toronto, Canada: Author.  (pp. 126-127). Retrieved from

    Provided by the Milwaukee County Mental Health Division, Milwaukee, WI

    Adapted from Dr. Gudeman's Interaction with Patient on Interventions with De-Escalating Patient 10/99

  • Show description [+]

    This debriefing tool provides examples of questions to ask the resident after they have been restrained or secluded.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2012). Appendix X of Promoting Safety: Alternative Approaches to the Use of Restraints. Toronto, Canada: Author.  (p. 139). Retrieved from

    Used with permission: Stone Institute of Psychiatry, Northwestern Memorial Hospital Chicago, IL

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    The Decision Making Framework provides an ethical approach for choosing care strategies following the observation of a deliberate act.

    Retrieved from 

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    This resource describes the variety of abuse and neglect that can occur and will assist homes in planning a comprehensive education program.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2014). Appendix D of Preventing and Addressing Abuse and Neglect of Older Adults: Person-Centred, Collaborative, System-Wide Approaches. Toronto, Canada: Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. Pp

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    A one time, single resident risk assessment for dehydration based of the University of Iowa Dehydration BPG.


    Mentes, J. C. & The Iowa Veterans Affairs Nursing Research Consortium. (2004). Evidence-Based Practice Guideline: Hydration management. Iowa City, IA: The University of Iowa Gerontological Nursing Interventions Research Center Research Translation and Dissemination Core.

    Mentes, J. C. & Iowa-Veterans Affairs Research Consortium. (2000). Hydration management. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 6-15.

  • Show description [+]

    This paper from the Institute for Safe Medication Practices in Canada (ISMP). A multi-incident analysis of delayed medication doses after transitions of care.

    Reference: Institute for Safe Medication Practices in Canada (2016) Delayed Treatment after Transitions of Care: A Multi-Incident Analysis Retrieved from:

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    Appendix G from pages 133-134 of Delirium, Dementia and Depression in Older Adults: Assessment and Care (2016) identifies risk factors and related interventions for delirium.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2016). Delirium, Dementia, and Depression in Older Adults: Assessment and Care. Toronto, ON, Canada: Author. Retrieved from

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    This comprehensive factsheet provides information to assist with the prevention and management of bladder and bowel problems in people with dementia.
    Reference: Australian Government (2016). Dementia and bladder and Bowel Control, retrieved Aug. 4, 2022 from 

    © Commonwealth of Australia I Department of Health and Aged Care
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    Indigenous Cognitive and Aging Awareness Research Exchange (I-CAARE) offers a number of factsheets, a health wheel and pathway for persons with dementia and their caregivers. The indigenous perspective may provide added support and comfort to families as they journey through dementia.

    Reference: Indigenous Cognitive and Aging Awareness Research Exchange (2023). Dementia Factsheets. Retrieved from:

    ©  2023 ICARE  Owned by Dr. Kristen Jacklin

  • Show description [+]

    Learn more about living with dementia in these videos from Teepa Snow. She has used multi-modal therapies to support people living with dementia and their caregivers. You will find links to the following videos:

    • Dementia 101
    • Teepa's GEMS
    • Brain Changes
    • Challenging Behaviours
    • Meaingful Activities, and
    • Music

    You can also visit the website

    Refrence: Video Links for Tips from Teepa, 2016. Retrieved from

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    This document from Mood Disorders Society of Canada considers a variety of strategies to manage depression in older persons.

    Reference: Mood Disorders Society of Canada (n.d.) Depression in Elderly, retrieved from 

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    The Leading Change Toolkit includes two frameworks- the Social Movement Action (SMA) Framework and the Knowledge-to-Action (KTA) Framework. Both frameworks outline the concept of implementation and its interrelated components. The toolkit is based on available evidence, theoretical perspectives and consensus. We recommend the Leading Change Toolkit for guiding the implementation of any BPG in health care or social service organizations, including academic centres.

    Reference: Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario, (2025). Appendix G of Pain: prevention, assessment and management. Fourth edition. Toronto, Canada: Author. pp. 98-99 .

  • Show description [+]

    The Leading Change Toolkit includes two frameworks- the Social Movement Action (SMA) Framework and the Knowledge-to-Action (KTA) Framework. Both frameworks outline the concept of implementation and its interrelated components. The toolkit is based on available evidence, theoretical perspectives and consensus. We recommend the Leading Change Toolkit for guiding the implementation of any BPG in health care or social service organizations, including academic centres

    Reference: Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario, (2024). Appendix M of Diabetic foot ulcers: Prevention, assessment and management, Third edition. Toronto, Canada: Author. pp. 126-127.

  • Show description [+]

    The Leading Change Toolkit includes two frameworks- the Social Movement Action (SMA) Framework and the Knowledge-to-Action (KTA) Framework. Both frameworks outline the concept of implementation and its interrelated components. The toolkit is based on available evidence, theoretical perspectives and consensus. We recommend the Leading Change Toolkit for guiding the implementation of any BPG in health care or social service organizations, including academic centres.

    Reference: Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario, (2024). Appendix R of Pressure injury management: Risk assessment, prevention and treatment - Fourth edition. Toronto, Canada: Author. pp. 118-119.

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    This is a “Sentinel Event Action Alert” , a complimentary publication of The Joint Commission Issue 56, February 24, 2016 “Detecting and treating suicide ideation in all settings” Through this alert, The Joint Commission aims to assist all health care organizations providing both inpatient and outpatient care to better identify and treat individuals with suicide ideation

    Reference: Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO). (2016). Detecting and treating suicide ideation in all settings. [Online]. Available:  

    Copyright © 2017 The Joint Commission, One Renaissance Boulevard, Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181

    All materials posted on this site are subject to copyrights owned by The Joint Commission. The Joint Commission hereby provides limited permission to the user (you) of this site to reproduce, retransmit, or reprint for such user's own personal use part or all of any document on this site as long as the copyright notice and permission notice contained in such document or portion thereof is included in such reproduction, retransmission, or reprinting. All other reproduction, retransmission, or reprinting of all or part of any document found on this site is expressly prohibited, unless The Joint Commission has expressly granted its prior written consent. All other rights reserved. See Permissions/Reprints Policy.

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    This tips and tools guide is designed to assist you to better understand and learn how to plan, provide, develop and sustain interprofessional health care in your work environment.

    Registered Nurses of Ontario ( 2013) Developing and Sustaining Interprofessional Health Care: Tips and Tools for Health-care Teams, Toronto. ON.

    Retrieved from:

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    Les présentes lignes directrices sur les pratiques exemplaires, Développement et maintien des soins de santé interprofessionnels : optimisation des résultats pour le patient/client, l’organisme et le système sont conçues pour favoriser des milieux de travail sains. Les présentes lignes directrices déterminent les pratiques exemplaires pour faciliter, améliorer et maintenir le travail d’équipe ainsi que la collaboration interprofessionnelle, et pour accroître les résultats positifs pour les patients/clients, les systèmes et les organisations.

    Association des infirmières et infirmiers autorisés de l’Ontario. (2013). Développement et maintien des soins de santé interprofessionnels : optimisation des résultats pour le patient/client, l’organisme et le système. Toronto, Canada: Autheur. Récupéré:

    Ce travail est financé par le Ministère de la Santé et des Soins de longue durée d'Ontario.



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    "DFU-VIPS" (diabetic foot ulcer- vascular supply, infection, pressure and sharp debridement and social determinants of health), is an acronym that assists as a memory aid for items to assess when providing care to a person at risk of or living with a diabetic foot ulcer. 

    Reference: Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario, (2024). Appendix J of Diabetic foot ulcers: Prevention, assessment and management, Third edition. Toronto, Canada: Author. pp. 117.

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    This risk assessment triage referral form is an example form for primary health providers to utilize when requesting referrals to a specialized wound care team.

    Reference: Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario, (2024). Appendix G of Diabetic foot ulcers: Prevention, assessment and management, Third edition. Toronto, Canada: Author. pp. 113.

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    An illustration of the structure of the lower male and female urinary tracts.

    Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario. (2006). Self-Learning Package Continence Care Education. Toronto, ON: Retrieved from:

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    This table provides an outline of the distinguishing features of incontinence-associated dermatitis and pressure injuries. It may help health providers differentiate between the two types of wounds.

    Source: Reprinted with permission from: Beeckman D et al. Proceedings of the Global IAD Expert Panel. Incontinence associated dermatitis: moving prevention forward. Wounds International 2015. Available from:

    Reference: Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario, (2024). Appendix Q of Pressure injury management: Risk assessment, prevention and treatment - Fourth edition. Toronto, Canada: Author. pp.117.

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    Practice standards are documents that help nurses understand their responsibilities and legal obligations to enable them to make safe, effective and ethical decisions when practising. This practice standard aims to help nurses understand the regulatory and legislative requirements for documentation.

    College of Nurses of Ontario. (2008). Documentation, Revised 2008. Toronto, ON: Author. Retrieved from


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    This learning module reviews documentation and how it is important component of nursing practice and interprofessional documentation that occurs

    Reference: College of Nurses of Ontario (2010) Documentation- Learning Module. Retrieved from:



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    The recommendations within this BPG focus on quality of life, emphasizing a holistic approach to care that incorporates the person’s individuality and preferences, and that recognizes the person and family as the unit of care. Figure 2 identifies complex issues persons and their families may face when receiving palliative care, which are categorized into eight equally important domains. 


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    This fact sheet provides signs and symptoms of dry mouth and treatment options. Topics covered include: how saliva functions, causes, risk factors, prevention, treatment and maintenance interventions.

    Ontario Dental Hygienists’ Association. (n.d.). Dry Mouth. [Fact sheet]. Retrieved from
  • Show description [+]

    Early Identification & Prognostic Guide for Clinicians by Mississauga Halton PCN - This Early Identification and Prognostic Indicator Guide aims to help family physicians, specialist physicians and nurse practitioners in earlier identification of those patients nearing the end of life who could benefit from a palliative care approach to care.

    Thomas. K et al. Prognostic Indicator Guidance, 4th Edition. The Gold Standards Framework Centre In End of Life Care CIC, 2011. Adaptation of guide completed by Mississauga Halton Regional Hospice Palliative Care Committees with permission from K. Thomas

    Early Identification and Prognostic Indicator Guide. Retrieved from Ontario at Home Health:

    Copyright © 2025 Ontario Health atHome. All rights reserved.

  • Show description [+]

    Developed by Registered Dietitians, this short, easy to read document provides definitions related to ostomies and provides a nutritional guide for the first 6 – 8 weeks after ostomy surgery as well as for after 6 – 8 weeks. It includes foods that may be problematic for people living with ostomies.

    Reference: Eating Well after Ostomy Surgery. Jan 2013. Alberta Health Services. Retrieved from:  

    Copyright: This handout may not be reproduced without permission for non-profit education purposes. This handout may not be changed without written permission from 

    © Alberta Health Services (Jan 2013) D) Reference:

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    The revised Edmonton Symptom Assessment System (ESAS-r) is available in multiple languages and is designed to assist in the assessment of 10 common symptoms: pain, tiredness, drowsiness, nausea, lack of appetite, shortness of breath, depression, anxiety, well-being and constipation. It conveys the individual’s description of the severity of a symptom based on a scale ranging from 0 to 10. 

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2011). Appendix F of End-of-Life Care During the Last Days and Hours. Toronto, Canada: Author. pp. 106-107. 

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    RNAO clinical BPGs included education recommendations directed to those responsible for the academic and in-service education of nursing students, nurses and the interprofessional team. These recommendations outlined core content and training strategies required for entry-level health programs, continued education and professional development.

    Reference: Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario, (2024). Appendix D of Pressure injury management: Risk assessment, prevention and treatment - Fourth edition. Toronto, Canada: Author. pp. 92-96.

  • Show description [+]

    RNAO clinical BPGs included education recommendations directed to those responsible for the academic and in-service education of nursing students, nurses and the interprofessional team. These recommendations outlined core content and training strategies required for entry-level health programs, continued education and professional development.

    Reference: Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario, (2024). Appendix L of Diabetic foot ulcers: Prevention, assessment and management, Third edition. Toronto, Canada: Author. pp. 121-125.


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    A List of educational resources compiled by the development panel as a resource for nurses and their clients in learning more about suicidal ideation and behaviour. This is not intended to be an inclusive listing.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2009). Assessment and Care of Adults at Risk for Suicidal Ideation and Behaviour. Toronto, ON, Canada: Author. Retrieved from 

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    This resource has been designed to teach Registered Nurses (RNs), Registered Practical Nurses (RPNs) and Unregulated Care Providers how to implement the recommendations outlined in the RNAO Best Practice Guideline, Assessment and Management of Stage I to IV Pressure Ulcers.

    There are two parts to this program; Part A is directed towards RNs and RPNs while Part B is aimed towards Unregulated Care Providers (UCP). These materials are for use by the workshop facilitator, and include a list of components, questionnaires and case studies for participants, and answer keys.

    Retrieved from:

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    Elder Abuse Ontario (EAO)) (formerly known as ONPEA, The Ontario Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse) is a provincial, charitable, non-profit organization focused on supporting the implementation of The Ontario Strategy to Combat Elder Abuse and has been doing so since 2002. EAO has resources that are useful for LTC homes under the ‘Help for Seniors’ section of their website.

    Reference: Elder Abuse Ontario (EAO). 2017. Help for Seniors. Accessed Feb. 6, 2017

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    This is a series of animated learning resources that have been created to enhance the capacity of those working with seniors and to adopt a common approach to identify and respond to elder abuse. As you move through each training module, you will be prompted by a coach who will act as your guide to make sure you maximize your learning.

    Reference: Elder Abuse Ontario. (n.d.). Elder Abuse Training Tools: Interactive Animated Learning Resources_Recognizing Financial and Emotional Abuse. Retrieved from Training Tools - Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario (

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    NICE (National Initiative for the Care of the Elderly) provides information tools and online resources for older adults covering caregiving, elder abuse, legal and financial matters, end-of-life planning, and physical and mental health. 
    The following provides access to NICE's online library of resources and Information Tools addressing elder abuse issues specifically for seniors in Canada.

    Retrieved from:

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    Emerging health technologies for assessment and detection, outlines additional or emerging health technologies which may be available for the assessment and early detection of pressure injuries. It does not represent an exhaustive list.


    Reference: Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario, (2024). Appendix L of Pressure injury management: Risk assessment, prevention and treatment - Fourth edition. Toronto, Canada: Author. pp. 108-109.


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    The brainXchange End of Life Care section contains presentation slides and resources on end of life care, including care related to persons in the final stages of dementia.


    © 2016 brainXchange

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    This brochure prepared by Alzheimer's Association provides support in preparing for the end of life, especially when families must make choices.

    Reference: Retrieved from Alzheimer's Association

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    The CNA Code of Ethics for Registered Nurses (2017) is a statement of the ethical values of registered nurses and nurses licensed in extended roles, such as nurse practitioners. It demonstrates nurses’ commitment to persons with health-care needs and persons receiving care. The Code is both aspirational and regulatory.

    Author: Canadian Nurses Association, 2017

  • Show description [+]

    This resource from pages 94-98 of Delirium, Dementia and Depression in Older Adults: Assessment and Care (2016) includes structure, process and outcome indicators helpful in evaluating the changes made by an organization.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2016). Delirium, Dementia, and Depression in Older Adults: Assessment and Care. Toronto, ON, Canada: Author. Retrieved from

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    Cette ligne directrice a été élaborée afin d'aborder la question de l'évaluation et du traitement des personnes qui ont un diagnostic avéré de plaies du pied causées par le diabète. Elle fournit des recommandations fondés sur les données probantes à toutes les infirmières ainsiqu'aux membres de l'équipe pluridisciplinaire qui prodiguent des soins dans des établissements de santé à des personnes (âgées de plus de 15 ans) atteintes de type 1 ou de type 2, qui sont atteintes de plaies du pied causées par le diabète.

    Association des infirmières et infirmiers autorisés de l'Ontario (2013). Évaluation et traitement des plaies du pied chez les personnes atteintes de diabète (2e édition). Toronto, Ontario : Association des infirmières et infirmiers autorisés de l'Ontario. Récupérée de :

  • Show description [+]

    This Care Transitions change package provides information that can be used sequentially to complete a specific task (or series of tasks), or can be used selectively and independently, depending on the user’s needs. This package includes an overview of transitions of care, four (4) key evidence-informed change concepts, and a deeper dive into the change concepts.

    Reference: Health Quality Ontario (2013) Transitions of Care: Evidence Informed Improvement Package Retrieved September 1, 2016 from:

  • Show description [+]

    This resource from the Nation Pressure Injury Advisory Panel (NPIAP), is an example of a validated classification system used to classify pressure injuries.

    Source: © National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel September 2016 Source: Reprinted with permission from the National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel (NPIAP). Pressure injury and stages [Internet]. Schaumburg (IL): NPIAP. 2016. Available from: 

    Reference: Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario, (2024). Appendix H of Pressure injury management: Risk assessment, prevention and treatment - Fourth edition. Toronto, Canada: Author. pp. 102.

  • Show description [+]

    This resource from the Canadian Nutrition Society, is an example of a nutrition screening tool which can be used to identify those who may be at risk for malnutrition.

    Reference: Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario, (2024). Appendix J of Pressure injury management: Risk assessment, prevention and treatment - Fourth edition. Toronto, Canada: Author. pp. 104-105.


  • Show description [+]

    Appendix F is an example of a preventative care bundle which may be used to educate residents, family and caregivers. It features the SSKIN bundle (Skin inspection, Surface, Keep moving, Incontinence & moisture and Nutrition).

    Source: Reprinted with permission from: Wounds Canada. Pressure injury prevention: SSKIN bundle [Internet]. North York (ON): Wounds Canada; [date unknown]. Available from:

    Reference: Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario, (2024). Appendix F of Pressure injury management: Risk assessment, prevention and treatment - Fourth edition. Toronto, Canada: Author. pp. 99.

  • Show description [+]

    This resource illustrates two examples of wound care frameworks: the wound bed preparation paradigm, reprinted with permission from Sibbald RG, Elliott JA, Persaud-Jaimangal R, et al. Wound Bed Preparation 2021. Adv Skin Wound Care. 2021 Apr 1;34(4):183–95.

    And, the wound prevention and management cycle, reprinted with permission from Orsted HL, Keast DH, Forest-Lalande L, et al. Best practice recommendations for the prevention and management of wounds. In: Foundations of Best Practice for Skin and Wound Management. A supplement of Wound Care Canada; 2017. 74 pp. Available from: https://www. 

    Reference: Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario, (2024). Appendix D of Pressure injury management: Risk assessment, prevention and treatment - Fourth edition. Toronto, Canada: Author. pp. 97-98.

  • Show description [+]

    These validated assessment tools will assist health providers in conducting a comprehensive assessment of a diabetic foot ulcer and provide a baseline for the diabetic foot ulcer. Examples of diabetic foot classification tools and wound progression tools are provided.

    Reference: Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario, (2024). Appendix H of Diabetic foot ulcers: Prevention, assessment and management, Third edition. Toronto, Canada: Author. pp. 114.

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    L'OHAT, également connu sous le nom d'examen abrégé modifié de l'état de la santé bucco-dentaire, fournit un moyen systématique d'évaluer la cavité buccale.

    Source: Chalmers, J., P. King, A. Spencer, F. Wright et K. Carter (2005). « The oral health assessment tool – validity and reliability. » Australian Dental Journal, 50(3), p. 191 à 199. Réimpression autorisée.

    Association des infirmières et infirmiers autorisés de l’Ontario (AIIAO). Appendix J Santé buccodentaire : Soutenir les adultes qui ont besoin d’aide. 2e  édition. Toronto (Ont.) : RNAO 2020 

  • Show description [+]

    Ce document est un exemple de l'outil d'évaluation de la santé bucco-dentaire holistique et fiable de l'outil d'évaluation orale (THROAT).

    Association des infirmières et infirmiers autorisés de l’Ontario (AIIAO). Appendix J Santé buccodentaire : Soutenir les adultes qui ont besoin d’aide. 2e  édition. Toronto (Ont.) : RNAO 2020  

  • Show description [+]

    Table 18 summarizes different approaches to exercise and physical training interventions with varying degrees of effectiveness.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario.  (2017).  Appendix H of RNAO Prevention of Falls and Reducing Injury from Falls Best Practice Guideline. (4th Ed.).  Toronto, ON: Author. (p.104-107.)


  • Show description [+]

    This interview guide Subjective Experience of Being Restrained (SEBR) can be used with patients in hospital and then in nursing homes.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2012). Appendix E of Promoting Safety: Alternative Approaches to the Use of Restraints. Toronto, Canada: Author.  (pp. 94-96). Retrieved from

    Copyright 1986 University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing


  • Show description [+]

    Fallsloop is a free online communication platform for the virtual Falls community of practice (CoP). Practitioners, caregivers, researchers, older adult groups and policy planners working for the health and care of older adults come together to exchange information to problem solve and learn to implement evidence-informed and promising fall prevention practices. Register to join the Falls CoP and access free webinars and resources.

    The Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation (n.d.) Fall Prevention Community of Practice Loop. Retrieved from
  • Show description [+]

    A fall prevention toolkit for planning events, information on evidence informed and evaluated fall prevention programs, resources and tools for practitioners and promotional materials for organizations.

    Fall Prevention Month. (n.d.). Fall prevention month toolkit. 


  • Show description [+]

    Example of a form for documentation from St Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton on falls debriefing and action plan.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario.  (2017).  Appendix J: Example: Falls debriefing and action plan from St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton (Ontario, Canada) of RNAO Prevention of Falls and Reducing Injury from Falls Best Practice Guideline. (4th Ed.). Toronto, ON: Author. (p.111-112.)


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    The Falls Risk Management (FRM) Post‐Falls Review sets out to describe the elements that are required for a post‐falls review within a comprehensive FRM strategy to support patient safety and quality improvement.

    Alberta Health © 2023 Government of Alberta

  • Show description [+]

    Website containing resources and information for families of residents in Long term Care.

    Family Councils Ontario (2022) retrieved from Family Councils Ontario (

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    This resource from the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) National Healthcare Safety Network, is a fact sheet suitable for health care providers which provides a concise overview of urinary tract infections.

    Available at:  Last Reviewed: March 19, 2024

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    Alzheimer Society Ontario's Finding Your Way® helps people living with dementia, their families, caregivers and communities to recognize the risk of going missing, be prepared for incidents of going missing, and ensure that people with dementia can live safely in the community. At this link you will find free On-line Learning about keeping people with dementia safe. You will also find a Living Safely with Dementia Resource Guide and an interactive resource guide. 

    Alzheimer Society of Canada (2018). Finding Your Way. 

    2018 Alzheimer Society of Canada

  • Show description [+]

    The Fixing Long-Term Care Act, 2021 (FLTCA) was proclaimed into force to regulate Ontario's long-term care home sector.
    The Long-Term Care Homes Act, 2007 (LTCHA) was revoked, which means it is no longer in force. The new Act also includes a new regulation.

    Government of Ontario (2021) Fixing Long-Term Care Act, 2021. Toronto ( ON) retrieved from Fixing Long-Term Care Act, 2021, S.O. 2021, c. 39, Sched. 1 (

  • Show description [+]

    This flow chart from page 33 of the BPG Delirium, Dementia and Depression in Older Adults: Assessment and Care (2016) provides a concise and systematic overview of the best practice recommendations.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2016). Delirium, Dementia, and Depression in Older Adults: Assessment and Care. Toronto, ON, Canada: Author. Retrieved from

  • Show description [+]

    A flow chart that summarizes the steps, context, and considerations in falls prevention and injury reduction.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario.  (2017).  RNAO Prevention of Falls and Reducing Injury from Falls Best Practice Guideline. (4th Ed.).  Toronto, ON: Author. (p.24)
  • Show description [+]

    This fact sheet from the Ontario Dental Hygienists' Association provides signs of poor oral care and gives clear instructions for how a caregiver can give oral care to another person.

    Ontario Dental Hygienists' Association. (n.d.). For caregivers – A guide to providing oral care. Retrieved from


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    This scale's purpose is to determine how nurses feel about certain situations in which they are involved with patients. All statements concern nursing care given to the dying person and/or his/her family. Where there is a reference to a dying patient, assume it refers to a person who is considered to be terminally ill, with six months or fewer to live.

    Source: Folmelt, K. American Journal Hospice Palliative Care (Vol. 8, Issue 5) pp. 37-43 Copyright 1991 By Sage Publication

    Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario. (2011). Appendix G of End-of-Life Care During the last Days and Hours. Toronto, ON: Author pp. 108-109

    Retrieved from

  • Show description [+]

    nA tool to assist LTC homes in completing a gap analysis regarding how they are doing in their home with Person and Family Centred Care from a resident’s viewpoint. This tool was developed by staff at Woodingford Lodge as part of the LTC BPSO® pre-designation journey.

    Woodingford Lodge. (2016). Resident Report Card. Woodstock ON.


  • Show description [+]

    A tool to assist LTC homes in completing a gap analysis regarding how they are doing in their home with Person and Family Centred Care from a front-line viewpoint. This tool was developed by staff at Woodingford Lodge as part of the LTC BPSO® pre-designation journey.

    Woodingford Lodge. (2016). General Staff Report Card. Woodstock ON.
  • Show description [+]

    This web link provides GPA training information and educational resources. access to GPA newsletters. The Advanced Gerontological Education Website is


  • Show description [+]

    The Geriatric Depression Scale, is a screening tool used to assessment depression in older adults. It is available in both long form and short form versions and also in multiple languages. The link below is for the long form.

    Yesavage JA, Brink TL, Rose TL, et al. Development and validation of a geriatric depression screening scale: a preliminary report. J Psychiatr Res 1983; 17:37-49

    Retrieved from:



  • Show description [+]

    The Geriatric Depression Scale, is a screening tool used to assessment depression in older adults. It is available in both long form and short form versions and also in multiple languages. The link below is for the short form.

    Reference: Yesavage JA, Brink TL, Rose TL, et al. Development and validation of a geriatric depression screening scale: a preliminary report. J Psychiatr Res 1983; 17:37-49.

    Retrieved from:



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    These open-access interactive geriatric learning modules are based on the Geriatrics interprofessional interorganizational Collaboration (GiiC) toolkit developed by the RGPs of Ontario. Users take on a senior character and follow their journey through the health system. Registration is required to access the eLearning Modules.

    Retrieved from: 


  • Show description [+]

    This link takes you to the resources that include pain assessment terminology and Power Point presentations.

    Reference: Sigma Theta Tau International for the Center for Nursing Excellence in Long Term Care 2013. Pain assessment terminology and narrated power point presentations. Retrieved from

  • Show description [+]

    This link takes you to the Geriatric Pain website

    The website was created to provide nurses who work in LTC environments with access to free best practice pain assessment tools and resources to help manage pain in older adults, including quality improvement processes focused on pain management


  • Show description [+]

    This resource is a glossary of terms used throughout the best practice guideline.  Appendix A of Prevention injury management: Risk assessment, prevention and treatment, Fourth edition. Toronto, Canada: Author. pp. 81-87.

    Reference: Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario, (2024).

  • Show description [+]

    This resource is a glossary of terms used throughout the best practice guideline: Diabetic foot ulcers: Prevention, assessment and management. 

    Reference: Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario, (2024). Appendix A of Diabetic foot ulcers: Prevention, assessment and management, Third edition. Toronto, Canada: Author. pp. 86-95.



  • Show description [+]

    This resource is a glossary of terms used throughout the best practice guideline, Pain: Prevention, assessment and management. Fourth edition.

    Reference: Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2025). Appendix A of Pain: Prevention, assessment and management. (Fourth Ed.). Toronto, ON: Author.

    pp. 69-75.


  • Show description [+]

    This website offers a workbook with 10 accompanying videos to help long-term care home staff to learn techniques to provide better oral care to their residents. 

    Minnesota Dental Association. (n.d.). Growing old with a smile: Oral health for older adults in long-term care. Retrieved from


  • Show description [+]

    A best practice guideline on preventing Catheter-associated Urinary Tract Infections. For use by infection prevention staff, administrators, nurses, and other healthcare providers across the continuum of care. Developed by the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention.

    Reference: Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC) and Centre for Disease Control and Prevention. (CDC). 2009. Guideline for Prevention of Catheter-associated Urinary Tract Infections.

  • Show description [+]

    The Cancer Care website links to the guidelines for palliative care. The target population is any individual requiring palliative care. All Clinicians and staff involved in the delivery of palliative care can use this guideline.

    Retrieved from:

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    This guidelines outline the importance of planning, choice and consent and adults with developmental disabilities receiving appropriate developmental services and supports in a long-term care home. The commitment to developing these guidelines and to following them also demonstrates the integrated and co-ordinated approach to care within and between the developmental services and long-term care home sectors.

    Reference: King's Printer for Ontario, 2012 to 24. Retrieved from:

  • Show description [+]

    The revised ESAS-r is available in multiple languages. The link will take you to the guidelines for using the ESAS-r tool. The ESAS-r tool is freely available to use, with appropriate acknowledgement of its source.


  • Show description [+]

    The Advocacy Centre for the Elderly (ACE) website provides various information related to health care consent and advance care planning, frequently asked questions and resources.

    Copyright © 2024 The Advocacy Centre for the Elderly (ACE). All rights reserved.

  • Show description [+]

    The link will take you to the presentation by Judith Whal, hosted by Hospice Palliative Care Ontario

    The PDF version of the presentation is also attached. Retrieved from:

  • Show description [+]

    This section of the brainXchange website focuses on health care consent and advance care planning, with many presentations and resources available to help when caring for persons at the end of life.

    Reference: Title: brainXchange, Health care consent and advance care planning (2016). This section of the brainXchange website focuses on health care consent and advance care planning, with many presentations and resources available to help when caring for persons at the end of life. Website:

  • Show description [+]

    You may need to seek assistance from a health-care professional when you have concerns about people you care for who are in pain. Uncontrolled pain is a common problem. Pain can affect anyone at any age and include people who are unable to communicate that they are experiencing some form of pain. If people have pain during their day-to-day activities or during any medical procedure, this can affect the way they behave and function. This behaviour may cause you to feel helpless and distressed, especially if you can not help them with their pain and they are not able to speak for themselves.

    Retrieved from:

  • Show description [+]

    This assessment tool is used primarily by mental health professionals to “estimate” a persons’ probability of violence.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2012). Appendix H of Promoting Safety: Alternative Approaches to the Use of Restraints. Toronto, Canada: Author.  (p. 101). Retrieved from

    Reprinted with permission from Ronald Roesch, Professor, Director of Mental Health Law and Policy Institute, Simon Fraser University


  • Show description [+]

    A two-page summary of the European Wound Management Association (EWMA) guidance on holistic management of wound-related pain. It includes a decision-aid to guide holistic management of wound-related pain.
    Source: Reprinted with permission from: The European Wound Management Association. Holistic management of wound-related pain. J Wound Management. 2024; 24 (1 Sup 1). Available from: http://

    Reference: Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario, (2024). Appendix K of Pressure injury management: Risk assessment, prevention and treatment - Fourth edition. Toronto, Canada: Author. pp 106-107.



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    Hollister Education has developed an online course in Ostomy Care that offers healthcare professionals the opportunity to learn more about this specialized area of care. There are a total of five lessons that may be viewed in any order, with an assessment at the conclusion of each lesson. Topics include:

    • Lesson 1: Ostomy overview
    • Lesson 2: Pouching systems
    • Lesson 3: Ostomy accessories
    • Lesson 4: Problem solving
    • Lesson 5: Education and resources

    Each lesson contains a glossary of terms and reference resources.

    Web Address or Source:  

    Intellectual Property:

    Unless otherwise specified, all content and the intellectual property rights in such content included on this Web site, such as works, images, pictures, dialogues, music, sounds, videos, documents, drawings, figures, logos, menus, Web pages, graphics, colors, schemes, tools, fonts, designs, diagrams, layouts, methods, processes, functions and software (collectively, “Content”), are the property of Hollister. You may not reproduce, publish, distribute, display, modify, create derivative work from, or exploit in any way, in whole or in part, the Content without getting prior express written consent from us.

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    This guide is intended to help health care/hospice palliative care professionals and volunteers to have a conversation with and/or respond to patients or their families around Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD).

    Reference: Palliative Care and Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) in Canada (2017, June). Retrieved from

  • Show description [+]

    The Hospice Palliative Care Ontario offers many educational resources for caregivers including Advance Care Planning and Health Care Consent for Health Service Providers. There is also a Palliative Care Core Course for Interdisciplinary staff which covers pain and symptom management, ethical decisions, communication and end of life in dementia. Materials are freely accessible.

    Reference: Title: Hospice Palliative Care Ontario (2015) Description: The Hospice Palliative Care Ontario offers many educational resources for caregivers including Advance Care Planning and Health Care Consent for Health Service Providers. There is also a Palliative Care Core Course for Interdisciplinary staff which covers pain and symptom management, ethical decisions, communication and end of life in dementia. Materials are freely accessible. Website:

  • Show description [+]

    This 25-minute video shows how to demonstrate an approach to oral health assessment in long term care. It is part 1 of the RNAO Long-Term Care Best Practices Program - Oral Health Assessment Series (3 parts)- 2015. Author Ibo MacDonald Retrieved from

  • Show description [+]

    This 25-minute video demonstrates how to perform an oral assessment of the "normal mouth" on residents living in long-term care. It is part 1 of the RNAO Long-Term Care Best Practices Program - Oral Health Assessment Series (3 parts). 

    Retrieved from:

    Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario, 2015


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    This table compares different types of chronic wounds to assist health providers in differentiating wounds they may see in clinical practice.

    Reference: Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario, (2024). Appendix I of Diabetic foot ulcers: Prevention, assessment and management, Third edition. Toronto, Canada: Author. pp. 115-116 .

  • Show description [+]

    Downloadable practical implementation resources on implementing Person-Centred Language in Patient Documentation

    Regional Geriatric Program of Toronto ( 2022) Implement Person-Centred Language in Patient Documentation retrieved from Implement Person-Centred Language in Patient Documentation | Regional Geriatric Program of Toronto (

  • Show description [+]

    Watch a video of nurses implementing the Assessment and Management of Pain Guideline into their practice. 

    RNAO (2009) Implementation of Pain Assessment and management Guideline


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    Implementing a Palliative Approach to Care in Long Term Care: An Implementation Guide and Resource Toolkit that aligns with the expanded Palliative Approach to Care requirements within the Fixing Long-Term Care Act, 2021 (FLTCA). The document is divided into 3 sections, each section starts with content related to the section’s theme, followed by a comprehensive list of resources, including hyperlinks. 
    1. Key concepts in a palliative approach to care
    2. Mentorship, education and support to build competency and capacity
    3. Implementing a palliative approach to care

    Retrieved from:  

  • Show description [+]

    This website provides all Ontario health care practitioners the information and resources they need to:

    • Prepare people and their Substitute Decision-Makers (SDMs) for future decision-making (Advance Care Planning).
    • Support decision-making by engaging people and caregivers in decision-making conversations when needed (Goals of Care Discussions

    Hospice Palliative Care Ontario (2022) Improving Person-Centred Conversations retrieved from Welcome to HPCO's Online Learning Portal (

  • Show description [+]

    This collaboration between LGBT and mainstream organizations examines why the LGBT population face additional obstacles to successful aging. It also looks at what groundwork needs to be in place for these obstacles to be overcome . Copyright © 2015 Movement Advancement Project ©

    Reference: LGBT Movement Advancement Project (MAP), & Services and Advocacy for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Elders (SAGE). (2010). Improving Lives of the LGBT older adults. Retrieved from

  • Show description [+]

    This collaboration between LGBT and mainstream organizations examines why the LGBT population face additional obstacles to successful aging. It also looks at what groundwork needs to be in place for these obstacles to be overcome . Copyright © 2015 Movement Advancement Project ©

    Reference: LGBT Movement Advancement Project (MAP), & Services and Advocacy for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Elders (SAGE). (2010). Improving Lives of the LGBT older adults. Retrieved from

  • Show description [+]

    This IADIT tool is an excellent resource on skin care for incontinent people. It has clear pictures, definitions and short descriptions of skin changes and rashes.

    Copyright © 2008 Joan Junkin. All rights reserved. Please send request for permissions to  

    1. Bliss DZ, Zehrer C, Savik K, et al. Incontinence-associated skin damage in nursing home residents: a secondary analysis of a prospective, multicenter study. Ostomy Wound Manage. 2006;52:46–55.

    2. Institute for Healthcare Improvement. Prevent Pressure Ulcers: How-To Guide. May 2007. Available at: be88b7d96858/0/pressureulcerhowtoguide.doc  

    3. Gray M, Bliss DB, Ermer-Seltun J, et al. Incontinence-associated dermatitis: a consensus. J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs. 2007;34:45-54.

    4. Junkin J, Selekof JL. Prevalence of incontinence and associated skin injury in the acute care inpatient. J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs. 2007;34:260-269.

  • Show description [+]

    A fact sheet on urinary continence for patients and families with recommendations for action based on the RNAO Continence BPG. Available in French.

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    This algorithm looks at a multidisciplinary approach related the management of urinary incontinence in the community or long term care homes. It addresses: presenting symptoms, clinical assessments, presumed etiology, treatment/management and evaluation. This one page tool can be laminated and posted for reference.

    Retrieved from:

    © 2001 The Canadian Continence Foundation

  • Show description [+]

    This screening guide provides a systematic method that can be used by health providers for foot ulcer prevention and ongoing screening after an ulcer or complication occurs. 

    Reference: Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario, (2024). Appendix D of Diabetic foot ulcers: Prevention, assessment and management, Third edition. Toronto, Canada: Author pp. 104-105.

  • Show description [+]

    An illustration showing how the urinary tract nerves come from the brain and spinal cord.

    Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario. (2006). Self-Learning Package Continence Care Education. Toronto, ON: Retrieved from:

  • Show description [+]

    Example signage of Intentional Hourly Rounding Poster from Fraser Health, British Columbia, Canada.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario.  (2017).  Appendix K of RNAO Prevention of Falls and Reducing Injury from Falls Best Practice Guideline. (4th Ed.). Toronto, ON: Author. (p.115)


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    Pallium Canada provides palliative care education to all health providers through workshops, e-learning and more.


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    This article describes the challenges involved and potential solutions for improving the quality of transitional care.

    Reference: Fancott, C. (2011). The Change Foundation. Interventions and measurement tools related to improving the patient experience through transitions in care: A summary of key literature. Retrieved from:

  • Show description [+]

    This table from page 76-77 of the Delirium, Dementia, Depression in Older Adults: Assessment and Care BPG (2016) reviews interventions for depression, including psychotherapy, psychological/social and antidepressants.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2016). Delirium, Dementia, and Depression in Older Adults: Assessment and Care. Toronto, ON, Canada: Author. Retrieved from

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    Table-14, 15, 16 and 17 summarize evidence from the reviewed literature on specific fall prevention and injury reduction interventions. They are organized according to the benefit of the interventions. Health-care providers use clinical judgment to determine if interventions apply to their settings.

    • Table 14: interventions with strong evidence of benefit.
    • Table 15: interventions that have potential benefit.
    • Table 16: interventions with mixed findings.
    • Table 17: interventions with insufficient evidence of benefit.
    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario.  (2017).  Appendix G of RNAO Prevention of Falls and Reducing Injury from Falls Best Practice Guideline. (4th Ed.).  Toronto, ON: Author. (p.98-103)


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    This powerpoint presentation for health care providers, shows how to distinguish between the types of urinary incontinence and interventions to treat urinary incontinence.  A poster and patient handout are also part of this module which is also available in french.

    Spencer, Martha ( 2019) Introduction to Urinary Incontinence- Clinician Learning Series.Ontario. Retrieved from 

  • Show description [+]

    Video of recognizing the warning signs/attitudes present in elder abuse situations.

    ©2015 Centre For Research & Education On Violence Against Women & Children

    Reference: Centre for research & education on violence against women & children. (n.d.). It's not right: Neighbours, friends & family for older adults. Retrieved from

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    The IWGDF risk stratification system allows health providers to establish foot screening and examination frequency based on resulting risk categories.

    Reference: Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario, (2024). Appendix E of Diabetic foot ulcers: Prevention, assessment and management, Third edition. Toronto, Canada: Author. pp. 106.


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    The expert panel for the BPG Facilitating Client Centred Learning (2012) developed the L.E.A.R.N.S. Model, which describes how to support effective learning. LEARNS stands for Listen, Establish, Adopt, Reinforce, Name, Strengthen and refers to the nurse/client interaction.

    Reference: Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (2012). Facilitating Client Centred Learning. Toronto, Canada: Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. pp. 19-20.

  • Show description [+]

    Fiche de renseignements pour la sensibilisation en matière de santé.

    Association des infirmières et infirmiers autorisés de l’Ontario. (2003, Juilet). La constipation: La prévention est maître. Toronto, Canada: Auteur.

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    Les lignes directrices sur les pratiques exemplaires portent principalement sur le personnel infirmier, les équipes soignantes et les processus qui favorisent la mise en place de milieux de travail sains. Ces lignes directrices traitent de la gestion et de l’atténuation des conflits interpersonnels au sein des équipes de soins de santé. Elles partent du principe que même s’il est possible d’éviter certains conflits, des conflits sains peuvent également être bénéfiques.

    Association des infirmières et infirmiers autorisés de l’Ontario (2012). La gestion et l’atténuation des conflits dans les équipes de soins de santé. Toronto, Canada : Autheur. Récupéré

     Ce travail est financé par le Ministère de la Santé et des Soins de longue durée d'Ontario.

  • Show description [+]

    L'objectif de cette prochaine édition de la ligne directrice sur les pratiques exemplaires (LDPE) est de fournir aux infirmières, à l'équipe interprofessionnelle et aux soignants des recommandations fondées sur des données probantes pour la prestation de soins bucco-dentaires aux adultes (18 ans et plus) qui : (a) favoriseront une approche interprofessionnelle de la prestation soins bucco-dentaires, (b) améliorer la prestation des interventions de soins bucco-dentaires, et (c) conduire finalement à des résultats positifs en matière de santé bucco-dentaire pour les personnes.

    Le BPG se concentre sur la prestation de soins bucco-dentaires dans tous les établissements de santé aux adultes qui ont besoin d'aide pour les soins bucco-dentaires dans un continuum qui va de la mise en place de fournitures de soins bucco-dentaires à une assistance physique complète pour les soins bucco-dentaires. Cette LDPE fournit des recommandations pour soutenir la prestation de soins bucco-dentaires, y compris une supervision, une incitation et une assistance appropriées, tout en préconisant l'indépendance et l'autonomie de la personne.

    Association des infirmières et infirmiers autorisés de l’Ontario (AIIAO). Santé buccodentaire : Soutenir les adultes qui ont besoin d’aide. 2e  édition. Toronto (Ont.) : RNAO 2020 

    Ce travail est financé par le Ministère de la Santé et des Soins de longue durée.

  • Show description [+]

    This e-resource offered by Baycrest provides six sections of learning including understanding depression, signs and symptoms, self-check, causes, types and treatments for late-life depression.

    Reference: Baycrest Health Sciences (2016) Late-Life Depression. Retrieved from:


  • Show description [+]

    A complete toolkit for educational purposes. Composed in 2008 and content uploaded in 2016. Key elements of the CCSMH Late Life Suicide Prevention Toolkit include: • DVD - Suicide Assessment & Prevention for Older Adults: Life Saving Tools for Health Care Providers • CCSMH National Guidelines for Seniors’ Mental Health: The Assessment of Suicide Risk and Prevention of Suicide • Clinician pocket-card • PowerPoint presentation • Facilitator’s Guide with tips for using the Toolkit in a variety of ways

    Reference: Canadian Coalition for Seniors’ Mental Health (2008) Late Life Suicide Prevention Toolkit, Facilitators Guide. Available at 

    © Canadian Coalition for Seniors’ Mental Health, 2008 In order to meet the educational needs of your learners, some materials in the toolkit may be modified. Please acknowledge that the information was provided by the Canadian Coalition for Seniors’ Mental Health Late Life Suicide Prevention Toolkit.

  • Show description [+]

    The link will take you to the document that the Law Commission of Ontario released entitled Legal Capacity, Decision-Making and Guardianship, this  report provides a number of recommendations designed to reduce opportunities for elder abuse.

    Law Commission of Ontario (2017) Legal Capacity, Decision-making and Guardianship. Toronto, On. Retrieved from:

  • Show description [+]

    Cette ligne directrice sur les pratiques exemplaires en soins infirmières et infirmiers est un document détaillé comportant les ressources nécessaires au soutien de la pratique basée sur des données probantes. Un milieu de travail sain, c’est un milieu de pratique qui maximise la santé et le bien-être des infirmières, des résultats de qualité chez le patient ou client, le rendement de l’organisation et du système, et les retombées sociales, y compris des collectivités en meilleure santé.

    Association des infirmières et infirmiers autorisés de l’Ontario (2013). Lignes directrices sur le développement et le maintien du leadership infirmier, (2em Ed.). Toronto, ON, Canada: Auteur. Récupérée de

     Ce travail est financé par le Ministère de la Santé et Ministère des Soins de longue durée d'Ontario


  • Show description [+]

    A list of acronyms used throughout the guideline Pressure injury management: Risk assessment, prevention and treatment - Fourth edition. pp. 81-89.

    Reference: Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario, (2024).

  • Show description [+]

    Tables 10, 11 and 12 list of risk factors that include fall risk factors, health conditions associated with increased risk of falls, and factors associated with increased risk of falls injury.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario.  (2017).  Appendix E of RNAO Prevention of Falls and Reducing Injury from Falls Best Practice Guideline. (4th Ed.).  Toronto, ON: Author. (p.88-91.)


  • Show description [+]

    LTC Series - Personal Support Worker: How to Safely Transfer In and Out of Bed is a two minute Osteoporosis Canada video discusses and demonstrates how to safely transfer residents in and out of bed.

    Osteoporosis Canada. [GERAS Centre]. (2018, Feb 8). LTC Series - Personal Support Worker: How to Safely Transfer Out/In Bed [Video]. YouTube.


  • Show description [+]

    LTC Series - Personal Support Worker: Practicing Sit to Stands Daily is a two and a half minute Osteoporosis Canada video discusses and demonstrates how to do daily sit to stand exercises for long term care residents.

    Osteoporosis Canada. [GERAS Centre]. (2018, Feb 8). LTC Series - Personal Support Worker: Practicing Sit to Stands Daily [Video]. YouTube.


  • Show description [+]

    LTC Series - Personal Support Worker: Proper Positioning for Sitting is a one and a half minute Osteoporosis Canada video discusses and demonstrates how to properly position residents for sitting.

    Osteoporosis Canada. [GERAS Centre]. (2018, Feb 8). LTC Series - Personal Support Worker: Proper positioning for sitting. [Video]. YouTube.


  • Show description [+]

    Developed by a Canadian research team who has been funded by the Canadian Institutes for Health Research to explore the ethical, policy, and practice implications of Medical Assistance in Dying for Nurses. As part of our knowledge translation strategy, a Reflective Guide for Nurses that addresses six main areas of nursing practice in relation to Medical Assistance in Dying: nurses’ experiences, making moral sense, best practices, common dilemmas, and self-care. The Reflective Guide includes a video that provides a compelling insight into a few nurses’ experiences with Medical Assistance in Dying. This free guide can be used for individual study or as part of an educational offering.

    Author: CIHR IRSC, Funding from CIHR: CIHR Project Grant PJT-148655; CIHR Project Grant PJT-169144

  • Show description [+]

    Fiche de renseignements pour la sensibilisation en matière de santé.

    Association des infirmières et infirmiers autorisés de l’Ontario (2002, Novembre). Maîtriser sa douleur. Toronto, ON, Canada: Auteur. Récupérée de

  • Show description [+]

    Why should I be concerned about foot ulcers?

    Foot ulcers increase the risk of infection (a germ or bacteria that invades and damages the tissues) and may reduce your quality of life. While most foot ulcers heal, when they are left untreated, they could lead to foot amputations. This could lead to lost income, longer hospital stays and a need for special therapy.

    Retrieved from:

  • Show description [+]

    Medical assistance in dying (MAID) has been legal in Canada since 2016. Nurse practitioners, physicians, pharmacists, and “persons aiding practitioners” (including nurses) are permitted to help those who have explicitly requested MAID.

    • CNA Statement on the Passage of Bill C-14 (media release)
    • Code of Ethics for Registered Nurses
    • Palliative care and end-of-life resources

    © Copyright 2022 Canadian Nurses Association

  • Show description [+]

    On June 16, 2016, the federal government passed legislation to amend Canada’s Criminal Code and established a federal framework for Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) for individuals who meet pre-defined eligibility criteria.

    MAID, as defined by the Government of Canada, refers to: The administering by a medical practitioner or nurse practitioner of a substance to a person, at their request, that causes their death. The prescribing or providing by a medical practitioner or nurse practitioner of a substance to a person, at their request so that they may self-administer the substance, and in doing so, cause their own death. As part of its efforts to implement a consistent approach to the MAID process in Ontario, the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (MOHLTC) has engaged the Centre for Effective Practice (CEP) to develop a resource to support clinicians (physicians and nurse practitioners) with the provision of MAID. Retrieved from:

    Centre for Effective Practice. (2019). Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID): Ontario (rev). Retrieved from:


  • Show description [+]

    This Government of Canada website provides information on what medical assistance in dying (MAID) is, who is eligible, how to make a request, the process, and who can provide medical assistance in dying.

    Retrieved from:

    Date modified: 2024-10-28




  • Show description [+]

    Med Rec is a formal process to ensure accurate and comprehensive medication information is communicated consistently across transitions of care. This site provides information that can support medication reconciliation policies and procedures within organizations.

    Reference: Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP). (2012). Medication Reconciliation. Retrieved from:

  • Show description [+]

    Table 19 provides a list of medication resources for use in fall prevention and reduction of injury from falls.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario.  (2017).  Appendix I of RNAO Prevention of Falls and Reducing Injury from Falls Best Practice Guideline. (4th Ed.).  Toronto, ON: Author. (p.108.)


  • Show description [+]

    The Medication practice standard describes nurses’ accountabilities when engaging in medication practices, such as administration, dispensing, medication storage, inventory management and disposal.

    Reference: College of Nurses of Ontario (2023) CNO Practice Standard-Medication Retrieved from:

    Copyright © College of Nurses of Ontario, 2023.

  • Show description [+]

    Appendix P from the RNAO A Proactive Approach to Bladder and Bowel Management in Adults — Fourth Edition is a list of the major drug groups that can contribute to constipation. 

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (RNAO). A proactive approach to bladder and bowel management in adults. 4th ed. Toronto (ON): RNAO; 2020 (p. 146).

  • Show description [+]

    A list of the major drug groups that can contribute to urinary incontinence. Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (RNAO). A proactive approach to bladder and bowel management in adults. 4th ed. Toronto (ON): RNAO; 2020.

  • Show description [+]

    This Government of Ontario website contains the Mental Health Act 1990 and Regulation that falls under it.

    Reference: Mental Health Act 1990 Website:

  • Show description [+]

    This WHO webpage, Mental Health of Older Adults, recognizes dementia and depression in older adults as a global public health issue and identifies interventions.

    World Health Organization. (12 December, 2017). Mental Health of Older Adults. Retrieved from

    Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO.


  • Show description [+]

    The Mental Health First Aid courses focus on the most common mental health disorders related to substances, mood, anxiety, trauma and psychosis.

    Reference: Mental Health Commission of Canada (2017). Mental Health First Aid Canada. Retrieved from  

    © 2017 Mental Health Commission of Canada

  • Show description [+]

    Website full of educational resources with a great search engine pertaining to suicide and the elderly.

    Reference: Baycrest [Online] Available:

    Your use of this site constitutes your agreement to abide by these Terms of Use. Baycrest reserves the right, in their sole discretion, to modify, alter or otherwise update these Terms of Use at any time and you agree to be bound by such modifications, alterations or updates. You agree to review these Terms of Use on an ongoing basis. Baycrest hereby grants you a personal, non-exclusive, non-assignable and non-transferable license to use and display, one copy of any Material and/or software that you may download from this site, including, but not limited to, any files, codes, audio or images incorporated in or generated by the software (collectively called the “Downloaded Material”) provided, however, that you must maintain all copyright and other notices contained in such Downloaded Material. You acknowledge and agree that you may not sublicense, assign or otherwise transfer this license or the Downloaded Material and that no title to the Downloaded Material has been or will be transferred to you from Baycrest or anyone else. You also agree that you will not alter, disassemble, decompile, reverse engineer or otherwise modify the Downloaded Material.

  • Show description [+]

    The Mini-Cog is a brief screening instrument to determine memory recall and clock drawing ability. A positive screen would suggest more in-depth assessment for cognitive impairment. Mini-Cog instrument, instructions and scoring are provided.

    Reference: Borson, S. (n.d.). Mini-Co. Retrieved from

    Mini-Cog™ © S. Borson. All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission of the author solely for clinical and educational purposes. May not be modified or used for commercial, marketing, or research purposes without permission of the author ( v. 01.19.16

  • Show description [+]

    A useful tool for assessing early stage dementia.  For more information or feedback on MoCA© contact Dr Z. Nasreddine at

    Nasreddine, Z.  (2003). Welcome to the Montreal Cognitive Assessment.   Quebec, QC, Canada: Center for Diagnosis & Research on Alzheimer’s disease.  Retrieved from  Copyright Dr Z. Nasreddine 2003 to 2013 - The Montreal Cognitive Assessment - MoCA© - All rights reserved.

  • Show description [+]

    This website contains many useful resources for understanding depression, bipolar disorder, suicidality. There is an education tab with links to training modules. Useful supportive strategies can be found under the support tab.

    Reference: Website: 

  • Show description [+]

    This website contains resources to assist when an individual with dementia is looking at transitioning to long-term care. The Alzheimer Society of Canada webpage has resources to support decision-making.

    Reference: Alzheimer Society of Canada (2016), "Alzheimer Society of Canada, Long Term Care”. Retrieved from:

  • Show description [+]

    Music and Memory looks at how music can enrich the lives of long-term care residents with cognitive impairment.

    Reference: Blanchard, Laurie (2016). Music and Memory. Retrieved from:

    ©Laurie Blanchard, August, 2016.

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    The Mutual Action Plan (MAP) takes into account the resident's individual style of learning and communicating.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2012). Appendix O of Promoting Safety: Alternative Approaches to the Use of Restraints. Toronto, Canada: Author.  (pp. 117-118). Retrieved from

    MAP Behavioural Profile - Draft 2009/11/18 adapted from: Safe Management Group Inc. 2008. Copyright 2009, Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences. All rights reserved.

    Reproduction in whole or in part by any means without written consent of Ontario Shores is prohibited by law.

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    My Personhood Summary© surfaces a person’s life experiences, important relationships, personal preferences, and other psychosocial and environmental factors that influence individuals’ daily lives.

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    My Transitional Care Plan© (MTCP) summarizes meaningful information that contributes to the facilitation of successful transitions across sectors for older adults presenting with, or at risk of, responsive behaviours/ personal expressions associated with dementia, complex mental health, substance use and/or other neurological conditions. 

  • Show description [+]

    My Transitional Care Plan© (MTCP) summarizes meaningful information that contributes to the facilitation of successful transitions across sectors for older adults presenting with, or at risk of, responsive behaviours/ personal expressions associated with dementia, complex mental health, substance use and/or other neurological conditions.

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    My Transitional Care Plan© summarizes information to facilitate successful transitions in care for older adults presenting with, or at risk of, responsive behaviours or complex mental health, substance use or neurological conditions (166). It provides a synopsis of essential information that should be communicated to members of the interprofessional team to prepare and facilitate a transition in care. The tool is written in first person to promote person-centred care, and health and social service providers should collaborate with persons and their support network when completing the form. My Transitional Care Plan© can be built within an electronic health record. The form is also available in French (166).

    Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario. (2023). Appendix H of Transitions in Care and Services. (Second Ed.). Toronto, ON: Author.  pp 123-124

    Source: Reprinted with permission from: Behavioural Supports Ontario (BSO). 

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    National Initiative for the Care of the Elderly (NICE) is an international network of researchers, practitioners, and students dedicated to improving the care of older adults in Canada and abroad. The website includes various resources, some specific to dementia care and caregiving.

    Reference:National Initiative for the Care of the Elderly (NICE) Website:

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    The National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel (NPIAP) serves as the authoritative voice for improved patient outcomes in pressure ulcer prevention and treatment through public policy, education and research.


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    Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada is the national organization that represents all Inuit women in Canada. Pauktuutit has been active in abuse prevention and building capacity to address abuse issues since its inception in 1984. Pauktuutit brought together individuals, agencies and groups who share a common interest in preventing abuse in Inuit communities, to collaborate on the development and implementation of this unique national,community-based strategy.

    Reference: Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada. (2006). National Strategy to Prevent Abuse in Inuit Communities and Sharing Knowledge, Sharing Wisdom: A Guide to the National Strategy. Ottawa, ON: Author. Retrieved from

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    This Table from page 61 of Delirium, Dementia and Depression in Older Adults: Assessment and Care (2016) describes non- pharmacological approaches to use to minimize behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2016). Delirium, Dementia, and Depression in Older Adults: Assessment and Care. Toronto, ON, Canada: Author. Retrieved from

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    A pain rating scale used to determine a persons level of pain.

    • Scored 0-10 with the anchors of 0 being ‘no pain’ and 10 being ‘pain as bad as it can be’ Used in adults, older adults, and adolescents and children over age 8.
    • Well established evidence of reliability, validity, and ability to detect change
    • No equipment is needed to administer this measure
    • High feasibility (quick and easy to use)

    Reference: McCaffery, M., Beebe, A., et al. (1989). Pain: Clinical manual for nursing practice, Mosby St. Louis, MO

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    This observation and documentation record is when chemical restraints, seclusion and/or mechanical restraint are used.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2012). Appendix W of Promoting Safety: Alternative Approaches to the Use of Restraints. Toronto, Canada: Author.  (pp. 131-138). Retrieved from

    Copyright Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (2009). This material is prepared solely for internal use at CAMH. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form for publication without the permission of CAMH

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    The Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee (“OPGT”) delivers a unique and diverse range of services that safeguard the legal, personal and financial interests of certain private individuals and estates. Services are provided by multi-disciplinary teams of dedicated staff with experience in the health care, social work and financial planning fields. They receive professional support from lawyers, accountants and investigators. A brief description of many of the services offered by the OPGT is set out in the website.

    Reference: Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee (OPGT)


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    This fact sheet outlines factors to consider regarding offloading pressures, recommendations for offloading devices for forefoot ulcers and offloading device choices (with advantages and disadvantages).

    Reference: Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario, (2024). Appendix K of Diabetic foot ulcers: Prevention, assessment and management, Third edition. Toronto, Canada: Author. pp. 118-120.

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    Bullying (also known as harassment) happens when a person or a group of people repeatedly hurts, threatens, or scares a peer. Bullying awareness and prevention activities have been traditionally aimed at younger generations, even though the behaviours occur across the life course and can affect older adults where they live and socialize. This factsheet summarizes the definition of bullying, causes, impacts on older adults, strategies for prevention, and available services in Ontario. 

    Adapted from: A&O and CNPEA Info-graph on Older Adults and Bullying 2020

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    Website of Ontario Association of Resident Councils with resources, advocacy  and information for residents in LTC in Ontario


    Ontario Association of Resident Councils (2022) retrieved from Ontario Association of Residents' Councils - OARC (

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    The Ontario Palliative Care Network is a partnership of community stakeholders, health service providers and health systems planners who are developing a coordinated and standardized approach for delivering palliative care services in Ontario. In the website Resources section can be found many useful palliative care tools, guidance and evidence, reports and legislative updates.

    Web Address or

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    Ontario Regulation 246/22 was made under The Fixing Long-Term Care Act, 2021 (FLTCA) was proclaimed into force to regulate Ontario's long-term care home sector April 11, 2022.

    Government of Ontario (2022) Ontario Regulation 246/22. Toronto ( ON) retrieved from O. Reg. 246/22: GENERAL (

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    Ontario Regulation 246/22 was made under The Fixing Long-Term Care Act, 2021 (FLTCA) was proclaimed into force to regulate Ontario's long-term care home sector April 11, 2022.

    Government of Ontario (2022) Ontario Regulation 246/22. Toronto ( ON) retrieved from O. Reg. 246/22: GENERAL (

  • Show description [+]

    Ontario Regulation 246/22 was made under The Fixing Long-Term Care Act, 2021 (FLTCA) was proclaimed into force to regulate Ontario's long-term care home sector April 11, 2022.

    Government of Ontario (2022) Ontario Regulation 246/22. Toronto ( ON) retrieved from O. Reg. 246/22: GENERAL (

  • Show description [+]

    Ontario Regulation 246/22 was made under The Fixing Long-Term Care Act, 2021 (FLTCA) was proclaimed into force to regulate Ontario's long-term care home sector April 11, 2022.

    Government of Ontario (2022) Ontario Regulation 246/22. Toronto ( ON) retrieved from O. Reg. 246/22: GENERAL (

  • Show description [+]

     Ontario Regulation 246/22 was made under The Fixing Long-Term Care Act, 2021 (FLTCA) was proclaimed into force to regulate Ontario's long-term care home sector April 11, 2022.

    Government of Ontario (2022) Ontario Regulation 246/22. Toronto ( ON) retrieved from O. Reg. 246/22: GENERAL (

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    This link to the RNAO Interest Group website leads to resources and information regarding the benefits of membership and the role of interest group members in leading, promoting and influencing wound related public policy in Ontario.

    Reference: Ontario Wound Interest Group. Website

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    This brochure helps identify several key issues regarding managing the stigma and discrimination in housing, family and social support found in LGBTT population. The resource is available for free download.

    Senior Pride Network. (2014). Opening the Closet on Aging: Working with older lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, and transgender people. Retrieved from 


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    The Opiod Manager condenses key elements from the Canadian Opiate Guideline into a workable format for prescribing opiates for persons with chronic, non-cancer pain.

    Reference: National Opiod Use Guidelines Group (2010), Canadian Guideline for Safe and Effective Use of Opioids for Chronic Non-Cancer Pain Practice Toolkit, Opioid Manager. Retrieved from

    © 2016 McMaster University

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    This is a comprehensive collection of audits to review oral care in long term care. It contains instructions and audits on: dental equipment; Denture and denture supplies; Oral care supplies in residents’ care caddie; Oral care practices; POC/Flowsheet; Actual Resident Assessment of oral care; Admission Process; Levels of assistance and behaviours; Annual Assessment; Quarterly Assessment; Annual evaluation of oral care education; and Resident and Family Information.

    MacDonald, I. (2016). Oral Care Auditing Tool. Toronto, ON: Registered Nurses Association of Ontario - Oral Care Community of Practice 2015-16.


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    This RNAO-sponsored webinar is 34 minutes long, with a focus on dementia oral care.

    Kurchinski, K., & Woodbeck, H. (2016). Oral care best practices for residents with responsive behaviour: Approaches and strategies [Video file]. Retrieved from


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    This booklet is a group of tools that long term care or other health care organizations can use to collect baseline data on the status of oral care. Tools included are: RAI-MDS indicators; audits for oral supplies and care on charts; and an oral health knowledge survey.

    MacDonald, I. (2015). Oral care community of practice data collection tools. Toronto, ON: Registered Nurses Association of Ontario.


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    This is a link to a series of six videos that discusses why oral care is important and demonstrates appropriate oral care techniques for the various stages of dementia.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (December 2009). Oral care for residents with dementia. [Video series]. Retrieved from


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    This is a link to a series of six videos that describes the specialized oral care required for patients with the challenges of xerostoma (dry mouth), dysphasia (difficulty swallowing) and mucositis (inflamed oral tissues).

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (December 2009). Oral care for xerostomia, dysphagia, and mucositis. [Video series]. Retrieved from


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    This is a link to webinar series on thirteen different oral health topics that can be used for staff education. These include topics on oral health such as: diabetes, dementia, dry mouth, stroke, palliative care, bad breath, care planning, infection control, dentures, 2-toothbrush technique, tools, and oral assessment (OHAT).

    Terry Kirkpatrick. (2013).  Oral health care. [Video series].  Retrieved on October 8, 2013 from

     Sponsored by the Seniors Health Knowledge Network's Oral Health Community of Practice.  


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    This is a link to videos on thirteen oral health topics that can be used for staff education. Series 10 on Oral Health and Stroke July 2012 is specific for care of stroke survivors. It provides information on how oral health issues can cause a stroke, oral health care of stroke survivors and preventing oral disease. The other videos in the series also support education on oral health assessment tool (OHAT), infection control, oral care, halitosis, tooth brushing, denture care, oral care planning.
    Reference: Terry Kirkpatrick. (2013). Oral health. [Video series].

    Retrieved from:

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    This fact sheet from the British Columbia Dental Association provides a succinct description on how to do an oral exam, along with clear pictures of common oral problems.  It is available in Farsi, Chinese, Tagalog, and Punjabi. There are also video resources connected to this fact sheet.

    British Columbia Dental Association. (n.d.).  Oral Inspection Tips for Caregivers.  Retrieved from


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    Les normes d’exercice informent les infirmières de leurs responsabilités et expliquent leur rôle au public. Le présent document a pour objectif d’aider les infirmières à comprendre leurs responsabilités et à prendre des décisions en matière de contention. La contention, qu’elle soit physique, environnementale ou chimique, est un moyen controversé visant à restreindre les mouvements d’un client ou à maîtriser son comportement.

    Copyright © Ordre des infirmières et infirmiers de l’Ontario, 2009.

    Ordre des infirmières et infirmiers de l’Ontario. (2006).  La contention. Toronto, ON, Canada: Auteur. Récupérée de

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    Les normes d’exercice informent les infirmières de leurs responsabilités et expliquent leur rôle au public. La relation thérapeutique est la pierre angulaire de la profession infirmière. Et son objectif premier est de favoriser la santé et le bien-être des clients. Pour établir et cultiver cette importante relation, l’infirmière fait appel à ses connaissances et compétences professionnelles ainsi qu’à sa compassion.

    Ordre des infirmières et infirmiers de l’Ontario. (2006).  La relation therapeutique. Toronto, ON, Canada: Auteur. Récupérée de

    Copyright © Ordre des infirmières et infirmiers de l’Ontario, 2009.


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    Organizational data collection tool that can be used when restraints are used as a “last resort”.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (212). Appendix Y of Promoting Safety: Alternative Approaches to the Use of Restraints. Toronto, Canada: Author.  (pp. 140-142). Retrieved from

    All requests to use or adapt the Appendix: The Ottawa Hospital Organizational Audit Form must be directed to the Ottawa Hospital, Department of Nursing Professional Practice for permission.

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    This website is a source of information created for Ontario Long-term care homes regarding osteoporosis and fracture prevention. It includes resources, tools and the recommendations for preventing fractures in long-term care.

    Geriatric Education and Research in Aging Sciences (GERAS). (n.d.). Osteoporosis Long-Term Care. Retrieved from 


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    Ostomy Canada Society (OCS) is a non-profit volunteer organization for people with ostomies and their families. The OCS website has practical ostomy care information on a variety of topic with good visuals. Resources are aimed at patients and families, but are applicable to health care professionals.

    Reference: Ostomy Canada Society. 2017. Accessed Aug. 22, 2017

    Copyright © Ostomy Canada Society. All Rights Reserved.

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    This article on the Wound Care Advisor website provides clear and concise instructions for documenting the condition of ostomies. It reviews what to assess in an ostomy: general characteristics; stoma; effluent; peristomal skin; appliance and accessories; etc.

    Reference: Wound Care Advisor. 2016. Ostomy-Documentation-Tips. Accessed Aug. 22, 2017 at

    Copyright: Information in Apple Bites is courtesy of the Wound Care Education Institute (WCEI), © 2016. Apple Bites, Ostomy2016 Journal Vol5 No6, clinical journal, ostomy, tips, wound infections

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    This resource from the Canadian Continence Foundation provides a list of some medications used for overactive bladder treatment.

    Retrieved from:


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    This website provides information and resources about the P.I.E.C.E.S.™ program. "Putting the P.I.E.C.E.S.™ Together" represents Physical, Intellectual, Emotional, Capabilities, Environment, Social, and are the cornerstones of the philosophy and care of the P.I.E.C.E.S.™ approach.

    P.I.E.C.E.S.™ (n.d.). P.I.E.C.E.S. website. Retrieved from


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    PACSLAC is a tool to observe and assess both common and subtle pain behaviours. Copyright © Shannon Fuchs-Lacelle and Thomas Hadjistavropoulos. The PACSLAC may not be reproduced without permission. For permission to reproduce the PACSLAC, please contact the copyright holders (

    Retrieved from:

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    This resource from Interior Health, is a pain assessment tool useful for scoring pain levels of people with dementia who are unable to verbally express their pain. It focuses on assessing behaviours and provides a score rating of mild, moderate or severe pain levels.

    Retrieved from:

    Warden, V., Hurley, A. & Volicer. L. (2003). Development and psychometric evaluation of the pain assessment in advanced dementia (PAINAD) scale. JAMDA, 4(1), 9 -15. Horgas, A., & Miller, L. (2008). Pain assessment in people with dementia. American Journal of Nursing, 108(7), 62-70.


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    These pain screening and assessment tools can be self-reported (by the individual experiencing pain and/or their family) or observational (behaviours observed by a health provider in an individual who is unable to communicate or is unconscious). This is a list of validated tools that can be used to assess pain in various populations and contexts. However, this is not an exhaustive list. Please follow organizational policies for pain tool usage. Not all tools are validated for all populations and settings. RNAO does not endorse the use of any one specific pain screening and assessment tool.

    Reference: Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2025). Appendix D of Pain: Prevention, assessment and management. (Fourth Ed.). Toronto, ON: Author.


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    This quality standard addresses palliative care for people who are living with a serious, life-limiting illness, and for their family and caregivers. The goal of palliative care is to relieve pain and suffering, and to improve a person’s quality of life. This quality standard focuses on care for people in all settings, including home and community, hospice, hospital, and long-term care.

    Health Quality Ontario (2018). Palliative Care Guide. Retrieved from:


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    Cancer Care Ontario website links to best-practice tools from around the world to support primary care providers in the delivery of palliative care.  Tools are organized according to the 3-step model of best practice: Identify, Assess, and Plan.

    For resources tailored to support First Nations, Métis and Inuit families and communities, please see Tools for the Journey: Palliative Care in First Nations, Inuit and Métis Communities , a Resource Toolkit, developed by the Aboriginal Cancer Control Unit at Cancer Care Ontario.

    Retrieved from:

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    The Website contains numerous end-of-life resources for health care professionals.

    Copyright: End of Life Curriculum Project, a joint venture of the US Veterans Administration and SUMMIT, Stanford University Medical School

    Retrieved from

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    Resource for palliative, pain and symptom management.

    Palliative Pain and Symptom Management Consultation Program: South Western Ontario.  (n.d.). Resources.  Retrieved on September 29, 2013.  Website  © Copyright 2002-2008.

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    PPS may be used for several purposes. It is an excellent communicatiuon tool for quickly describing a patients current functional level.

    The Victoria Hospice Palliative Performance Scale (PPS, version 2) is an 11-point scale  communication tool for describing the current functional level and appears to have prognostic value.  The PPS provides a framework for measuring progressive decline over the course of illness.  If you wish to print any of these tools for your use, please go to to download a copy of Victoria Hospice's reprint and use permission request form.

    Victoria Hospice Society. (2001) Clinical Tools. Retrieved from h

     © Victoria Hospice Society, 2006.

  • Show description [+]

    PPI relies on the assessment of performance status using PPS, oral intake, and the presence or absence of dyspnea, edema or delirium.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2011). Appendix D of End-of-Life Care During the Last Days and Hours.  Toronto, Canada: Author. p 101.  Copyright (2008), with permission from Elsevier.

  • Show description [+]

    PaP uses the Karnofsky Performance Scale (KPS) and 5 other criteria to generate a numerical score from 0 to 17.5 to predict 30 day survival (higher scores predict shorter survival).

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2011).  Appendix D of End-of-Life Care During the Last Days and Hours. Toronto, Canada: Author. pp. 102-103.  Copyright (1999), with permission from Elsevier.

    Reprinted from Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, Vol. 17, No. 4, Maltoni, M, Nanni, O, Pirovano, M., Scarpi, E., Indelli, M, Martini, C, et al., Successful Validation of he Palliative Prognostic Score in Terminally ill Cancer Patient, 240-247


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    This link takes you to PARC which supports, educates and informs persons with Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD), otherwise known as Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) the community and the medical professionals treating RSD, about the importance of early diagnosis and treatment.


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    The Parkinson Canada website contains several useful resources for LTC including a Guide to the Non-Motor Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease (client and physician versions). These guides cover cognitive dysfunction, dementia, anxiety, depression, delusions and impulse control in Parkinson's disease. Also available is a booklet specific to the LTC sector as well as a medication booklet.

    Reference: Parkinson Canada website, retrieved from

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    This factsheet on describes why freezing occurs in Parkinson disease and how it increases a resident’s chances of falling. It provides  tips to help prevent freezing and related falls. It is useful for family or resident education.

    Source: Pacific Parkinson’s Research Centre, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC. Freezing. Retrieved from



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    A 30 minute presentation for LTC is a collaboration between the RNAO LTC Best Practice Co-ordinators Deirdre Boyle and Shaila Aranha; and the Regional Stroke Rehabilitation and Community Coordinator, Eileen Britt, from the Central South Regional Stroke Network.

    This is part one of a four part Stroke Education series to support LTC staff in their fall prevention and management program. The objectives are to:

    • Identify risk factors for falls for residents with Stroke.
    • Understand the relationship between fall prevention and management, pain management, reducing and supporting behaviors, and preventing pressure injuries in residents with Stroke.
    • Discuss the importance of an inter-professional team approach in Stroke Care.
    • Understand how to Integrate evidence-based resources in planning and improving care for residents with Stroke.
    Aranha,S., Boyle, D., & Britt, E. (2019). Reducing the risk for falls in residents with stroke: Putting best practices into practise in the care of residents with stroke [PowerPoint presentation]. 


  • Show description [+]

    A 30 minute presentation for LTC is a collaboration between the RNAO LTC Best Practice Co-ordinators Deirdre Boyle and Shaila Aranha; and the Regional Stroke Rehabilitation and Community Coordinator, Eileen Britt, from the Central South Regional Stroke Network.

    This is part two of the four part Stroke Education series to support LTC staff to:

    • Assess pain,  for residents with Stroke.
    • Understand the relationship between pain assessment and management, fall prevention and management,  reducing and supporting behaviors, and  preventing pressure injuries in residents with Stroke.
    •  Discuss the importance of an inter-professional team approach in Stroke Care.
    • Understand how to Integrate evidence-based resources in planning and improving care for residents with Stroke.

    Aranha, S., Boyle, D., & Britt, E. (2019). Minimizing and managing pain for residents with stroke: Putting best practices into practise in the care of residents with stroke. [PowerPoint Presentation]. 

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    This 25-minute video shows a range of unhealthy changes and common abnormalities that can be found during oral assessments of residents living in long term care homes. How to do an oral assessment is reviewed. It is Part 2 of the RNAO Long-Term Care Best Practices Program - Oral Health Assessment Series (3 parts).

    MacDonald, I. & Peachman-Faust, T. (2015). Part 2 - Oral assessment in LTC: Unhealthy changes and common abnormalities. [Video file]. Retrieved from


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    This 30-minute video demonstrates how to brush another persons teeth and describes interventions for various oral care problems found in residents in long term care. It is Part 3 of the RNAO Long-Term Care Best Practices Program - Oral Assessment Series (3 parts).

    MacDonald, I. & Peachman-Faust, T. (2016). Part 3 - Best practices for oral care interventions in long term care. [Video file]. Retrieved from


  • Show description [+]

    A 30 minute presentation for LTC is a collaboration between the RNAO LTC Best Practice Co-ordinators Deirdre Boyle and Shaila Aranha; and the Regional Stroke Rehabilitation and Community Coordinator, Eileen Britt, from the Central South Regional Stroke Network.

    This is part three of the four part Stroke Education series to support LTC staff to:

    • Identify risk factors to prevent responsive behaviours for residents with Stroke.
    • Understand the relationship between reducing and supporting behaviors, pain assessment and management, falls prevention and management and preventing pressure injuries in residents with Stroke.  
    • Discuss the importance of an inter-professional team approach in Stroke Care.
    • Understand how to Integrate evidence-based resources in planning and improving care for residents with Stroke.

    Aranha, S., Boyle, D., & Britt, E. (2019). Reducing and supporting behaviours in residents with stroke: Putting best practices into practise in the care of residents with stroke. [PowerPoint Presentation]. 

  • Show description [+]

    A 30 minute presentation for LTC is a collaboration between the RNAO LTC Best Practice Co-ordinators Deirdre Boyle and Shaila Aranha; and the Regional Stroke Rehabilitation and Community Coordinator, Eileen Britt, from the Central South Regional Stroke Network.

    This is part four of the four part Stroke Education series to support LTC staff to:

    • Identify risk factors to prevent responsive behaviours for residents with Stroke.
    • Understand the relationship between reducing and supporting behaviors, pain assessment and management, falls prevention and management and preventing pressure injuries in residents with Stroke.  
    • Discuss the importance of an inter-professional team approach in Stroke Care.
    • Understand how to Integrate evidence-based resources in planning and improving care for residents with Stroke.

    Aranha, S., Boyle, D., & Britt, E. (2019). Preventing pressure injuries for residents with stroke: Putting best practices into practise in the care of residents with stroke. [PowerPoint Presentation]. 

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    Partnerships in Dementia Care Alliance (PiDC) helps to change culture in long-term care and community settings to enhance dementia care. Examples of culture change in LTC homes is included.

    Reference: Partnerships in Dementia Care Alliance Website:

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    The Patient Oriented Discharge Summary (PODS) is an easy-to-use discharge summary designed for persons transitioning from hospital to home (164). Most traditional discharge summaries are dense documents with technical terms and are designed to communicate information to primary care providers, rather than persons receiving care. PODS was co-created with persons and their support network, including individuals with limited health literacy and language barriers, to help persons understand important information when leaving a hospital. The resource uses plain language, large fonts, space for persons to take notes and is available in 15 languages.

    Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario. (2023). Appendix G of Transitions in Care and Services. (Second Ed.). Toronto, ON: Author.  pp. 121-122.

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    The Patient, Family and Caregiver Declaration of Values was drafted by the Minister’s Patient and Family Advisory Council in consultation with Ontarians to communicate patient, family and caregiver expectations of Ontario’s health-care system (163). The Declaration can serve as a compass for persons and organizations involved in health care and reflects a summary of important person, family and caregiver values. The Patient, Family and Caregiver Declaration of Values for Ontario is also available in French.

    Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario. (2023). Appendix F of Transitions in Care and Services. (Second Ed.). Toronto, ON: Author. pp. 120.,%20Family%20and%20Caregiver%20Declaration%20of%20Values%20for%20Ontario-%20Appendix%20F.pdf

    Source: Reprinted with permission from: Government of Ontario. Patient family and caregiver declaration of values for Ontario [Internet]. Toronto (ON): Government of Ontario; 2021. 

    © Queen’s Printer for Ontario, 2021.


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    This resource from the Canadian Continence Foundation explains pelvic muscle exercises, how they may help with incontinence and how to properly perform them.

    Retrieved from:

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    The health care you receive should be tailored to your unique needs and goals. Person- and family-centred care invites you and your family to partner with your health-care team, helping you make decisions best suited to you.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario.  (2017).  RNAO Person-and Family-Centred Care - fact sheet. Toronto, ON: Author.


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    Learn more about the benefits of Person-Centred Care (PCC) with this educational video that defines the fundamental concepts of PCC.

    Cancer Care Ontario. (2015, May 26). Person-Centred Care [Video file]. YouTube. Retrieved Sept 14,2015 from


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    These guidelines have been developed to promote person-centred language.

    Alzheimer Society. (n.d.). Using person-centred language. Retrieved from


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    This individualized de-escalation plan considers cause and effect and solutions focused on the resident’s strengths.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2012). Appendix R of Promoting Safety: Alternative Approaches to the Use of Restraints. Toronto, Canada: Author.  (pp. 122-123). Retrieved from

    Reprinted with permission from The Massachusetts Department of Mental Health


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    The Personality Disorder in Older Adults Capacity Building Package provides evidenced informed educational resources to support capacity building for clinical teams who care for individuals living with personality disorder, and to avoid/reduce compassion fatigue. The educational resources are geared toward point-of-care teams from various sectors. The resources are intended to stimulate critical thinking and enhance practical application strategies.

    It meets a growing need in LTC related to the management and provision of care to adults experiencing severe mental illness.

     The BSO website is hosted by brainXchange™.

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    This article published for US library of Medicine article compares depressed in patients with and without CCPD in terms of suicidal behaviour and associated psychopathology.

    Reference: Dervic, Kanita et al. “Cluster C Personality Disorders in Major Depressive Episodes: The Relationship Between Hostility and Suicidal Behavior.” Archives of suicide research : official journal of the International Academy for Suicide Research 11.1 (2007): 83–90. PMC. Web. 22 Dec. 2017. Retrieved from 

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    The Photographic Wound Assessment Tool© (PWAT) Revised is a valid and reliable tool for assessing wound status over time, recognizing that standardized equipment and a consistent technique should be used with serial wound photography.

    Reference: Hodgkinson, Bowles H, Gordey L, Parslow N, and Houghton P. 2010. Photographic Wound Assessment Tool (PWAT) Revised.

  • Show description [+]

    This is the Behavioural Supports Ontario (BSO) website that supports staff with pledging their commitment to Person and Family Centered. Posters and a report are also available to support adaption of Person and Family Centred Approach.

    Behavioural Supports Ontario. (n.d.). Pledge: Person-centred language committment statements. retrieved from


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    Tips to assist front line staff on practical ways to be more person centred.  A pocket card adopted from a sample developed by Braemar Retirement Centre as part of their BPSO work.

    Braemar Retirement Centre ( 2019) Pocket Card- How to be Person Centred: Tips for Health-care Providers. Wingham. On


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    A detailed policy and procedure for preventing dehydration in LTC residents. It was developed by the Toronto Best Practice Implementation Steering Committee.

    Reference: Toronto Best Practice in LTC initiative working group , (December 2006), Policy and Procedure: Hydration Management Toronto Best Practice in LTC Initiative, date retrieved, June 8 2015,

  • Show description [+]

    This policy and procedure for pain assessment and management provides examples for inclusion of evidence –based recommendations in an organization’s policy to address acute and chronic pain. This document was created prior to the LTCHA (2007).
    Toronto Best Practice in LTC Initiative. (2006). Policy and Procedure: Pain Assessment and Management. Retrieved 2013, from

  • Show description [+]

    Table 20 is a description of resources available to support post fall assessments.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario.  (2017).  Appendix J of RNAO Prevention of Falls and Reducing Injury from Falls Best Practice Guideline. (4th Ed.).  Toronto, ON: Author. (p.109-110)


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    This Canadian Stroke Best Practices Post-stroke checklist considers common impairments after a stroke and suggests possible referrals.

    Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada Canadian Stroke Best Practices. (n.d.) Post-stroke checklist. Retrieved from


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    RNAO resource page 105, Appendix M. Listed interventions as potentially beneficial to providing supportive care in postvention. Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2009). Assessment and Care of Adults at Risk for Suicidal Ideation and Behaviour. Toronto, ON, Canada: Author. Retrieved from 

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    The Code of Conduct (Code) is a practice standard describing the accountabilities all nurses registered in Ontario have to clients, employers, colleagues and the public. It explains what people can expect from nurses. The Code also describes what nurses must do to maintain professionalism, competence and ethical behaviour to deliver safe client care. All nurses (Registered Nurses, Registered Practical Nurses, and Nurse Practitioners) are expected to uphold this practice standard, regardless of their role, title or responsibility.

    Retrieved from:

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    Pan Pacific Pressure Injury Alliance outlines some considerations for risk assessment and treatment of pressure injuries in people with dark skin tones. Additionally, it includes classification based on the NPIAP/EUPAP classification system with examples of each stage in people with dark skin tones.

    Source: Reprinted with permission from: Pan Pacific Pressure Injury Alliance (PPPIA). Pressure ulcers in people with dark skin tones: PPPIA; 2014. Available from:   Reference:

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario, (2024). Appendix I of Pressure injury management: Risk assessment, prevention and treatment - Fourth edition. Toronto, Canada: Author. pp. 103.



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    This list of pressure injury assessment tools is not exhaustive. These tools have been suggested as examples and were identified through the systematic review or by the expert panel. The most common, valid, and reliable wound assessment tools for use in adults are the following (not in order of importance):

    Pressure Ulcer Scale for Healing (PUSH); Photographic Wound Assessment Tool (PWAT) and Bates-Jensen Wound Assessment Tool (BWAT). For a detailed, systematic analysis of all available assessment tools see the systematic review by Smet et al, 2021 (134).

    Reference: Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario, (2024). Appendix M of Pressure injury management: Risk assessment, prevention and treatment - Fourth edition. Toronto, Canada: Author. pp.110.

  • Show description [+]

    This webpage provides links to illustrations for each of the new pressure injury stages.

    Copyright: These illustrations can be downloaded by clicking on the links below directly to your computer at no cost, if for educational purposes. There is no cost to use these illustrations; however donations to support the work of NPUAP are graciously accepted. For profit uses of the drawings are subject to a charge, please contact Jen Bank for more information. **Use of drawings is permitted for educational purposes only.

    Reference: National pressure ulcer advisory panel (n.d.). Pressure Injury Staging Illustrations. Retrieved from

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    Pressure Ulcer Scale for Healing (PUSH) Tool 3.0 was developed by the National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (NPUAP) as a valid and reliable tool to assess the change in status of pressure ulcers over time.

    The link takes you to the NPUAP website where you will find the tools and information on use and copyright.

    • PUSH Tool (web version)
    • PUSH Tool (PDF version)
    • Reprint Agreement (PDF)
    • Information and Resgistration Form
    • Instructions for Using PUSH
    • Copyright Policy and Contract

    Reference: National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Committee (1998). Accessed Sept. 14, 2016. Retrieved from:

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    This table developed through the Residents First Initiative provides examples of clinical and organizational change strategy options in the area of pressure ulcers.
    Health Quality Ontario. (2011, February). Pressure Ulcers – Clinical and Organizational Change Concepts and Ideas.
    Retrieved from:

  • Show description [+]

    This poster outlines key steps in the development of a pressure ulcer Quality Improvement plan. The poster is intended for use as a worksheet that can support the needs of individual organizations.

    Reference: Health Quality Ontario, (2011), Pressure Ulcer Change Poster,


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    The fact sheet is a tool to increase awareness of the regulatory mandate on educating and preventing client abuse and provide further resources to support nurses in the prevention of abuse in practice.

    College of Nurses of Ontario. (2011). Preventing client abuse fact sheet. [PDF file]. Retrieved from


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    The recommendations in this document from Wound Canada,  are based on the best available evidence and are intended to support the clinician, the patient, his/her family and the health-care team in planning and delivering the best clinical practice. Two foundational papers supplement this document with additional evidence-informed information and recommendations that are general to all wound types: “Skin: Anatomy, Physiology and Wound Healing,” and “Best Practice Recommendations for the Prevention and Management of Wounds.”

    © 2018 Canadian Association of Wound Care All rights reserved. 1525r3E

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    Cette ligne directrice sur les pratiques exemplaires en soins infirmiers est axée sur la prévention et résolution des mauvais traitements et de la négligence envers les aînés dans divers établissements de santé et services communautaires à travers le Canada. Ces auditoires comprennent les infirmières, les gestionnaires, les éducateurs, les équipes d'amélioration de la qualité, les administrateurs, les décideurs, les organismes de réglementation des soins infirmiers et les organismes gouvernementaux. Financé par le programme Nouveaux Horizons pour les aînés du gouvernement du Canada.

    Association des infirmières et infirmiers autorisés de l’Ontario. (2014). Prévention et résolution des mauvais traitements et de la négligence envers les aînés: approches axées sur la personne, coopératives et à l'échelle du système Toronto, ON, Canada: Auteur. Récupérée de

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    This Website provides local, provincial, federal and multicultural links to elder abuse resources. It also provides strategies to minimize the risk of elder abuse.

    Disclaimer: The Prevention of Elder Abuse Committee of York Region has a mission to reduce elder abuse by increasing awareness. The committee does not provide services or assistance.


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    The Wounds Canada, Professional Guide is focused on caring for a person with an ostomy in the community setting. It addresses psychosocial and lifestyle issues, recognition of possible complications, discussion of interventions and identification of resources available to health-care providers and patients and their families.

    © 2023 Wounds Canada · All rights reserved.



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    This project was designed to identify relevant principles, screening and intervention tools and approaches and prevention strategies being used in First Nations communities to address/prevent abuse of older adults.

    April Struthers, Georgina Martin, Alison Leaney Project Team BC Association of Community Response Networks December 2009

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    A presentation on causes, risk factors and interventions for dehydration developed by the Committee for the Enhancement of Elder Friendly Environments (CEEFE) Central South Geriatric Program (Ontario).

  • Show description [+]

    This poster defines dehydration and explains the shows the risk factors related to dehydration and strategies to prevent dehydration.

    Reference: Developed by the Elder friendly environments Coalition (2008).

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    In Ontario, Canada the Patient Restraints Minimization Act asks healthcare settings to consider alternative approaches and only use restraints as a last resort when a person is at risk of harm to themselves and/or others.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2012). RNAO Promoting Safety: Alternative Approaches to the Use of Restraints. [Fact sheet]. Toronto, ON: Author. Retrieved from


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    A systematic approach to encouraging incontinent people to become continent. Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (RNAO). A proactive approach to bladder and bowel management in adults. 4th ed. Toronto (ON): RNAO; 2020. 

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    This article highlights the impact of implementing the RNAO Falls Best practice guideline.

    Laviolette, K. (2020). Purposeful hourly rounding in long-term-care. Canadian Nurses Association.

    Copyright ©, Canadian Nurses Association, 50 Driveway, Ottawa, Ontario, K2P 1E2 CANADA, 2018 all rights reserved

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    The provincial RAI-MDS© and P.I.E.C.E.S.™ Integration Working Group have developed a Job Aid that allows for the streamlining of the RAI assessment and the P.I.E.C.E.S. 3-Question Assessment and Care Planning Framework.

    Retrieved from:

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    The Website provides excellent resources focussed on the intersection of the LGBTQ community and aging. Some resources are available for download and some resources can be purchased.

    Copyright with Rainbow Health Ontario

    Reference: Rainbow Health Ontario Website (n.d.). Retrieved from

  • Show description [+]

    The Website provides excellent resources focussed on the intersection of the LGBTQ community and aging. Some resources are available for download and some resources can be purchased.

    Copyright with Rainbow Health Ontario

    Reference: Rainbow Health Ontario Website (n.d.). Retrieved from

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    Les recommandations contenues dans cette Ligne directrice sont axées sur trois volets : (1) les recommandations relatives à la pratique professionnelle, axées sur les infirmières, (2) les recommandations relatives à la formation, axées sur les compétences requises pour la pratique, et (3) les recommandations relatives à l’établissement et aux politiques, qui traitent de l’importance d’un milieu favorable en tant que facteur nécessaire à la prestation de soins infirmiers de haute qualité, notamment une évaluation continue de la mise en place de la Ligne directrice. Supplément : 2007 Cette ligne directrice sur les pratiques exemplaires fournit des recommandations pour les infirmières qui ne sont pas des spécialistes dans le secteur du diabète. Ces recommandations aident des infirmières pour conduire des évaluations des risques pour des ulcères de pied, fournissent l'éducation de base pour la prévention des ulcères de pied et mettez en application les interventions appropriées quand il y a un à haut risque pour le présent d'ulcère ou d'amputation.

    Association des infirmières et infirmiers autorisés de l’Ontario. Réduction des complications des plaies du pied chez les diabétiques. Association des infirmières et infirmiers autorisés de l’Ontario, Toronto, Canada, 2007. Recuperé de :

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    Within Ontario, there are eleven regional stroke networks, which support stroke system integration and best practice implementation at a regional level. For each network, there is a Community and Long-Term Care Coordinator who is involved in supporting hospital and community partners in implementation of stroke best practices.

    Regional Stroke Networks (n.d.). Regional stroke networks [word document]. 
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    This resource list helps you identify key contacts in addressing elder abuse. Complete the contact details for your local resources.

    Reference:Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2014). Appendix H of Addressing and Preventing Abuse and Neglect of Older Adults: Person-Centred, Collaborative, System-Wide Approaches. Toronto, ON: Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. , pp.112-114.

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    Delirium resources for healthcare providers. Includes posters, communication tips, clinician learning series slide deck, delirium prevention toolkit, how to prevent and support delirium in older adults, Ontario's delirium quality standard, pocket guide for PSWs, and various handouts. 

    © 2022 Regional Geriatric Program of Toronto. 

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    This resource lists topics and other Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (RNAO) guidelines, and resources from other organizations that align with the Transitions in Care and Services best practice guideline (BPG).

    Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario. (2023). Appendix B of Transitions in Care and Services. (Second Ed.). Toronto, ON: Author.  pp. 93-94. 



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    This link takes you to the University of Iowa Geriatric Education Center website that provides you access to multiple resources. Follow the link to publications in infoconnect for restraint-free resident care.

    McKay, S. (n.d.). Info-connect: Restraint-free resident care. University of Iowa Geriatric Education Center. 


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    This link takes you to the website of Executive office of Health and Human Services (EOHHS) with resources on Restraint/Seclusion Reduction Initiative and Boston Medical Centre Person De-escalation Plan and Intensive Residential Program.

    Commonwealth of Massachusetts. (n.d.). Restraint/Seclusion Reduction Initiative. retrieved from


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    Alberta Health Services presentation describing different types of restraints. Why restraints are used and possible side effects of restraint use.

    Alberta Health Services. (n.d.). Restraints as a last resort. [Presentation]. Retrieved from


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    Examples of 4 pressure injury risk assessment tools, however this list is not an exhaustive. These tools were identified, by the expert panel and external reviewers or through the systematic review process. The most common, valid, and reliable wound assessment tools for use in adults are the following (not in order of importance):

    Braden scale; Norton scale; interRAI Pressure Ulcer Risk Scale (PURS) and the Waterlow scale.

    Source: Table adapted from Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Ulcers/Injuries: Clinical Practice Guideline. The International Guideline 2019. interRAI PURS Pressure Ulcer Risk Scale (PURS) from Canadian Institute for Health Information. interRAI Home Care (HC) Outcome Scales [job aid]. Ottawa, ON: CIHI; 2024

    Reference: Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario, (2024). Pressure injury management: Risk assessment, prevention and treatment - Fourth edition. Toronto, Canada: Author. pp. 100-101.

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    This table from page 71 of the Delirium, Dementia, and Depression in Older Adults: Assessment and Care BPG (2016) looks at predisposing and precipitating risk factors as well as signs of depression.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2016). Delirium, Dementia, and Depression in Older Adults: Assessment and Care. Toronto, ON, Canada: Author. Retrieved from

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    A comprehensive list of physical, environmental, functional and other factors that contribute to fecal incontinence. Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (RNAO). A proactive approach to bladder and bowel management in adults. 4th ed. Toronto (ON): RNAO; 2020.

  • Show description [+]

    This document from Mood Disorders Society of Canada provides helpful information on suicide risk and support strategies.

    Reference: Mood Disorders Society of Canada (n.d.) Risk of Suicide. Retrieved from

    © Copyright 2016 Mood Disorders Society of Canada | All Rights Reserved | Powered by Dreamconcepts 

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    The aim of this guideline is to provide evidence-based recommendations  to facilitate client centred learning that promotes and enables clients to take action for their health.

    Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (2012) Facilitating Client Centred Learning. Toronto. ON Retrieved from Facilitating Client Centred Learning | Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario (

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    This best practice guideline focuses on collaborative practice between RNs, RPNs and NPs and fostering healthy work environments for these nurses.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2016). Intra-professional collaborative practice among nurses. Toronto, ON, Canada: Author. Retrieved from:

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    The guideline contains recommendations for best nursing practices in the assessment and management of pain for Registered Nurses (RNs) and Registered Practical Nurses (RPNs). It is acknowledged that the individual competency of nurses varies between nurses and across categories of nursing professionals (RNs and RPNs) and is based on knowledge, skills, attitudes, critical analysis and decision making which is enhanced over time by experience and education. This guideline is endorsed by the International Association for the Study of Pain.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2013). Assessment and management of pain. (3rd Ed.). Toronto, ON: Author. Retrieved from
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    While the primary focus of this guideline is on mental health crises, its application has relevance to all settings and populations who experience developmental, situational, community or environmental crises. It is intended that this guideline will enhance the understanding of crisis intervention and standardize its practice, as well as enhance professional nursing practice. Supplement: 2006


    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2013). RNAO Crisis Intervention. Toronto, ON: Author. Retrieved from

     This work is funded by the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care

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    For the purpose of this document, Interprofessional is defined as: Multiple health disciplines with diverse knowledge and skills who share an integrated set of goals and who utilize interdependent collaboration that involves communication, sharing of knowledge and coordination of services to provide services to patients/clients and their care-giving systems.

    This best practice guideline, Developing and Sustaining Interprofessional Health Care: Optimizing patients/clients, organizational, and system outcomes is intended to foster healthy work environments. The focus in developing this guideline was identifying attributes of interprofessional care that will optimize quality outcomes for patients/clients, providers, teams, the organization and the system.

    This guideline identifies best practices to enable, enhance and sustain teamwork and interprofessional collaboration, and to enhance positive outcomes for patients/clients, systems and organizations. It is based on the best available evidence; where evidence was limited, the recommendations were based on the consensus of expert opinion.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2013). Developing and sustaining interprofessional health care: Optimizing patients/clients, organizational, and systems outcomes. Toronto, ON: Author. Retrieved from
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    The BPG assists nurses in exploring how the decision making process can ensure that appropriate structures and supports are in place to maximize the nursing care and outcomes and minimize the potential for abuse of residents/patients/clients.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2017). RNAO Developing and sustaining safe, effective staffing and workload practices. Toronto, ON: Author. Retrieved from

     This work is funded by the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care


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    This guideline focuses on recommendations for adults, aged 18 years and older, who have reached the part of the illness trajectory that includes the last days and hours of life. This guideline will provide evidence- based recommendations for Registered Nurses and Registered Practical Nurses on best nursing practices for end-of-life care during the last days and hours.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (2011). End-of-life care during the last days and hours. Toronto, ON: Author. Retrieved from
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    Effective nursing practice is dependent on an effective therapeutic relationship between the nurse and the client. This guideline addresses the qualities and capacities of an effective therapeutic relationship, the state of knowledge, and the knowledge needed to be effective. To implement a therapeutic relationship successfully, an organization's characteristics and workplace values must be supportive and in place. An organization readiness assessment based on the best practice recommendations is provided. Supplement: 2006

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2002). Establishing therapeutic relationships. Toronto, ON, Canada: Author. Retrieved from
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    This nursing best practice guideline will address the therapeutic relationship and its central importance to  practice.

    Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (2002)  Establishing therapeutic Relationships. Toronto, ON retrieved from Establishing Therapeutic Relationships | Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario (


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    The purpose of this best practice guideline is to provide evidence-based recommendations related to nurses and other health care professionals providing effective client centred learning. This guideline will address the following areas: • How can nurses effectively facilitate client centred learning? • What are effective teaching delivery methods/ strategy for client centred learning? • How do nurses assess client learning? This guideline will be applicable to all domains of nursing including clinical, administration, and education.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2012). Facilitating client centred learning. Toronto, ON: Author. Retrieved from
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    This Best Practice Guideline focuses on nursing teams and processes that foster healthy work environments. The focus for the development of this guideline was managing conflict among nursing and healthcare teams with the view that while some conflict is preventable, healthy conflict can also be beneficial.

    For the purpose of this document, conflict is defined as: a phenomenon occurring between interdependent parties as they experience negative emotional reactions to perceived disagreements and interference with the attainment of their goals (Barki & Hartwick, 2004).

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2012). Managing and Mitigating Conflict in Health-care Teams. Toronto, ON:

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    This guideline is to be used to enhance the safety of health service organizations and academic institutions through the adoption of evidence based practices. Safe and healthy work environments are an enabler for nurses and other health workers to optimize clinical outcomes for those receiving care. 

    Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (2019) Preventing Violence, Harassment and Bullying Against Health Workers. Toronto, ON. retrieved from Preventing Violence, Harassment and Bullying Against Health Workers | Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario (

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    Cette ligne directrice fournit des recommandations fondées sur les données probantes à l'intention des infirmières autorisées et des infirmières auxiliaires autorisées, relatives à l'évaluation et à la prise en charge de personnes ayant une colostomie, une iléostomie ou une urostomie, y compris l'évaluation et la prise en charge de la peau péristomiale. Cette ligne directrice met l'accent sur trois domaines des soins : préopératoire, postopératoire et suivi. Tous les individus stomisés, d'un bout à l'autre du continuum des soins, y compris les besoins de la famille et des fournisseurs de soins, sont pris en considération. Cette ligne directrice devrait s'appliquer à tous les domaines des soins infirmiers, y compris la pratique clinique, l'administration et l'éducation.

    Référence : Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario. (2009). les soins de stomie et de la gestion. Toronto, Ontario : auteur. Récupérée de :

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    Chronic diseases are unlike any acute illness, in that they require considerable professional self-management support over the client’s lifetime, related life management skills, and long term regular follow-up with healthcare professionals. Over the last decade, a dramatic rise in the prevalence of chronic health conditions has emerged, altering the way in which care is sought, managed, delivered and received. The purpose of this guideline is to provide evidence-based recommendations for Registered Nurses and Registered Practical Nurses across the continuum of care in self-management support. These recommendations identify strategies and interventions that enhance an individual’s ability to manage their chronic health condition.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2010). Strategies to support self-management in chronic conditions: Collaboration with clients. Toronto, ON: Author. Retrieved from
  • Show description [+]

    he purpose of the Transitions in Care and Services guideline is to provide evidence-based recommendations for nurses and members of the interprofessional team, organizations and the health system to support safe and effective transitions in care for pediatric (17 years and younger) and adult (18 years and older) persons and their support network. This BPG recognizes that persons and their support network who are encountering a transition in care are experts in their health and decision-making. Collaboration among the interprofessional team, the person receiving care and their support network is therefore essential to achieving improved health outcomes. 

    This BPG replaces the RNAO BPG Care Transitions published in 2014 (5).

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (RNAO). Transitions in care and services. 2nd ed. 2023, Toronto (ON).

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    A tool to assist with comparing your organization’s current practice with evidence-based RNAO best practice recommendations.

    Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (2022) Gap Analysis-Establishing Therapeutic Relationships. Toronto. ON

  • Show description [+]

    This nursing best practice guideline will address the therapeutic relationship and its central importance to nursing practice

    Registered Nursing Association of Ontario (2002) Establishing Therapeutic Relationships. Toronto, ON Retrieved from Establishing Therapeutic Relationships | Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario (

  • Show description [+]

    The aim of this guideline is to provide evidence-based recommendations for registered nurses, registered practical nurses and other health-care providers to facilitate client centred learning that promotes and enables clients to take action for their health.

    Registered Nurses Association of Ontario ( 2012) Facilitating Client Centred Learning . Toronto. ON Retrieved from Facilitating Client Centred Learning | Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario (

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    La ligne directrice sur les pratiques exemplaires (LDPE) Une approche proactive de la gestion de la vessie et des intestins chez les adultes Quatrième édition, remplace les LDPE de la RNAO Favoriser la continence par le déclenchement de la miction et Prévention de la constipation chez les personnes âgées - Lignes directrices sur les pratiques, toutes deux mises à jour pour la dernière fois en 2011. Cette LDPE fournit des recommandations fondées sur des preuves pour des stratégies efficaces pour soutenir les adultes (âgés de 18 ans et plus) qui vivent avec l'incontinence urinaire, l'incontinence fécale et/ou la constipation qui amélioreront la qualité des soins et mèneront à des résultats de santé positifs.

    Le LDPE comprend des énoncés de bonnes pratiques sur la réalisation d'une évaluation initiale ciblée et des domaines de recommandation qui traitent des éléments suivants : stratégies d'élimination des toilettes, activité physique, apport adéquat de fibres et/ou de liquides, approche interprofessionnelle et protocole intestinal.

    Ces LDPE peuvent être utilisées par les infirmières, les membres de l'équipe interprofessionnelle et les soignants dans tout le continuum de soins et dans tous les domaines de pratique tels que l'administration, la clinique, l'éducation, les politiques et la recherche. Les recommandations fondées sur des données probantes de ce LDPE s'appliquent à tous les milieux de pratique où les personnes qui vivent avec une incontinence urinaire, une incontinence fécale et/ou une constipation accèdent à des services.


    Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario (2020)  Une approche proactive de la gestion de la vessie et des intestins chez les adultes retrieved from Bladder_and_Bowel_Management_FINAL_WEB_FR_LR_0.pdf (

  • Show description [+]

    This appendix is a list of RNAO guidelines and resources from other organizations that align with Risk assessment, prevention and treatment, Fourth edition. Toronto, Canada: Author. pp. 90-91.

    Reference: Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario, (2024).

  • Show description [+]

    A list topics and suggested RNAO guidelines and resources from other organizations that align with Pain: Prevention, assessment and management. Fourth edition. Toronto, Canada: Author. pp. 76-78.

    Reference: Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2025). Appendix B of Pain: Prevention, assessment and management. (Fourth Ed.). Toronto, ON: Author.

  • Show description [+]

    Appendix B is a list of topics and resources that align with the best practice guideline: Diabetic foot ulcers: Prevention, assessment and management.

    Reference: Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario, (2024). Appendix b of Diabetic foot ulcers: Prevention, assessment and management, Third edition. Toronto, Canada: Author pp. 96.



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    Here you'll find information about the RNAO Mental Health and Substance Use Program, resources for crisis support and other resources for knowledge building. These items can be used to enhance evidence-based care and services related to mental health and substance use across all health-care settings.

    Retrieved from:

    © 2024 RNAO. All rights reserved.

  • Show description [+]

    Cette trousse d'outils a été conçu pour aider les établissements de santé à maximiser le potentiel de LDPE, par le biais de mise en œuvre systématique et bien planifiée. Il a été également conçu pour accompagner les soins infirmiers pratiques recommandées (NBPGs) mis au point par la Registered Nurses' Association de l'Ontario (RNAO) afin de faciliter leur mise en œuvre.

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    This document outlines interventions that can be used with residents exhibiting signs of aggression, disorientation, frequent falls and or inappropriate behaviours.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2012). Appendix P of Promoting Safety: Alternative Approaches to the Use of Restraints. Toronto, Canada: Author.  (pp. 119-120). Retrieved from

    Used with permission from Caressant Care

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    This tool helps the resident identify their responses to stress and their individualized coping strategies.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2012). Appendix S of Promoting Safety: Alternative Approaches to the Use of Restraints. Toronto, Canada: Author.  (p124). Retrieved from

    Copyright Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (2008). Reprinted with permission from CAMH

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    Information on the importance of person and family centred care and how it can improve the health care experience of clients, families and health providers. There are also resources such as: inventory of person and family centred care; fact sheets that summarize the concept of person and family centred care and a short video demonstrating the difference between “usual care and person centred care”.

    Saint Elizabeth Heath Care. (n.d.). Person and family centered care. [website].

    © 2015 Saint Elizabeth Health Care Retrieved from

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    Appendix S from the RNAO A Proactive Approach to Bladder and Bowel Management in Adults — Fourth Edition provides systematic approaches to decreasing constipation.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (RNAO). A proactive approach to bladder and bowel management in adults. 4th ed. Toronto (ON): RNAO; 2020. (p. 150-151).

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    The Ontario Primary Care Medication Reconciliation Guide provides quality improvement strategies for implementing, sustaining and measuring medication reconciliation in primary care settings in Ontario (167). A sample medication reconciliation form can be found on pages 43 and 44 of the guide. The Ontario Primary Care Medication Reconciliation Guide is also available in French.

    Source: Reprinted with permission from: Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP) Canada, Health Quality Ontario (HQO). Ontario primary care medication reconciliation guide [Internet]. Toronto (ON): ISMP Canada; 2015. Co-published with HQO. Available from: download/PrimaryCareMedRecGuide_EN.pdf.

    Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario. (2023). Appendix J of Transitions in Care and Services. (Second Ed.). Toronto, ON: Author.  pp. 126-127.

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    This document provides two examples of oral care plans for long-term care. 

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2020). Appendix K of Oral Health: Supporting Adults Who Require Assistance (2nd ed.). Toronto, Canada: Author.  (pages 120-121). Retrieved from


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    This toolkit offers resources to support the use of SBAR. SBAR offers a simple way to help standardize communication and allows parties to have common expectations related to what is to be communicated and how the communication is structured.

    Reference: Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI): ©2023 Institute for Healthcare Improvement. All Rights Reserved.


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    SBORS Observation Reporting Tool for Skin and Wound Care can be used by personal support workers (PSW) to document the: situation, background, observation and recommendation/suggestion.


    Adapted from Waterloo Wellington HPC Consultation Services (2017). SBORS. Palliative Care Canada ECHO Project. (2022) SBORS. Personal Support Worker Community of Practice Series. Barbara Braden and Nancy Bergstrom. (1988) Braden Scale


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    A number of systematic reviews focused on non-pharmacological approaches (NPI) to pain management: Type of NPI and population.

    Reference: Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2025). Appendix E of Pain: Prevention, assessment and management. (Fourth Ed.). Toronto, ON: Author. pp. 89-96


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    This self-screening tool provides a systematic method for foot ulcer prevention and ongoing screening, which can be used by individuals and care partners.

    Reference: Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario, (2024). Appendix F of Diabetic foot ulcers: Prevention, assessment and management, Third edition. Toronto, Canada: Author. pp. 107-112.

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    The Senior Friendly 7 Toolkit supports clinical best practices for healthcare providers across the sectors of care and includes self-management tools for older adults and their caregivers. SF7 focuses on: delirium, mobility, social engagement, continence, pain, nutrition, and polypharmacy.

    © 2023 Regional Geriatric Program of Toronto.

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    The article highlights the basics of shared governance and how to establish committees and outlines the role of a quality committee.

    Reference: Ward. J. (nd) Retrieved from

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    This tool evaluates the client risk and treatability related (i.e. violence, self-harm, suicide, absconding, substance use, self-neglect, and victimization).

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2012). Appendix F of Promoting Safety: Alternative Approaches to the Use of Restraints. Toronto, Canada: Author.  (pp. 97-98). Retrieved from

    Reprinted with permission from British Columbia Mental Health & Addiction Services

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    This decision tree can be used to this determine if a siderail is a restraint or if alternatives are available.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2012). Appendix Q of Promoting Safety: Alternative Approaches to the Use of Restraints. Toronto, Canada: Author.  (p. 121). Retrieved from

    Source: Talerico, K. & Capezuti, E. Myths and Facts About Side Rails: Despite Ongoing Debates About Safety and Efficacy, Side Rails Are Still a Standards Component of Care in Many Hospitals. So How Do You Determine Their Safe Use? AJN: American Journal of Nursing, Volume 101, Issue 7, pp. 43-48. Reprinted with permission from Wolters Kluwer Health

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    SIGECAPS is a mnemonic used to recall the most frequent symptoms of depression (prescription for energy capsules).

    Reference: adapted from "The patient who is depressed" in Psychiatry in Primary Care by Raymond W. Lam, (CAMH, 2019).




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    A one-time, single resident assessment for 30 signs and symptoms of dehydration.

    Author and Date unknown

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    This poster from the Regional Geriatric Program of Toronto reveals 6 strategies to prevent and manage delirium.

    Regional Geriatric Program of Toronto. (n.d.). Six proven strategies to prevent delirium in older adults. Retrieved from

    © 2019 Regional Geriatric Program of Toronto. All Rights Reserved.

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    Cette affiche du Regional Geriatric Program de Toronto nous donne 6 stratégies pour prévenir et soutener le délire.

    Regional Geriatric Program of Toronto. (n.d.). Six stratégies éprouvées pour prévenir le délire chez la personne âgée. Récupéré de

    © 2019 Regional Geriatric Program of Toronto. All Rights Reserved.

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    Le but de la présente ligne directrice est de promouvoir les pratiques fondées sur des données probantes, qui sont associées aux soins axés sur les besoins de la personne et de la famille, et d'aider les infirmières et d'autres fournisseurs de soins de santé à acquérir les connaissances et les compétences nécessaires pour améliorer leur pratique de ces soins. Les recommandations aideront les infirmières et d'autres fournisseurs de soins de santé à obtenir le savoir requis pour collaborer et établir des relations habilitantes avec des personnes et leur famille qui font appel aux services de santé, afin d'optimiser la santé et le bien-être au cours de leur vie. Cette approche fondée sur des données probantes, et combinée à une perspective qui reconnaît la place de la personne au centre des soins de santé, permettra d'améliorer l'expérience de cette personne et sa satisfaction à l'égard des soins et des services offerts par le système de santé. Elle s'applique à tous les domaines de la pratique des soins infirmiers, y compris les secteurs clinique, administratif et éducatif.

    Cette ligne directrice recommande des pratiques exemplaires dans trois domaines principaux : ■ Les recommandations au sujet des pratiques exemplaires ont été rédigées principalement à l'intention des infirmières et d'autres fournisseurs de soins de santé dans l'équipe interprofessionnelle qui offre des soins directs à des personnes dans les milieux de soins du système de santé (p. ex., soins actifs, soins de longue durée et soins à domicile) et dans la collectivité (p. ex., soins primaires, équipes de santé familiale et santé publique). ■ Les recommandations en matière d'éducation s'adressent à ceux qui sont responsables de la formation du personnel et des étudiants, tels que les éducateurs, les équipes d'amélioration de la qualité, les gestionnaires, les administrateurs ainsi que les établissements d'enseignement universitaire et professionnel. ■ Les recommandations sur le système, l'organisation et la politique s'appliquent à divers publics selon le type de recommandation. Les publics comprennent les gestionnaires, les administrateurs, les décideurs, les organismes de réglementation en soins infirmiers, les établissements d'enseignement et les organismes gouvernementaux. Pour obtenir une efficacité optimale, les recommandations dans ces trois secteurs doivent être mises en œuvre simultanément. Cette ligne directrice remplace le soin centré au client précédent .

    Association des infirmières et infirmiers autorisés de l’Ontario.  (2015).  RNAO Soins axés sur les besoins de la personne et de la famille. Toronto, ON: Autheur.

    Ce travail est financé par le Ministère de la Santé et Ministère des Soins de longue durée de l'Ontario


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    To facilitate sharing information about prognosis with the patient during end-of-life care discussions, clinicians can use the "SPIKES" process (Setting up, Perception, Invitation, Knowledge, Emotions, and Strategy and Summary).

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2011). SPIKES: A Six Step Strategy for Delivering Bad News (Baile et al., 2000, p. 305-307) of End-of-Life Care During the Last Days and Hours.Toronto, Canada: Author. p 30.

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    This tool is utilized when exploring the spiritual aspects of end-of-life.  ©1999 Christina Puchalski, M.D.

    Retrieved from  The George Washington Institute for Spirituality & Health 

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    RNAO resource page 106, Appendix N. Listed potential strategies that offers debriefing for staff involved in the care of a client who has completed suicide.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2009). Assessment and Care of Adults at Risk for Suicidal Ideation and Behaviour. Toronto, ON, Canada: Author. Retrieved from 

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    A validated fall risk self-assessment tool developed by the Greater Los Angeles VA Geriatric Research Education Clinical Center and affiliates.

    Seniors BC, Authors: Vivrette, Rubenstein, Martin, Josephson & Kramer, 2011). This brochure is adapted with the permission of J.Stevens, R.Vivrette, J.Kramer, & L. Rubenstein

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    Centres for Disease Control and Prevention developed the STEADI (Stopping Elderly Accidents, Deaths & Injuries) initiative which includes educational materials and tools to improve fall prevention.


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    This information from the Colostomy Association in Britain provides practical suggestions for the most common stoma problems such as Ballooning; Constipation/Diarrhoea; Odour; Pancaking; etc.

    Web Address: Colostomy Association. 2017. Stoma Problems. Accessed Aug. 22, 2017 at:

    Reference: Colostomy Association. 2017. Stoma Problems. Accessed Aug. 22, 2017 at: 

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    Individuals have a right t know their options and to have their preferences considered. Supporting individuals who are nearing the end of life requires interprofessional collaboration and problem-solving. Shared decision-maing can help individuals participate in the decision-making process in the ways the prefer and can help to meet their needs.

    Strategies for health-care providers to help families and individuals with decision making on end-of-care.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (2011). Appendix J of End-of-Life Care During the Last Days and Hours. Toronto, ON: Author. pp. 112-113.

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    This resource features the Arksey and O’Malley framework (186), a scoping review conducted to explore the current evidence on culturally safe strategies that can be used in the care of persons with diabetes or, at risk of or living with diabetic foot ulcers and their care partners.

    Reference: Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario, (2024). Appendix C of Diabetic foot ulcers: Prevention, assessment and management, Third edition. Toronto, Canada: Author pp. 97-103.


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    A palliative approach in long-term care (LTC) empowers families and staff to provide personalized and high-quality care for LTC residents living with chronic and life-limiting illnesses. This approach provides individuals with a seamless transition from chronic disease management to appropriate end-of-life planning and care. A palliative approach is beneficial at any stage in a chronic illness to maximize comfort and respect a person’s wishes.

    Copyright © 2020 SPA LTC

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    This presentation outlines the assessment and management of the types of pain experienced following a stroke.

    Central South Regional Stroke Network. (n.d.). Stroke and RNAO best practices: Pain [PowerPoint slides]. Hamilton, ON: Author.


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    The Canadian Stroke Best Practices stroke assessment and prevention pocket cards provide a handy reference on: types of strokes, signs, symptoms and associated brain function. 

    Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada Canadian Stroke Best Practices. (2018) Stroke assessment and prevention pocket cards. Retrieved from


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    This Government of Ontario website contains the Substitute Decisions Act and Regulations that fall under it.

    Reference: Substitute Decisions Act 1992 Website:

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    This table from pages 83-84 of the Delirium, Dementia, and Depression in Older Adults: Assessment and Care BPG (2016) informs nurse educators of relevant content for designing education sessions for those caring for clients with delirium, dementia and depression.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2016). Delirium, Dementia, and Depression in Older Adults: Assessment and Care. Toronto, ON, Canada: Author. Retrieved from

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    This clinician pocket-card provides suicide information and is based on the Canadian Coalition for Seniors Mental Health national guideline: The Assessment of Suicide Risk and Prevention of Suicide

    Reference: Canadian Coalition for Seniors Mental Health (2000). National Guidelines for Seniors Mental Health- The Assessment of Suicide Risk and Prevention of Suicide Brochure. Retrieved from  

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    This clinician pocket card supports assessment resources for the assessment and prevention of suicide in older adults. The Geriatric Suicide Ideation Scale and the Harmful Behaviours Scale mentioned on the clinician pocket-card can be used by health care providers with appropriate training.

    Reference: Canadian Association of Mental Health (CAMH) Clinician Pocket Care Suicide Assessment and Prevention for Older Adults (2015). Retrieved from 

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    The CAMH Suicide Prevention and Assessment Handbook is a quick, comprehensive and interactive starting point for staff across all clinical programs on the subject of suicide assessment and management. It provides key clinical information, current CAMH tools and resources, and further population-specific resources.

    Reference: Canadian Association of Mental Health (CAMH). (2015). Retrieved from 

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    Website full of resources with a great search engine pertaining to suicide and the elderly.

    Reference: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) [Online] Available: 

    Copyright: Information that is created by or for the US government on this site is within the public domain. Public domain information on CDC Stacks may be freely distributed and copied. However, it is requested that in any subsequent use of this work, CDC be given appropriate acknowledgment.

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    A website from Government of Canada about suicide, prevention, risk factors, how to get help. It reviews potential risks, prevention, factors that may increase risk and resources along with overview of federal initiative in suicide prevention.


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    Canadian Coalition for Seniors’ Mental Health, Suicide Assessment & Prevention for Older Adults, Life Saving Tools for Health Care Providers.

    Web Address or Source:  

    © Canadian Coalition for Seniors’ Mental Health, 2008 In order to meet the educational needs of your learners, some materials in the toolkit may be modified. Please acknowledge that the information was provided by the Canadian Coalition for Seniors’ Mental Health Late Life Suicide Prevention Toolkit.

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    Supportive and Palliative Care Indicator Tool SPICT™ helps clinicians identify people with one or more general indicators of poor or deteriorating health and clinical signs of life-limiting conditions for assessment and care planning.
    A single page tool that includes general (i.e. weight loss, hospital admissions, etc.) and broad specific disease indicators (i.e. breathlessness at rest for heart and respiratory disease). Also includes an assessment paradigm.

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    Symptom Management Algorithm for pain in adults with cancer developed by Cancer Care Ontario.

    Cancer Care Ontario (2018) Symptom Management Algorithm- Pain in Adults with Cancer retrieved from

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    Venous leg ulcers can occur in both men and women; and may develop as a result of any injury to the leg or conditions such as varicose vein, blood clot in the leg, multiple pregnancies, overweight and standing for long periods of time (e.g., job related situations). They can take long time to heal and are costly to treat. Venous leg ulcers can also cause you to not be able to move and get around.

    Retrieved from:

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    Pressure ulcers or bedsores are caused by constant pressure that damages the skin and underlying tissue. They can develop in a very short time period and take longer to heal. They may have a huge impact on your every day life, as normal activities can be restricted while the ulcer heals.

    If you spend long periods of time in a bed, chair or wheelchair and have lost your feeling in your lower body, you maybe at increased risk of getting pressure ulcers. In most cases, pressure ulcers can be prevented.

    Retrieved from:

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    This comprehensive website from the Canadian Continence Foundation has resources on both urinary and fecal incontinence. Including information about bladder health, causes of urinary incontinence, diagnosis and treatment of urinary incontinence, pamphlets and videos. 

    Reference: The Canadian Continence Foundation. Retrieved at:

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    The Confusion Assessment Method (CAM) is a standardized evidence-based tool that enables non-psychiatrically trained clinicians to identify and recognize delirium quickly and accurately in both clinical and research settings. The CAM includes four features found to have the greatest ability to distinguish delirium from other types of cognitive impairment.

    The Hartford Institute for Geriatric Nursing, 2019. Donna McCabe, DNP, APRN-BC, GNP

    © 2003 Sharon K. Inouye, MD, MPH Inouye, S., van Dyck, C., Alessi, C., Balkin, S., Siegal, A. & Horwitz, R. (1990).

  • Show description [+]

    The Fixing Long-Term Care Act, 2021 (FLTCA) was proclaimed into force to regulate Ontario's long-term care home sector.
    The Long-Term Care Homes Act, 2007 (LTCHA) was revoked, which means it is no longer in force. The new Act also includes a new regulation.

    Government of Ontario (2021) Fixing Long-Term Care Act, 2021. Toronto ( ON) retrieved from Fixing Long-Term Care Act, 2021, S.O. 2021, c. 39, Sched. 1 (

  • Show description [+]

    The Fixing Long-Term Care Act, 2021 (FLTCA) was proclaimed into force to regulate Ontario's long-term care home sector.
    The Long-Term Care Homes Act, 2007 (LTCHA) was revoked, which means it is no longer in force. The new Act also includes a new regulation.

    Government of Ontario (2021) Fixing Long-Term Care Act, 2021. Toronto ( ON) retrieved from Fixing Long-Term Care Act, 2021, S.O. 2021, c. 39, Sched. 1 (

  • Show description [+]

    The Fixing Long-Term Care Act, 2021 (FLTCA) was proclaimed into force to regulate Ontario's long-term care home sector.
    The Long-Term Care Homes Act, 2007 (LTCHA) was revoked, which means it is no longer in force. The new Act also includes a new regulation.

    Government of Ontario (2021) Fixing Long-Term Care Act, 2021. Toronto ( ON) retrieved from Fixing Long-Term Care Act, 2021, S.O. 2021, c. 39, Sched. 1 (

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    The National GSF Centre’s guidance for clinicians to support earlier identification of patients nearing the end of life leading to improved proactive person-centred care.  This updated 6th edition of the GSF PIG, renamed as Proactive Identification Guidance and formally known as Prognostic Indicator Guidance, aims to enable the earlier identification of people nearing the end of their life who may need additional supportive care. This includes people who are nearing the end of their life following the three main trajectories of illness for expected deaths – rapid predictable decline e.g. cancer, erratic decline e.g. organ failure and gradual decline e.g. frailty and dementia

    The Gold Star Framework. (2018). The Gold Standards Framework Proactive Identification Guidance (PIG). Retrieved from:


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    MAID (medical assistance in dying), is an option during end of life that has substantial consequences for nursing practice. The goal of this toolkit is to facilitate how you may think about MAID as it relates to both your life and your nursing practice. This reflective Guide for Nurses examines six areas of nursing practice in conjunction to Medical Assistance in Dying: nurses’ experiences, making moral sense, best practices, common challenges, and self-care. It includes a video capturing nurses' experiences with MAID and this resources can be used in a group setting or independently. 

    Please note that this reflective guide was not designed to instruct you about the MAID legislation or the specific policies to guide your practice. To be competent to provide care you will need to familiarize yourself with the MAID legislation, your healthcare region policies, and your professional standards.

    Retrieved from:

    Research Team Credit: Barbara Pesut, Sally Thorne, Michael Banwell, Michael Burgess, Kenneth Chambaere, Madeleine Greig, Margaret Hall, Josette Roussel, Catharine J. Schiller, Janet Storch, Carol Tishelman, David Kenneth Wright

    Funding from Canadian Institutes for Health Research: CIHR Project Grant 

  • Show description [+]

    The Ontario Palliative Care Competency Framework A Reference Guide for Health Professionals and Volunteers - The Health Services Delivery Framework aims to provide guidance on how to optimize the current palliative care delivery model to ensure that the right care is provided by the right provider at the right time. This document focuses on adults with a progressive, life-limiting illness, who would benefit from palliative care along with the supports required for their families and caregivers. The document emphasizes the important role of education in building capacity for palliative care, as well as the need for providers to have the necessary competencies.

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    The RGP of Eastern Ontario is a coordinated network of specialized geriatric services, from hospital to home. Their clinical services, teaching and research are committed to optimizing the health and independence of seniors in the Champlain region. Website:

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    Reviews how to support workplace and colleagues as a result of suicide, along with workplace bullying and strategies to minimize suicide rates.

    Reference: The workplace suicide prevention toolkit: Center for Suicide Prevention, Canadian Mental Health Association; 

    © Center for suicide prevention, All contents of the Centre for Suicide Prevention Web Site are: © Centre for Suicide Prevention and/or its suppliers. All rights reserved.

  • Show description [+]

    This resource describes the variety of theories as to why elder abuse and neglect can occur and will assist homes in planning a comprehensive education program.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2014). Appendix E of Preventing and Addressing Abuse and Neglect of Older Adults: Person-Centred, Collaborative, System-Wide Approaches. Toronto, Canada: Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. Pp 100-102.

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    The link takes you to the COllege of Nurses of Ontario webcast on Therapeutic Nurse-Client Relationship – Maintaining Boundaries

    College of Nurses of Ontario. (2011). Therapeutic Nurse-Client Relationship – Maintaining Boundaries. [Webcase]. Retrieved from 


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    This site from Capital District health Authority, Halifax, Nova Scotia includes a vignette showing a daughter recognizing that her mother's behaviour has changed suddenly and therefore is not just related to her dementia. Delirium is described in the video and the site includes other information and resources for delirium.

    Reference: This is not My Mom Website:

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    Amy Edmondson, Novartis Professor of Leadership and Management at Harvard Business School, describes three key actions to foster a psychologically safe work environment. In a 4 minute video she highlights;

    1. Frame the work – leaders need to let workers know why the work is so important and remind people the work done in health care is uncertain and there is a potential for error. It is suggested in the video the need to be open and bring full self to work

    2. Model fallibility –Leaders need to be inclusive “hey I may miss something, I need your help” she suggest leaders actively get input from others.

    3. Embrace, thank people and close the loop.

    IHI: Institute of Healthcare Information. (2017, August). Three ways to create psychological safety in health care. [Video file]. Retrieved from
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    Ideas to conduct a conference with individuals and families to assist with decision making at end-of-life.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (2011). Appendix H of End-of-Life Care During the Last Days and Hours. Toronto, ON: Author. pp. 109-110.

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    A toolkit from Mental Health Commission of Canada information and access to resources on suicide grief, immediate aftermath, advocacy, information for first nations and capacity building tools.

    Reference: Available online: Toolkit for survivors of suicide loss and Postvention professionals; 

    © (2013) Mental Health Commission of Canada. All rights reserved. All materials (including the organization and presentation of such material) on this Web site (the "Materials") are the property of MHCC and its licensors and may be protected by intellectual property laws including laws relating to copyrights, trade-marks, trade-names, internet domain names and other similar rights. Access and use of this Web site is provided by MHCC to accept identified and agree to the listed Terms of Use; such as the information must only be used for lawful purposes, no interference to the website, visit the terms of use periodically as it is updated regularly.

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    Tools to Support Early Identification for Palliative Care. The aim of this document is to support providers and system level leadership in earlier identification of patients who would benefit from palliative care.

    Retrieved from:

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    This information sheet from the Canadian Continence Foundation- describes what bladder training is, provides tips to decide whether bladder training is feasible and how to get started.

    Retrieved from:


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    A detailed, 8 page assessment of urinary and bowel continence issues that can be completed by a staff. Treatment options are suggested and a client record sheet is included.

    Reference: Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (2006). Transdisciplinary Patient/Client Continence Assessment Tool. Toronto, Canada: Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. Retrieved from:

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    This PSHSA Fast Fact is intended to provide workplace parties with information that can help improve transition of care practices. Improving transitions in care results in improved employee and client safety.

    Retrieved from: -care-fast-fact/ 

    Reference: PSHSA - Public Services Health and Safety Association © 2025

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    Public Services Health & Safety Association (PSHSA) web tutorial describes the transition of care process, challenges and opportunities to improve practice when supporting those going through a healthcare transition of care.

    PSHSA - Public Services Health and Safety Association © 2024.Retrieved from:





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    This Transition of Patients to Long-Term Care Following a Stroke Canadian Stroke Best Practice Recommendations identify what is required to have a successful transition.

    Reference: Canadian Stroke Best Practice Recommendations. Managing Stroke Transitions of Care (July 2016).

    Retrieved from:

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    This resource includes the key components of successful transitions to long-term care after a stroke: 1. Assessment and Care Planning. 2. Rehabilitation and Restorative Care; and 3. Support and Education for the Person with Stroke and Their Family. These include recommendations  specifically to persons with stroke who are new or living in long-term care at the time of their stroke. This resource is also useful for chronic or continuing care settings.

    Reference - Heart and Stroke Foundation (2019). 6th edition. Section 5. Transition to Long-Term Care Following a Stroke. Retrieved from


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    Management of Chronic Non-Cancer Pain – Center for Effective Practice
    “This tool is designed to help family physicians and nurse practitioners (primary care providers) develop and implement a management plan for adult patients with chronic non-cancer pain (CNCP). This tool applies to, but is not limited to pain conditions such as osteoarthritis, low back pain, musculoskeletal pain, fibromyalgia and neuropathic pain.”

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    Appendix E pages 128-130 of the BPG Delirium, Dementia and Depression in Older Adults: Assessment and Care (2016) identifies the major types of dementia and a description of each.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2016). Delirium, Dementia, and Depression in Older Adults: Assessment and Care. Toronto, ON, Canada: Author. Retrieved from

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    U-FIRST! Is a proven and effective approach to working with people with dementia. Through dialogue and a case-based approach, learners will have more confidence in working with people with responsive behaviours. Training is especially designed for people working in community care, acute care and long-term care. For more information visit  Permission to post obtained from Cathy Conway.

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    The University of Tasmania, Australia, offers a free online course on Understanding Dementia. The course is delivered over 7 week, in order to obtain the most from this course, participants should expect to spend approximately 3 hours per week engaging with the course content and activities. 

    University of Tasmania. (n.d.). Understanding dementia. Retrieved from


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    The educational website contains:

    • A narrated presentation about pain and dementia
    • A downloadable resource pack for family members, and
    • A downloadable pain-log and the PAINAD assessment tool (Warden, Hurley, Volicer, 2003)

    A facilitator's toolkit of background material, a planning guide, promotional material, and supplemental information for organizations who wish to conduct a workshop using he materials.

    Retrieved from:

    This link takes you to the CDRAKE and AKE combined activities to form an exciting new network.

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    This link takes you to the College of Nurses of Ontario website and includes information on understanding restraints and the key accountabilities nurses have related to restraint use.

    College of Nurses of Ontario (2018). Understanding Restraints. Toronto, ON: Author. Retrieved from



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    This falls prevention poster lists approaches for safe environments, mobility, fall risk reduction and engaging patients and families.

    Sources: Degelau et al., 2012; Scott, 2013; Wallis & Campbell, 2011.

    Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario.  (2017).  RNAO Prevention of Falls and Reducing Injury from Falls Best Practice Guideline. (4th Ed.).  Toronto, ON: Author. Pg. 115

    This work is funded by the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care

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    This powerpoint presentation aimed at health care providers, describes bladder physiology, classifies and identifies medications that contribute to incontinence and pharmacological treatments used for urinary incontinence. It is also available in french

    Alston, Jillian ( 2020) Urinary Incontinence & Medications- Clinician Learning Series. Ontario. Retrieved from

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    This resource highlights a treatment plan for an elderly person with a diagnosis of memory impairment who develops a urinary tract infection that results in delirium. 

    © 2022 Alzheimer's Society.

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    This presentation gives a summary of the research evidence on UTI’s in Long Term Care. It discusses challenges in diagnosis, treatment and prevention of UTI’s. Developed by Barbara Grace Cowie, RN MN, Nurse Continence Advisor, Advanced Practice Nurse, West Park Healthcare Centre.

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    The Centre for Effective Practice provides the BPSD Discussion Guide designed to help providers understand, assess, and manage residents in long-term-care homes with behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia, with a focus on antipsychotic medications.

    Reference: Centre for Effective Practice (2016). Use of Antipsychotics in Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia (BPSD) Discussion Guide. Retrieved from

    © April 2016. Version 2. Centre for Effective Practice Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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    This is a one-page algorithm that is part of Public Health Ontario’s Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Program. It clearly describes signs and symptoms of UTI’s and promotes ‘watchful waiting’ as an acceptable alternative before treating probable UTI’s. Is suitable for posting on a bulletin board.

    Reference: Public Health Ontario (PHO). 2019. Assessment algorithm for urinary tract infections (UTIs) in medically stable non-catheterized residents. Accessed Mar. 13, 2019.

    © 2019 Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion

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    This PHO resource provides basic facts about asymptomatic bacteriuria

    Reference: Public Health Ontario, 2014, Asymptomatic Bacteriuria Fact Sheet. Retrieved from

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    This fact sheet is part of Public Health Ontario’s Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Program. It succinctly describes the evidence for not using dipsticks to diagnose UTI’s. Is suitable for sharing with staff, residents and families.

    Reference: Public Health Ontario (PHO). Revised 2019.Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Program Evidence to Support Discontinuing the Use of Dipsticks to Diagnose a UTI in Residents of Long-Term Care Homes (LTCHs)

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    This resource can be used by health care providers at the long-term care homes (LTCHs) when consulting or meeting with friends and families of residents who have questions about a LTCH’s approach to managing suspected UTIs.

    Reference: Public Health Ontario (PHO). Revised 2016. Retrieved from

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    This PowerPoint presentation is part of Public Health Ontario’s Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Program. It provides an overview of how to implement a UTI program.

    Reference: Public Health Ontario (PHO). 2017.  UTI Program (PHO) Management of UTIs in Non-catheterized Long-Term Care Home Residents.

    © 2017 Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion

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    This policy and procedure is part of Public Health Ontario’s Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Program. It is a comprehensive policy that could be adapted by long term care homes and other health care organizations. It is complimented by a guidance document available on the PHO website.

    Reference: Public Health Ontario (PHO). Revised 2019. UTI Program: Sample policy and procedure for assessment and management of urinary tract infections (UTIs) in non-catheterized residents. Retrieved from




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    This Public Health Ontario resource provides a list of UTI symptoms, contrasts between non-catheterized and catheterized residents and when not to send a specimen.

    Reference: Public Health Ontario, 2014, When To Collect A Urine Specimen For Culture And Sensitivity Fact Sheet. Retrieved from

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    Public Health Ontario (PHO) has developed the Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Program in response to concerns about the overuse of antibiotics for presumed UTI's in residents in long-term care homes (LTCHs) and the associated antibiotic-related harms. The Program contains a number of tools for assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation of a program to reduce UTI’s in LTC homes.

    Reference: Public Health Ontario (PHO), 2019. Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Program.

    Retrieved Aug. 4, 2022 from

    © 2022 Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


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    This is a comprehensive list of reasons for delirium that need to be considered before assuming that a change in mental status is due to a UTI. 

    Public Health Ontario (2019).UTI Program (PHO)- Causes of Delirium and Mental Status Changes retrieved from

    © 2022 Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion

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    Webinar Presentation by Vision Nursing Home's Kathleen Waller, BPSO Lead and Charge Nurse An overview of Vision Nursing Home's journey through their BPSO year one candidacy while implementing the Best Practice Guideline on Prevention of Falls and Fall Injuries in the Older Adult. It highlights strategies and processes during implementation and for sustainability, includes challenges and successes, data collection, monitoring and evaluation.

    Kathleen Waller. [Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario]. (2016, Jan 28). Best Practice Spotlight Organization's journey in implementing the Prevention of Falls in the Elderly best practice guideline. [Video]. YouTube.


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    This is a brightly coloured, one page pamphlet/poster that describes signs of elder abuse and gives resources. This is one of a suite of resources from Elder Abuse Ontario in the Helping Seniors section of their website.

    Reference: Elder Abuse Ontario. 2015. Warning Signs of Elder Abuse. Accessed Feb. 2, 2017 from

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    This pamphlet has an algorithm to help decide on whether and to whom to report elder abuse, as well as elder abuse resources in Ontario. This is one of a suite of resources from Elder Abuse Ontario in the Helping Seniors section of their website.

    Web Source: Elder Abuse Ontario. 2015. What To Do If You Suspect Elder Abuse.

    Reference: Elder Abuse Ontario. 2015. What To Do If You Suspect Elder Abuse. Accessed Feb. 2, 2017 at file:///C:/Users/sumani/Downloads/What-To-Do-If-You-Suspect-Elder-Abuse-2016.pdf

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    This Hamilton Health Sciences patient education resource provides an overview of ostomies, signs of malnutrition and dehydration and offers food and fluid choices to try, explaining possible effects of these choices and the reasons for these choices.

    Reference: What to eat and drink when you have a high output ostomy. (Nov. 2009). Hamilton Health Sciences. Retrieved from:  

    © Hamilton Health Sciences, 2009 PD 6629 - 11/2009 dpc/pted/HighOutputOstomyWhatToEat-trh.doc dt/November 4, 2009

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    This pamphlet is helpful in preparing families and caregivers for understanding the final stage of life.  

    Prepared by Ida Tigchelaar, RN, Palliative Care Pain & Symptom Management/Education Consultant, Oxford & Elgin Counties of Ontario.

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    This document offers talking points on the connection between oral and overall health. Oral health can influence other body systems, while therapies for chronic diseases can have an impact on the oral cavity and nurses can use this fact sheet while talking to residents and families about the importance of oral hygiene.  

    The Canadian Dental Hygienist Association. (2015). Talking points – whole body health requires oral health. [Fact sheet]. Retrieved from

    Source: Canadian Dental Hygienists Association

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    This CNO document discusses the nurses’ role when working with unregulated care providers.

    Reference: College of Nurses of Ontario (2013) Working With Unregulated Care Providers Retrieved from:

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    This WHO site consists of suicide data, prevention videos and the mhGAP Intervention Guide with a module on self-harm/suicide.

    Reference: Retrieved from  

    © Copyright World Health Organization (WHO), 2017. All Rights Reserved.

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    Wound infection assessment tools, NERDS© and STONEES© are methods used to systematically assess for superficial critical colonization (localized infection) and deeper and surrounding infection (systemic infection), respectively, in people with pressure injuries. The methods described in this resource are suggestions that were identified through the systematic review and by feedback from the expert panel or external reviewers. Both kinds of infections must be treated in order to avoid delays in wound healing.

    Reference: Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario, (2024). Appendix N of Pressure injury management: Risk assessment, prevention and treatment - Fourth edition. Toronto, Canada: Author. pp. 111-112.

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    This free e-learn modules which cover everything from the skin structure and blood composition right up to pressure ulcers and a guide to prevention. Each training module has interactive diagrams and has a certificate when the module is completed. To test comprehensive learning the user can read a case study and try and heal a wound.

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    Copyright notice Unless otherwise noted, all contents of EGWA, including but not limited to words, images and sounds, are: © 2001-present Smith & Nephew. All rights reserved. You may not reproduce, copy, download or distribute any content of this site without first obtaining express written permission from Smith & Nephew. Violations of Smith & Nephew’s copyrights may result in civil and criminal penalties.

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    Wounds Care (formally CAWC) s a non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of wound prevention and management by being the leading knowledge mobilization organization relating to wounds in Canad

    Wounds canada. (n.d.).

    The wounds canada website provides information on the role of the organization and educational offerings that support the advancement of wound care in Canada.


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    This Canadian Stroke Best Practices guide is for adults who have had a stroke, their care partners, family and friends. It helps in understanding stroke, providing strategies for recovery, living with changes, preventive measures, support and resources.